Monday, 12 August 2024
Friday, 8 December 2023
Jai Hind - Pasang Sherpa
Friday, 13 October 2023
Two men looked out the prison bars; one saw mud, one saw stars - Nishan Karki
The image is for representation only.
Monday, 14 August 2023
A kind word can warm three months of winter - Smarika Karki
Saturday, 22 July 2023
People are more important than things - Tenzin Jambey
Some people will choose expensive things, luxury items and valuable commodities over human beings, and some will give more importance to humans than any other things, even over the bag of gold and diamond. We all know very well that everyone is not the same. And therefore, one person can not change or bring goodness to others. First, we should be one to improvise our mindset, and we should be the ones to bring a good change in ourselves.
It is so true that people who have been close to death always give importance to other humans. These people respect all classes of people- from young to old and from poor to rich. I still remember the tragedy of my uncle, who once almost lost his life after being stuck under a rock while working. Nowadays, he is earning his life by serving as a driver. He has a very kind heart. He respects everyone. And sometimes he gives a free ride to the labours and workers as he has also been a labour and he knows their conditions of working and the level of physical hard work they do.
If we are kind to others, then goodness comes to us through 'Karma'. When we give others love, care and importance, we get it all back from others. Having a great affection towards earthly things like gold and diamond would make your heart much like coal. But if you give importance and are affectionate towards humans, your work and contribution will always be remembered and told. It is not only the humans to whom we should give importance but also the animals, plants and our mother Earth, as in this world, everything is interconnected to each other in some way or the other.
At last, I want to bring up a powerful thought to acknowledgement- "When we were born the world rejoiced while we cried. Therefore, do a work that the world will cry when you die with rejoicing and happiness”.
Written by-
Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.
Tuesday, 20 June 2023
A Cause That Is Dear To Me - Keyura Rao Cheeti
Saturday, 10 June 2023
Being Human - Tenzin Jambey
Having a good brain, two hands, two legs, two eyes, and a good outlook doesn't make you a human. Being human means being kind to humans and other living beings like animals, birds and insects. Being human means having a kind, gentle heart and personality with a positive attitude toward everything. Some people have no mercy and love for people, and they do kidnappings and murders. People are killing people than just thinking about the way of treatment given to animals; these people are no less than a monster who has no mercy and love for anything except themselves. A good human has a kind and open heart that accepts other living beings as their own family, and they give love and care; they have mercy upon all living beings, even microorganisms.
I remember the saying of a great monk who once said that he feels sad and pitied to take steps because it kills microorganisms which can not be seen.
We can not be called human until we feel humanity, humanism and tenderness upon living and non-living. We all should have mercy and love upon everything. At least let's be human with a kind and soft heart with gentle behaviour rather than being a monster with no compassion and love.
Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village India
Sunday, 28 May 2023
A memorable moment - Rishona Chopra
Sometimes, all we need is just to talk to someone, all alone, telling them about everyone and everything. And I need that time every day. I absolutely love it when I have interesting long conversations with my mother. It is when I can reflect and listen to how my mother's day went.
With no doubt, my favourite time of the day is when I have a long talk with my mother. We discuss many things, from how the day went to the people who irritated us. Often we find ourselves fighting with each other and then, the next minute, laughing and enjoying ourselves.
I absolutely love and cherish this time; there is so much to say and tell that you just can't stop. While on some rare days, there is nothing to say, but sitting together makes me so happy. No matter where we are, we always have this time with each other, whether before sleeping or during the day during our morning walk. This is definitely the best time of the day for me.
We had a long deep conversation a few days ago. We both sat on the floor with support from the bed. We talked about how people irritate us and complained about our personal issues. It was something so enriching for me and yet so enjoyable. I genuinely wished that time would never end.
There are a few lines from a song that I would like to quote:
If I could fly, then I would know
What life looks like from up above and down below."
Grade VII
Gyanshree School
Saturday, 29 April 2023
Sharpening The Saw - Nishan Karki
"We must never be too busy to take time to sharpen the saw." - Stephen Richards Covey.
Sharpening the saw means making the best use of your greatest asset, i.e. you. It means sharpening your mind physically, socially, mentally and spiritually. Sharpening the saw and sharpening yourself are the same thing. It helps to keep yourself in the best place and fresh to do your work most effectively. If you sharpen yourself, you can bring change in yourself and your habits.
