Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 November 2024

The Doon School Visit - Arthur Foot Academy

मेरा नाम नाहिद है मुझे  सब से अच्छा लगा वहा का संदेश और हेडमास्टर जगप्रीत सिंह सर के साथ खाना खाने का सौ भाग्य लगा |

मेरा नाम साना है। The Doon School  की ख़ूबसूरती और अनुशासन देख कर मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |

मेरा नाम आयुष है | मेरे को सबसे अच्छा लगा खेलने का मैदान और संगीत की क्लास|  Thank you The Doon School.

मेरा नाम दीपिका है | मुझे सबसे अच्छी वहा की लाइब्रेरी  और पढ़ाई करने का तरीका लगा | दून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

 मेरा नाम रितिक है | मुझे  सबसे अच्छा लगा वहा की पढ़ाई , खेल के मैदान और वर्कशॉप, आदि | धन्यवाद दून स्कूल |

मेरा नाम अनित है | मुझे सबसे अच्छा लगा क्लबर कार और मिट्टी से बने बर्तन जो  दून स्कूल के बच्चों ने बना रखे थेदून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

मेरे नाम विधि है | मुझे  वहां घुमने और हरे भरे पेड़ पोधे  बहुत अच्छे लगें| धन्यवाद दून स्कूल|

मेरा नाम अक्षी कौर है | मेरे को सबसे अच्छा लगा लकड़ी और मिट्टी से बनी वस्तुए और   हमे  सब बच्चों को  और अध्यापको के  साथ  घुमने का अवसर प्राप्त  हुआ | दून स्कूल को धन्यवाद |

मैं समद मुझें द दून स्कूल के अध्यापक अच्छे लगे और वहाँ के बच्चों की बनाई हुई कला आकृतियों पेंटिंग अच्छी लगी, तथा मुझे वहाँ पर संगीत नाच कक्षाएँ भी काफी अच्छी लगी, खेलने का मैदान साफ सुंदर लग रहा था | खेलने के मैदान को देखकर मैं ये सोच रहा था कि हमारे स्कूल में भी एक ऐसा ही मैदान होता तो हम भी अच्छे से अलग अलग प्रकार के खेल खेला करते । अभी तक मैंने अपने जीवन में द दून स्कूल जैसा विद्यायल नहीं देखा ।

मैं प्रिंशी कौर मुझे द दून स्कूल में पेड़ पौधे मिटटी से बनाई हुई आकृतियों और लकडी से वस्तुएँ तथा खेलने का मैदान काफी अच्छा लगा।

Monday, 3 June 2024

Create Your Passion - Rishona Chopra

"You see things, and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were, and I say 'Why not'"

There is something in life that keeps us going,
A goal that lets hope keep flowing.
A candle in the dark,
The passion that leaves its mark.
We're all here for a purpose,
Something that needs to be created within us.
A passion which must keep going,
In order to keep growing.
You can only follow your passion once you create it,
Do what you love and don't hate it.
This life is precious,
Happiness is a must.
That purpose must be there,
And leave that whiff of happiness in the air.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 27 May 2024

What really matters? - Rishona Chopra

“As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.”
- Seneca 
Life is a precious thing. Perhaps, one of the most precious things on Earth. But what really matters in this life? Does it matter how long we live, or how we live? It's the tough question of Quantity or Quality. What matters more? But, what is the point of a long life if that life lacks quality? Lacks happiness, peace and content? If life has quality, then no matter how short, it does leave an impression and a good one. What's the point of a long life if it's full of sorrow? 

Life is like a book. Just like in a book, its quality matters. Its humour, mystery and uniqueness matter more than how big it is. It doesn't matter if a story is long, but if it has that quality, we turn back to read it again and again. 

Ultimately, we need to ensure that we live our lives to the fullest. This world is full of risks. Our life can take unexpected turns so we must live every moment. We struggle to live with content and happiness but a simple way is to look at all the good things in life. Let's count our blessings instead of focusing on the little wrong things. 

A moment without happiness is a moment wasted. And with a precious thing as life, we really can't afford to waste any. 

Rishona Chopra 

Grade VIII 
Gyanshree School

Friday, 2 February 2024

We are all connected and we are one - Nishan Karki

“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.” – Tom Ford 

All the human beings living in this world are connected to one another. Despite differences in race, religion, colour, custom and language, we are all one. We are somehow directly or indirectly connected to each other.

