Showing posts with label habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label habits. Show all posts

Monday, 16 September 2024

The Inner Life Of Animals

Reading for The Retreat 2024

Hi, Iʼm reading this book and wanted to share this quote with you. "Our dog Barry was a little wimp. As I have mentioned, before he came to us, he had already been passed along by a number of different owners. For the rest of his life he was scared of being abandoned, and he always got extremely worked up when he was taken along while we visited friends. If you are a dog, how are you supposed to know whether you’re going to be handed away yet again? He showed his nervousness by panting non-stop, so we finally gave up, leaving the distressed animal alone in the house for a couple of hours instead. When we got back, it was easy to see that Barry was relaxed. He became deaf in his old age and couldn’t hear us arrive, sleeping soundly until he blinked up at us when he felt the wooden floorboards vibrate under our feet. So Barry is an example of an animal that lacks courage, but we want to take a look at the opposite trait, and to do that, let’s step out into the woods." (from "The Inner Life of Animals: Surprising Observations of a Hidden World" by Peter Wohlleben) 

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Friday, 7 April 2023

How can you build self-control? - Shristi Khulal

When it comes to self-control, I think of controlling one's actions and behaviour between right and wrong about oneself. A person with self-control is a sagacious, disciplined and focused one. To accomplish our dreams and goals is one of the most important things. A successful person always has self-control in himself.

Self-control can be in anything like emotions, habits, and many others which are not suitable or appropriate. There may be different ways for different people to build up self-control. I have many things that I try to control, especially my emotions l get too excited, nervous, excited and angry very quickly. Sometimes, I try to prevent these things by telling myself or my heart about the consequence of doing that thing. Being calm and relaxed helps with self-control in most situations. 

- Shristi Khulal

Reflections from reading
The Art of Focus.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Positive thinking - Rishona Chopra

Experiencing a life full of different events, which can be harmful at times, can be demanding and make life a difficult journey of ups and downs. We also realize that we can withstand and tolerate situations, and not only a few people but all of us try to some extent or the other. Of course, some of us fail entirely, also. 

There is no substitute for correct thinking when a difficult situation is in front of you. You think negatively but act according to the spiritual knowledge you have read. That will not make you successful in overcoming the situation. Inner habits of creating thoughts of fear, pessimism, hopelessness and impatience will not reduce, although we may temporarily feel positive based on what we have read or learnt. 

Inner habits are intense and have been inside the inner spiritual being or soul since many births. Each time we have performed an adverse action or created a negative thought, a sanskara was made based on that thought, word or action. This is the cycle of repetition. And this cycle keeps having a more powerful negative influence on us the more it is repeated. 

We must get out of this vicious cycle and convert these constant negative thoughts into positive ones. We have several goals, but the first goal should be to eliminate negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones. This takes a calm mind with determination. We should never think we can't be positive as we still have those qualities in us.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Never Give Up - Rishona Chopra

Nature has a lot to teach us; the spider teaches us to be patient and never give up. See how delicately a spider creates its web? Even despite failures, it is dedicated to making a home for itself. It is our habit to give up on the smallest of things. While playing snakes and ladders, we reach the top but finally get bit by a snake at 99, giving up trying again. When we complete the small things, the big stuff gets completed themselves.  

Have you told someone, or has someone told you – “You have made a particular habit since childhood, and you will never change.” Do you believe it is difficult or impossible to change a habit, especially if it is solid and old? First, we must change our pattern of saying, “I cannot change habits.” Absolutely any unhealthy or uncomfortable habit can be changed. Let’s not say “I have such an old habit of coming late… habit of gossiping… habit of being irritable… habit of skipping breakfast…So I cannot change.” 

Anything we repeatedly do becomes our habit. By avoiding or changing a few times, the old habit is finished. We need to constantly work on it even if we failed earlier. If we give up, it becomes more robust and weakens our willpower. Let’s confront our uncomfortable habits and ask ourselves – “Why should I change this habit? How to change? Do I want to change?” Once our want to change is substantial, changing becomes simple.

Is there anyone we know who has never changed a habit? Pretty sure there can be no one. Each of us has created certain habits and changed them for some reason. The wrong belief that we cannot change habits strengthens negative habits and blocks our transformation. Sit back and check how you control your habits and that your habits no longer hold you. As you check repeatedly and create thoughts of what you want your reality to be your willpower increases. You let go of uncomfortable habits, dependencies and addictions. You will easily be able to choose what stays on your mind. There will be no habit that you cannot change. You can get over deeper addictions, not just small habits like drinking too much tea or coffee or watching TV while eating. You will eventually become who you wish to be.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

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