You can sharpen the saw through the following :
* Positiveness on yourself
* Meditation
* Be resilient
* Read, write and learn new things
* Take care of your mind, body and spirit
* Listen to your heart and mind
* Create balance
Pestalozzi Children's Village India
Monday, 17 April 2023
Are you in a dilemma? - Tenzin Kunsel
Pestalozzi Children's India Village
Saturday, 15 April 2023
Heart Vs Mind, a dilemma
The dilemma is a word that we all are familiar with, a situation we all face daily. But when we think we are facing a dilemma, it's just a game that our mind plays. We all know the choice we want to make but create another choice just to confuse ourselves.
The dilemma between heart and mind - Tenzin Jambey
"Good evening, sir. How is everything and hope you are all good, me waiting for Sunday's Good School and will see you in Sunday's Class. This is my reflection on ( SHARE A DILEMMA OF HEART AND MIND). It took me almost an hour to write
, and I guess
not everyone has the courage
to share the dilemma experience which I have shared. Hope you would love and feel good after going through my reflection." Tenzin Jambey
The dilemma between the heart and the mind - Shristi Khulal
Shristi Khulal |
Friday, 14 April 2023
Reflecting on the dilemma between the heart and the mind - Monika Singh Pundir
A dilemma is a situation which mainly occurs in everyone's life, especially in students' life. Recently it happened to me when I went to receive my report card. I checked my marks and noticed I wasn't getting what others expected. They thought I was very talented and would get excellent marks, but I needed help to make it up. At that time, my mind told me not to show up to anyone I had let down and to tear off my report card. But the weird thing was that at the same time, my heart told me not to think much about such things because, somewhere, it was my own fault for not studying and not doing well.
Monika Singh Pundir
Pestalozzi Children's Village India
Have you ever experienced the dilemma between the heart and mind?
A situation in which we have to make a difficult choice between two or more things is a dilemma. Everyone has to face such situations in their life.
When I was in Grade 3, a child who was really fond of playing games rather than studying, but I had never failed any examination as I used to study the day before the test. Once examinations were approaching, and my father told me to start studying instead of playing every day. I didn't bother as my heart told me to go out and play. At the same time, my mind continuously reminded me about my examination and to study as I may fail my upcoming examination. I listened to my heart rather than my mind, not thinking about the outcome. At the time of the test, I could not remember what I had learned the day before the exam; thus, I failed the exam.
Later on I regretted making the wrong choice, from that day onwards, I decided to listen to mind rather than my heart.
Jeni Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children’s Village India
Reading The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das with Jugjiv Sir at the Sunday School
Thursday, 13 April 2023
Did you ever experience the dilemma between the heart and mind? - Smriti Rai
Reflecting on the dilemma between the heart and the mind - Nishan Karki
Dilemmas occur daily when we make decisions regarding our various problems. One of these dilemmas is the dilemma between the heart and the mind. This dilemma is recurring and unending in nature. It is like hunger which occurs many times. Our want or need is satisfied once, but after some hours, it again occurs. The same is true with the dilemma between the heart and the mind.
Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Childres's Village India
Tuesday, 11 April 2023
The Heart and The Mind - Rishona Chopra
While making a decision, I often find myself being the judge in the court where the two opponents are 'the heart' and 'the mind'. The mind usually gives logical explanations, but the heart gives verdicts showing your inner laziness and desire. It becomes difficult to choose as both opponents have their reasons.
This time, I had to decide whether to go to school as it was sports, but my exams were around the corner, and I had to take a leave to revise my concepts. It was 6:15 in the morning, the rush hour, and I had only 45 minutes left before the bus arrived. I was making this tough decision - Shall I miss out on my favourite sports or do it while simultaneously revising.
My heart told me to go to school because critical worksheets were supposed to happen, but my brain told me to take a leave and revise with a clear mind. Both points had equal importance and were entirely valid. I first decided to listen to the heart and wore my uniform, but just then, I got a brainwave and decided to listen to the brain. So I lay down on my bed thinking who would win this time.
It was 6:30, and I had to make my final decision. Guess what I did? I listened to the heart and went to school, but the next day, I also took a leave to revise, so I gave a balance to both, and it was a win-win situation.
The heart and the mind sit on a see-saw as we sit at the fulcrum, deciding who's decided to go with. Making decisions like this becomes confusing (for me, at least). The heart and the mind are simply two different opinions, and you must choose. It is vital to maintain a balance between the two and maintain peace.
Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School
Monday, 10 April 2023
The Heart or The Mind ? - Anvesha Rana
The battle between the heart and the mind never really comes to an end. It is just like a tennis match. The ball goes back and forth, back and forth, until finally, the eyes give away, and we doze off. We talk about listening to the heart or mind, but most of the time, during crucial decisions, we are not even consciously aware of whether our heart or mind made this decision. Staying conscious about our inner voice, along with the doubts that it offers, is a part of being human.
We often do not heed the voice within, but our best advisor is our own voice rather than family, friends or anyone. Whenever you find yourself running at a tremendous speed, you are running so fast that the faces of your loved ones have blurred away, then stop, pause and observe yourself. Being aware of who we are is life.
Once we learn to listen to ourselves, the question of the heart or the mind arises. The mind always resonates with what makes sense, but the heart believes in the power of intuition, going with the flow and love; it complies with whatever feels right. The difference between the two is that the mind tells us what is wise, whereas the heart tells us what we will do anyway.
It is up to us to decide whether we follow our heart or our mind. After all, we alone hold power to decide who we wish to follow. However, we can only find peace of mind once we listen to our hearts. The heart opens up doors of ecstasy, imagination and joyfulness, but the mind keeps us rooted in this material world where practicality implies the cornerstone of each decision.
The key to mastering the heart and the mind is to strike a chord between the two. The heart and the mind play on a see-saw, but to muster up the courage to sit at the fulcrum of it is winning both.
Anvesha Rana
Grade 11
Gyanshree School
Brain VS Heart - Arfa Khan
Image source:
We have all been in such a dilemma in which our brain says something, but our heart says something else at least once in our lifetime. It can happen in small decisions like whether I should do my homework now or later? Should I buy this or not? And also in big ones like career choices. Such situations are intimidating. And the big question is; who should we listen to, the brain or the heart?
When you are in a situation where you must act upon one or the other, are you really thinking about balancing your emotions and logic, or are you just pretending? Usually, when faced with a decision, we do not suspend the two options but act upon one or the other. While making such decisions, we shouldn't be biased and always stick to one side.
The brain nor the heart is always correct. We need to pick the right side if there is one. Sometimes there are no right or wrong answers to questions. We should carefully think and ponder before choosing a side.
Our heart makes decisions while considering feelings, which are often reckless. Our brain has a logical and rational approach but tends to overthink much and doesn't want us to take any risks when sometimes, depending on the situation, it can be worth it.
In conclusion, we should take our time, consider both sides' consequences, and be circumspect while making decisions. You do you because whatever you choose, it will happen for good 😊.
-Arfa Khan
Ahlcon Public School
Reflections Since 2021
March 2025
- No job is menial, no work is small - Rishona Chopra
- Reflection Sunday 30th March 2025
- GSA Calendar April 2025
- Through the dark times... - Rishona Chopra
- To give the love you seek - Rishona Chopra
- The Beauty of Bookshops - Rishona Chopra
- Reflection Sunday 23rd March 2025
- Reflection Sunday 16th March 2025
- The DSOBS delegation at the Arthur Foot Academy
- Reflection Sunday 9th March 2025
- Reflection Sunday 2nd March 2025
- #ThoughfulThursdays - Poetry Sessions
- ► February 2025 (9)
- ► January 2025 (11)
March 2025
- ► December 2024 (18)
- ► November 2024 (14)
- ► October 2024 (19)
- ► September 2024 (16)
- ► August 2024 (22)
- ► April 2024 (18)
- ► March 2024 (12)
- ► February 2024 (37)
- ► January 2024 (25)
- ► December 2023 (35)
- ► November 2023 (26)
- ► October 2023 (33)
- ► September 2023 (21)
- ► August 2023 (33)
- ► April 2023 (48)
- ► March 2023 (24)
- ► February 2023 (20)
- ► January 2023 (39)
- ► December 2022 (41)
- ► November 2022 (44)
- ► October 2022 (61)
- ► September 2022 (21)
- ► August 2022 (56)
- ► April 2022 (34)
- ► March 2022 (53)
- ► February 2022 (98)
- ► January 2022 (94)
- ► December 2021 (41)
- ► November 2021 (24)
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- ► August 2021 (12)
- ► April 2021 (8)
- ► March 2021 (9)