Connection with other people makes our life easier and happier. If we are connected to one another, it means we have someone to share our happiness and sadness and other emotions. We can help people in times of their distress and also get back help from others.

People who are lonely are lost (mentally) and do not seem very active. They do not indulge in conversation and do activities with other people. These people are not well connected to one another. 

Maybe, the lives of people who are not connected to others are not fun. But from many people's point of view, it may be fun.

Sometimes, I sing a song in my mind. Then after a few seconds, I hear another person singing the same song. This makes me wonder whether our minds are connected or not. This has happened several times.

Saturday, 27 January 2024

Myths Of Retirement - Rishona Chopra
Retirement; Young people often look forward to it and middle-aged ones dread it. To young ones, retirement seems to be about relaxation, peace, joy, television, vacation and all you ever wanted to do but couldn't. To middle-aged and working people, retirement seems to be synonymous with boredom, no work at all, loneliness, approaching death and the end of a career. 
Being a young minor, I would definitely say that retirement seems to be relaxation and enjoyment but this perspective is quite unlikely for the ones who are in dire need of it. 

Often people get rather upset, bored, and sad during retirement and invite problems for themselves and you can't blame them! They have been through a lot of changes in their life and change has never been easy to deal with. 

Most people need a change of perspective and that's why it's important to know a few myths of retirement that may change one's perspective about it. 

1st Myth: Retirement means the End of Work

Of course not! There is no age barrier to work! In fact, it's the perfect time to try out new things and explore your areas of interest! Create a new passion for yourself! And even if you don't find work to do instantly, it's always good to take a little rest. Relaxation may help you more and after years of work, you do deserve some!

2nd Myth: New Career Ambitions are for Young People

Nearly three out of five retirees launch into a new line of work after retirement! It's not because they need money but to stay mentally and physically active and more importantly do something they want to do. Age can never be a barrier and nothing else can if what you're doing is your true passion!
And something that happens after retirement is that you can just do things for yourself. Yes, we always feel the need to show others what we did but that's when we are free to do anything for our own happiness.

3rd Myth: Retirement Is A Time Of Decline

Well yes, you're growing old and ageing but you've still got a life to spend so live life happily and do things you never could. Yes indeed, you are approaching the end soon but this is the time to turn to spirituality if you already haven't. To actually regain yourself and know your true purpose. Not only will it help one embrace the "dreadful" time of death but also feel happy knowing that you have lived your life in crescendo. In a way, it's actually a sign that you need to do all the things in your life that you never did, relax and most importantly cherish these times! 

Retirement is a phase of life like any other and it's a beautiful phase. A unique one. 

" When you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else"

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 15 January 2024

Happiness and Life - Tenzin Jambey

Listen to the Podcast

As humans, we often contemplate the concepts of happiness and life. Our constant desire to improve our circumstances and seek inner peace is universal. In this week's "Reflection," Jambey, a bright student of My Good School, shares his thoughts on happiness, peace, and life. Through his personal experiences, he sheds light on how different perspectives can impact society. Join us as we explore the perspective of a young mind on life's journey, from finding the right path to losing our way. 
Enjoy the podcast, and if you wish to join us, please visit our website at #MyGoodSchool #JoyOfLearning.

Sunday, 31 December 2023

Tenzin Chonzom pours out her heart for My Good School!

Good evening, sir; this is Tenzin Chonzom ✨

We did a lot for today's class, but what reflected in my mind was that happiness is the result and not a cause.

I want to write a short note on this because of a discussion we had in class. 

It depends on external things. Its result, which comes from within due to our kind works, gives happiness. 

* Life of Crescendo (reflection)

. Life is a mission, not a career

. It tells About what keeps people growing

. We learned about the six paths

       : happiness is the result, not the cause 

       : stress is not bad

       : Physical exercise is essential and good 

. If you enjoy

        : Cash doesn't last

        : Stay involved in work

        : Maintenance of a robust social network

. Anyone who keeps learning stays young 🌱

. Staying focused

. It's all recognition of the abundance of facts. 

*Creating Passion 

Passions are developed through emotions, mainly through activities that you find to be fun.

As mentioned by Amerdeep sir in a previous session, he remarked, "DON'T FOLLOW PASSION. CREATE YOUR OWN PASSION." he has motivated me through all aspects of problems with his meeting in the session.


