Showing posts with label habit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label habit. Show all posts

Monday, 24 July 2023

"APPRECIATION" - Geetankshi Tamta

Small word, huh? Sure is, but it holds a tremendous meaning.

Appreciation- A feeling or expression of admiration or gratitude. 

Is that it? I don't think so. 

We often describe 'appreciation' as a core value. When in reality, it's a habit.

Yup! You read it right. Appreciation is not a value. It's a habit which you have to practice daily. 

Now You must be wondering why you should practice appreciation? Shouldn't it come from the heart?

Well, yes, my wonderful readers, you are right. It should come from the heart. But for that too, you must be conscious enough to realize the good things happening around you. In a world full of negativity, consciously and willingly choosing to look at the bright side of everything is what makes appreciation a habit.  

To appreciate something, you should take the time and patience to realize its value, whether it's an opportunity, a thing, or even a person. You can't appreciate a three-course meal you get each day unless you stop complaining about the taste of the food or about how much you hate potatoes. And take time to realize how blessed you are to receive that meal. You won't be able to appreciate your friend's efforts if you won't stop complaining about their bad jokes or loud laugh. Take time and appreciate them for their companionship and support. Instead of being upset with your mother for not buying you that colour box, try appreciating her for her kindness and love for you.

The world can be a whole different place if everyone starts appreciating each other for all the good things they do instead of complaining about their faults; we have to be conscious of actions to make appreciation a habit.

And as Mahatma Gandhi said- 

Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny. 

So, let's start it today. From now on, each day take a few minutes from your day to sit alone. And with a deep breath, think of all the amazing things and people you can appreciate in your life. Trust me. It will make a huge difference [in a wonderful way]. 

P.S.- It is my first-ever blog.

Written by-

Geetankshi Tamta

(Brand, PR & Marketing Agent at My Good School)

Saturday, 7 January 2023

What You Believe Is What You Achieve - Rishona Chopra

Our lifestyle relies on it – the quality of our thoughts, feelings, attitude, habits, personality and finally, our destiny. This means what we believe has a dominating influence on our future. We cannot afford to hold a single wrong belief. Society spreads limiting beliefs like Anger is necessary, Happiness is in achievements, Stress is natural, People and situations decide how I feel, and so on. Believing "anger is necessary", we used anger repeatedly. Although we set such a belief in our mindset, does our destiny know about this belief? It is simply influenced by our thoughts. Each thought of yours affects us, what we think we do. My thoughts full of anger come out in words; my words can influence my actions.

For example -
Due to some reason, I was angry at someone, and I started shouting at them. The situation didn't calm down, so I started hitting them. Without thinking, my thought became my words, and they became my actions. I began to respect it again and again. Soon, getting angry about the most minor things became my habit. Slowly, it became my character, and then my destiny followed along through karma. It becomes too late when we realise it has become our character because, at that stage, you simply can't reverse yourself without karma following along. You could change, there is a possibility, but your past actions won't. Therefore, start with your thoughts. Improve your thinking, and soon your positive thoughts will become your destiny.

Rishona Chopra       
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 7 February 2022

Giving - Ananya Bhatia


In my opinion, Giving is one thing that almost everyone performs every day. Giving can be in many forms.

Giving can be done by giving someone time, hope, food, clothes, work and even respect. Can everyone give every day? Yes, it is possible. For, e.g. A teacher gives their time to students every day; even our parents give us a new value every day from being a child to an adult by teaching us how to talk, walk, eat, study, behave with others other small habits.

We, as children, go to school and share our Lunch boxes with friends that are also giving. I have read a beautiful quote about giving in Bhagwad Gita, which says A gift is pure when given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. In simple words, if you are giving anything to anyone, give it by heart and do not expect anything in return. Giving is also beneficial for the person who is giving. This is a fact about which it is mentioned in Sam Veda that One who gives in charity always gets happiness and a sense of self-satisfaction.

Ananya Bhatia, IX, Ahlcon Public School
I like reading books.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Courage - Shaurya Buchade

Hi, I am Shaurya Buchade from Grade II – A. Meaning of my name “Shaurya” is “ brave and courageous”, and I always behave accordingly!

It is said that no one is born courageous, but one can develop a habit to be it. When I was 2 yrs old, I had a phobia of playing on swings, slides at the playground. My Mom started taking me to the garden regularly, where other kids of my age group used to play on slides very confidently and quickly; my mother encouraged me to do the same, but my little heart got filled with fear by the thought of climbing a slide. But, one day, I developed courage and mounted on the slide slowly with my mother’s help and then experienced its joy. I had conquered my fear forever. If I had not taken that small courageous action on that day, I would have missed all the fun and joy of playing with my peers in the playground.

One should have confidence in themselves; courage automatically follows. Whenever you face a problem, think for some time, and then find a solution and solve it.

Every season has a beautiful reason.

Every problem has a meaningful message.

All we need is a fresh vision.

Name: Shaurya Buchade

Grade: 2A

Billabong High International School, Thane

Good Schools Of India