* Leaving 2023 and moving to 2024 ( learning I did from My Good School in this passing year )

 . Breaking goals into smaller steps makes them more accessible for students to comprehend. As mentioned by Amerdeep, sir.

My Good School always taught me never to stop dreaming and to keep learning and improving my reading, writing, and listening skills.

A good school encourages the young minds of students and is filled with positive thoughts.

Thank you, sir.

Tenzin Chonzom
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Friday, 29 December 2023

Life Lessons with Amardeep Singh - Tenzin Jambey

Tenzin Jambey of Pestalozzi Children’s Village India shares his reflections from the Sunday School on 24 December 2023, when we hosted a Meet and Greet with Amardeep Singh Rangar. Tenzin shares with us what being human is, how we yearn for peace, why money, perhaps the biggest sin for mankind, has made us lose our value system and much more. Please listen to his maiden podcast and share your love with him by posting your comments for the episode.

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Do it for yourself - Rishona Chopra

PC. VectorStock

Often, we find ourselves doing things to please someone else. To get appreciation. We all are like that, even I. It makes me feel happy when one appreciates me. But there is one more thing to the appreciation - the pressure. 

When one appreciates you, you feel burdened to always do well, be an achiever and keep striving but when you fall in that cycle, you lose the joy of doing the task in the very first place. You now don't do it for self-pleasure but to please someone else.

When we do that, the task eventually becomes a burden and all happiness is replaced by fear and nervousness. Whatever we do, we should be doing it just for ourselves. Not for seeking prestige and glory. 

Why are we here in this world? What is our purpose? To do our part in the world and be kind. That is our purpose. And the key to fulfilling that purpose is to be happy and content with ourselves. To do all our tasks for mere joy and happiness.

I write because it gives me joy. I read because it takes me to another world. I play the piano because it makes my heart soar with happiness. If I did all these things for someone else then it wouldn't give me the same joy that it gave me before.

There are two meanings that come out when we say “ Do it for yourself”. One is that we do something because it gives us happiness. Because we love that task. The second is to help out someone else yet enjoy the task and not lose the joy in doing it.

Helping out someone is fantastic but everything we must do must be done with passion and happiness. If no joy, the beauty of the work itself disappears.

When you eat the food at a restaurant and when you eat something homemade, there is a humongous difference! The food at home is made with love and you can feel that while eating the food.  The joy and passion in work are shown similarly no matter how it may look or be.

When we say "Joy of learning" the keyword isn't "Learning", it is "Joy". We learn for our own joy and happiness. 

As said, live your life for you, not for anyone else.

Rishona Chopra

Grade VII

Gyanshree School

Friday, 15 December 2023

Jai Hind - Tenzin Jambey

When I hear the word Jai Hind, my heart fills with pride and happiness. If we look at India, we will find that we are very far away from where our country started. Our India is developing day by day, but there are still many problems that arise in people's daily lives. Sometimes I really feel sad after seeing poverty, health issues, bad roads, corrupt ministers, and many other things.

How shocking it is that for the NEET examination, more than 17 lakh people appear, and the selection chances are only 7%. How shocking it is that more than 10 lakh students appear for the UPSC, out of which only 180 IAS are selected. How sad it is to hear that only 25000 students get selected for IIT, in which almost 11 lakh students compete.

We will find that in our country, we have many bright students who are willing to become doctors, engineers, and civil servants. Still, our country fails to have a good doctor and medical service in rural areas, and we fail to have a good government, although we have IAS officers. We fail to have proper roads and walking paths across our country, although we have so many engineers.

The harsh reality is that the people who have enough wealth and a proper position are serving each other. Even though millions of people in India are millionaires, problems like poverty exist.

We need to ask ourselves where we are going wrong. There must be a hole that needs to be filled in order to make our HINDUSTHAN better.

At last, we people need to support each other by forgetting all the differences we Indians have. How shameful it is that some people do not know where Arunachal Pradesh is located. Some say that it is located in northern India, and some say that it's in the south. Some people call the northeastern people Chinese. I wonder how having small eyes makes you Chinese, if it is so that people who have dark skin must be African and those who have fair skin must be Russian.

This all just does not make any sense. Why do we have to call each other by names because of their appearance? Aren't they humans?

Let's make our HINDUSTHAN stronger by holding the hands of each other, and the day when people of India will stay in unity with each other, that day I will climb up on a mountain and say "JAI HIND” with the national flag wrapping me.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children’s Village India

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

The Second Half Of Life - Shubhangi Kashyap

Some purpose in life gives us fulfilment and joy, and that can bring us the experience of happiness.....

IN 1940, during a time referred to as Britain's darkest hour...

Let's start with just one single step to keep our momentum going. In his bestselling book Dare to be 100, Walter Bortz, a doctor and respected authority on successful...

George Burns was one of the few entertainers whose career successfully spanned the generation of vaudeville radio, television, film, standup comedy, records, books and movies... Burns perhaps delivered his finest screen performance in the bittersweet comedy Going in Style 1979).....

Shubhangi Kashyap
Class VIII
Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel

Sunday, 29 October 2023

How to find happiness in everything I do- TENZIN JAMBEY

Many of my friends say that hard work is the key to success, but I believe that hard work without happiness, peace of mind, love, and knowledge doesn't bring you success.
Happiness is the state of mind when we feel relief and are free from all the worries, and at that moment we feel satisfied. Human activities are never-ending, and they have no end point. Under this human desire is something that is unlimited and endless. The more you have, the more you want. Some people don't achieve what they want. How sad it is that in this short life we won't get what we want so desperately. Life becomes a burden if we do things we don't like; therefore, it is very important to find where our heart lies. Many people on this earth want to achieve everything, but we must understand that we can never achieve everything; we can only achieve the things where our hearts lie.

We will be able to achieve only those things that have a connection with your life and that you love. Therefore, we need to find a way, a medium, a sphere, or an environment where all the activities are to your liking. We would never find happiness in all the things we do.

Just an example of myself I never loved doing math, nor did I get happiness after solving any questions. In this case, how can one find happiness in things in which he has no interest? When I took environmental studies as my subject, I loved it, and I got both happiness and interest from learning it. Now, when I connect my life with this subject, I get happiness, as my life revolves only around the things that make me feel happy, not sad.
As our lives are so short, we should not waste our time doing things we dislike. We should always work hard, keeping in mind that we are putting hard work into things that give us happiness and satisfaction.

Pestalozzi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- Canva

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Looking for happiness - Rishona Chopra


It is something we all try to look for in everything. Everything temporary. We look for happiness in a cup of ice cream, but when that ice cream finishes, so does our happiness. Why isn't our happiness long-lasting and in our control? If we look for happiness in a pen, once the pen is broken, our happiness will be broken, too. We are the authors of our books. We are the hand that controls the pen. But in this case, isn't the pen controlling the hand? Aren't our feelings going in control of someone else?

When someone does something not to our satisfaction, we lose our happiness. In that way, can't that external person take control of when we are happy and when we are sad?

Another instance is when we see one of our family members or friends sad, we often tell them, "If you are sad, I will also be sad," but that is not the way. Again, someone else is controlling our feelings. Why not cheer them up instead?

The journey of looking for happiness is quite an interesting one. At every moment, we realise that we are giving control to someone else or something else. Even though I always hear this, I have not fully found happiness in myself. I have not found happiness being alone with nothing, but we all learn at every step of life, and so am I. 

There are a few lines I remember from a book I read, they were:
"Never search for your happiness in others; it will make you feel alone. Search it yourself, and you will feel happy even if you are left alone."

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Friday, 6 October 2023

The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else

For me, happiness is not always dependent on the presence of any person. Happiness can also be developed within ourselves. Every situation has a choice. It depends on us what we choose to do.

"Being happy is a choice, being sad is a choice. Its just you who decides with what mood your day is gonna go with. "

Tenzin Nyingsel

Pestalozzi Children's Village India
Image Courtesy- New Scientist

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Reflection on Life - Tenzin Jambey

Life is a journey where we encounter many things that give us beautiful moments and memories. Sometimes, life provides us with a bundle of happiness, but sometimes, it gives us a lot of sadness and sorrow. Happiness and sadness, failing and winning and laughing and crying are part of our lives, but still, we get depressed thinking about the things that make us sad. 

My friend said that life is short; instead of doing what you like, why are you doing what you don't like. I said that life is strange sometimes to fit in the community; we need to sacrifice our happiness. Sometimes thinking about the future makes me feel worried, but sometimes it makes me feel happy that life may make you a successful person in future. 

We never know how unpredictable our life is when our last goodbye is. At last, we should live our every second with happiness because the moment we are sad, we love every second of joy. Therefore, come out from the world of sadness and live happily.

Image courtesy- Unsplash

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children Village India

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

My Contribution To Change The World - Tenzin Jambey

What will be my contribution to making the world a better place?

One person can not change the whole world, but we must understand that to bring peace, we all must contribute our efforts together. 

Every person can not reach out to the whole world; some people who are illiterate, uneducated and poor don't have access to the other side of the world. But, yes! There is a world for simple people, even if they don't know how the world looks outside their village and town.

One day, my grandmother asked me where this place called Dehradun actually lies because she had never stepped out of the village. Like my grandmother, people in the town know nothing about the states, countries, continents, world and planets. 

This is how life looks without education; without education, we cannot see the world beyond our surroundings. 

Still, even though the world of the illiterate people is limited, there is a world for them: their surroundings, where they live with their family, community and the different forms of life like animals and birds. 

Some people think that illiterate people are fools and dummies like zombies who can't feel, but no, they are wrong. As I have lived among educated and uneducated people, I know how different people think and live. 

Some people do very well in education and technology but use those skills badly. Hackers, people who indulge in cybercrime, corrupted ministers, and many more can be mentioned. Some uneducated people are pure from their hearts; they know nothing about the bad stuff, and the educated people always exploit them.

The world of uneducated and poor people is brutal to live in; they don't get food to eat, but some rich people spend a lot of money on ordering varieties of food, but all of it goes wasted! Well, to make the world a better place, both the educated and uneducated people must connect with each other. Every individual must give their best in all ways they can to make a sustainable future and a peaceful world.

I will always respect all the people of different castes and religions, and I will always try to be polite to others and keep my environment healthy. I will help the people who are in need. I will utilise education correctly and avoid the bad stuff that would hurt the sentiments and interests of people around me. 


I will think beyond the looks and try to reflect and understand as much as possible. I will always accept others and their opinion, thoughts and ideas. 

If everyone follows the good path, then our efforts will undoubtedly result in overcoming unwanted activities and things like illiteracy, poverty, pollution, exploitation, global warming, food wastage, tribal clash, discrimination, racism, crimes, murders, rapes, child labour and many more activities that harm the interest of the people.

Lastly, we are the ones who create trouble for ourselves, and we get disturbed by it. Some of our actions are the outcome of sadness & depression, which come when our happiness dies. Therefore, we must be happy and have peace of mind. Sadness and depression result in unwanted activities and things that I mentioned earlier. That's why happiness should be our priority- it will serve as a pillar in changing the world.

Tenzin Jambey

Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

My Contributions To Change The World - Nishan Karki

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” – Booker T. Washington.

Picture Courtesy:

Today's world needs a change. There are many disparities among people. One hates others on grounds of caste, religion, colour, gender, etc. To end all these disparities, people's support and contributions are required. If these disparities end, the world will become peaceful. There will be no chaos.

Even one person can make a great impact. Many people contribute to changing the world. I also want to be one of these people. I want to see the world changing. For this, I want to make all the possible contributions.

I would like to make the following contributions to change the world:- 
  • It is correctly said by someone that education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. So, take and give education. 
  • We should do small acts of kindness. Even a tiny kind word can warm three winter months. Similarly, even small acts of kindness can have an everlasting impact on people. I want that impact to start with me. 
  • Protection of the Environment has been a matter of great concern in today's world. Environmentalists strive to protect ecosystems from harmful human activities. We can live peacefully only if there is a safe and conducive environment. I would like to contribute to this field. I also want to tell people about the effects of pollution and the ways to reduce it. 
  • Instead of spending money on unnecessary things, I would like to donate money to charity. Many people donate a large amount of money to charity. For example, Bill Gates, Ratan Tata, Warren Buffett, Shiv Nadar, etc. It is a good way of helping poor and needy people. 
  • I would like to spend more time with people and talk with them about changing the world. It will also help me utilise my time instead of wasting time unnecessarily.
I have mentioned above that even one person can make a great impact. Don’t wait for a very long time; start the things to change the world. Make your contributions. Give your 100%. It starts with you. If you do not start now, you will never be ahead.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Friday, 15 September 2023

Life At My Pace - Aati Pema

While I procrastinate, I remember some things that make me want to curl up and stop existing and others that make me grateful for them happening.

What you're about to read would be hard to actually sympathise with and enjoy if I do not give you the setup, so I hope you enjoy it.

I was a young boy almost in 5th grade, and being raised in Ladakh, I was like many drawn to the waters not by the thirst to drink but with the desire to immerse myself in the bone-chilling waters; though many could not swim, it did not stop us from enjoying it. For me personally, I remember embracing and enjoying every aspect of it, the bone-chilling river young from the glaciers making our nose redder than Rudolf's, the clear sky with its thin atmosphere letting the scorching sun bath us with its warmth as we lay on the sandy banks. The whole experience was perfected by the breathtaking views of the mighty mountains touching the clouds with their tips where it snowed permanently.

Now that you know how it was to be there, I will tell you a secret: we were not allowed to go near the river. But it only made it more of an adventure, so we used to make these plans to go to which place when, and we were always on the lookout for new spots. One day, one of my friends came excitedly and said that he had found a great place and we had to see it. The problem was that my hand was plastered, but I let it off and went anyway.

When we went there, we reached a gate with spikes, which I barely managed to get over. As we approached the pool, I saw why he was so excited. Usually, the waters would be high and were a continuous river, but from time to time, it lowered and let small ponds reveal themselves. It was one of such ponds, but it was unique because it was steaming, and the water was pleasantly warm a natural hot spring! 

We did not need any invite going bare; we jumped right in. I ensured my left arm was always above water and could enjoy just as much. After we were done it was almost dark we were glad that we had gone on a weekend, but as we reached the road I saw my mother searching for me, and when she saw she was not happy! We were scolded for a while, and my friends were asked whether they needed to be dropped home, but as their houses were just a bit away, they went after apologising. 

As I said bye to my friends, I told them where I had been and was again scolded for my carelessness. But till we reached our home, my mother's anger had subsided after having dinner as I lay in the bed with my mother watching a serial I did not know. I fell asleep while still thinking it was great. I did not know how to describe my feelings then, but I do now. It was a pure, immense sense of happiness and gratitude for everything: my mother, friends, and homeland.

This was one day of my life, but this made a part of me.

- Aati Pema
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Be true to yourself - Tulsi Karki

Picture Courtesy:

Being true to yourself means thinking and acting in ways that align with your values and feelings rather than the values of others. 

If you are living true to yourself, you feel confident in your identity and you are pursuing goals that you know will lead to your happiness. 

It is really important to be true to yourself it will be your guide to living a life for yourself. A life that is fulfilling and filled with all of the things that make you joyful and allow you to live a life of purpose, whatever that looks like for you. 

Hence, the only way to live your life happily is to be who you are, not caring what other people might think or say about it. 

People are going to judge you anyway, so you might as well forget society and be like others. But keep one thing in mind you have to be true to yourself at every moment of your life. 

Tulsi Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Friday, 25 August 2023

Success is Good but Significance is Better - Tenzin Norsang

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An unknown author said it so well, “Success is good, but significance is better.” 

People of today’s world have come to think that money is everything to gain happiness in one’s life. 

Well, there is no doubt that you need it to lead a beautiful life, but it provides us bliss only to some extent. It can buy us the most luxurious and fancy things in this world. But still, it cannot buy us internal peace, true love and happiness. 

We seek all these only when we give ourselves to others that we find true merriness. 

A wise man once said, “Selfless service is the rent that one should pay to live on this planet.” Through selfless service, we make others jubilant and content. It also soothes our hearts with pleasure. It fills our minds with positivity and everlasting memories. 

Helping others leads you to the path of finding your purpose in life. It also assists you in discovering inner peace.  Wealth can only define a person's financial status. It cannot express their humility. 

If someone wants to be successful, earning money should be one of his priorities. However, it shouldn't become their highest priority. The highest priority in one’s life should be helping others achieve success. 

As a wise man once said, and I quote, “The one who holds the purse, holds the power”, which is a universal truth. An affluent person is bestowed with two powers and must choose between them. They can either lend a helping hand to the weaker sections of society, alleviating their suffering, or they can exploit them to the fullest, misuse their power, and instil fear in their hearts. 

It is rightly said that a wealthy person’s humility is defined by how they spend their money. Leaving a positive impact on society is achievable by extending a helping hand to those in need.

In summary, money is something that provides temporary satisfaction and happiness. Accumulating wealth can grant power and high status in life, but it will not grant happiness. One can achieve the greatest happiness by giving oneself to others and adding value to their lives. What matters most in life is not just personal success, but also significance.

Tenzin Norsang
Pestalozzi Children's Village. India.