Showing posts with label heaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heaven. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Heaven - Shambhavi Nautiyal

What does "Heaven" mean to me!

Place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

I feel that being able to create and live freely is a piece of heaven on earth. If the gods reside in our heads in the form of good and pious thoughts, then, it would first be heaven in our heads and then outside of it. Being able to lead a life of balance and peace, sing loudly in the car, eat my favourite treats, learn new things, and accept my life all mean heaven to me. 

They are my energy givers and I designate them as my ‘heavenliness’ by enforcing gratitude. Romanticising every bit of my life and thinking that I am the main character as well as the people in my life, means heaven to me. My life means heaven to me. Being in my own company and being able to navigate life myself, means heaven to me. The helpers are the angels and my karma is my god.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School

Sunday, 2 October 2022

A Unique Gandhi Jayanti - Oshi Singh

Happy Birthday to the father of the nation resting in heaven! MK Gandhi has taught us many virtues like Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, and many more. He taught us all these great values by not only speaking but by doing and reflecting on them through his actions, like a great leader should. This second October, we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti every year, but what's new? You're just sitting at home yearly, probably watching television, relaxing. Probably Netflix and chilling. But come on, why are you wasting your time when you can do these 3 awesome things to learn more about Bapu and have a fun day ahead! 

1. I believe how a person dresses speaks a lot about them? And if we look at Bapu's clothing, it was pretty simple a white dhoti and a pair of sandals. According to me the white clothes symbolises his pure heart and simplicity towards life but do you know why Gandhiji wore that dhoti? Do you think it was fashionable back then? Those who do well you're wrong! That dhoti was made up of khadi fibre which bapu spinned himself using the charkha. This was to boycott the dependency of Indians on Britishers and become self-sufficient and independent. 

2. Books and old artefacts are a great and fun way to get to know more about the history. Furthermore why don't you visit a museum this Gandhi Jayanti to learn more about the independence struggle faced by our fellow Indian brothers and sisters. Maybe you could visit the National Gandhi Museum and Library or The Swatantrata Sangram Sangrahalaya. 

3. Who doesn't know Gandhiji ke teen bandar. See No Evil - Bura Na Dekho, Speak No Evil - Bura Na Bolo and Hear No Evil - Bura Na Suno. Why don't you play a game with your friends to test each other's knowledge about the teen bandar? The minimum number of players should be 4 out of which 3 will be the bandar and one will be the speaker. You will need three glasses, headphones and a small cloth or scarf to wrap around your mouth. The speaker will call out some phrases and the participants will need to choose the correct action for each spoken phrase. The fastest and the one with the most number of points wins!

These were some ways you could use to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti a little differently this year! 

Oshi Singh 
Gyanshree School 

Sunday, 14 August 2022

A Miracle In The Sky - Rishona Chopra

Miracles are those little blessings God showers on us. It is that magic in our life that protects us. 

While sitting on my balcony, I saw the sky and thought maybe it was a miracle in heaven. Perhaps something good is on our way. If we fall off a swing and get a fracture but heal soon, that is a miracle. Not everybody heals soon and lives their life, but some do, and those who do have a miracle in their life. Perhaps your life was sad, but a strange, cute puppy made you happy. That puppy is a miracle. 

If you didn't study for an exam but passed, that is a miracle. (Do study for your exams, though)! Miracles may come as challenges, but miracles make us stronger. There is always a miracle in one's life. Maybe it is really small; you just need to have the courage to see it.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Why Go To School? - Rishona Chopra

School. We all have heard about it. What is it? Why do we go there?

A school is where we learn, grow, and work on ourselves. Schools are not a building but are a  building made of education and life. Schools are a place full of knowledge where students learn under the guidance of teachers. They are more than just academics. They focus on making us a good person, an actual human.

Schools are for us to grow and enhance our area of excellence. Therefore, every event in school, every day when we have fun playing games, is probably the best.
I am usually an earnest person, always wanting to do a test (which no one likes). So on the last day of 5th grade, I just had so much fun. With no study and no study, just fun. What made that day even more special was our Principal Ma'am's birthday on that day. So we gave her a card, and we even got toffees! Such small events are so joyful and make the school the best place.

To conclude, school is not just a building but a haven of education, friendship, and happiness.

Rishona Chopra Gyanshree School Grade V

Friday, 28 January 2022

Interview with an elephant - Rishona Chopra

 Hi! Today I am going to be interviewing Ms Cloud. Let’s all welcome her with a round of applause.

Mrs Cloud: Thank you, but just a small thing, my name is not Cloud. In fact, it’s Ms. Elephant.

Interviewer: Oh! I am so sorry. So let us welcome Ms Elephant. So Ms Elephant, please tell us your journey to become a cloud.

Mrs Elephant: I was an elephant at first. I was living my life happily. I loved to dance, and I still do, but then the poachers, those evil mindless creatures…killed me. I was a perfect soul, and as I entered heaven, I always had this divine light surrounding me, and you can see I still have that light. So I remain in the sky, which is heaven, but for humans, the sky and I keep roaming around there having fun without any poachers to disturb me.

Interviewer: That is an interesting story, and those poachers who hurt you are indeed mindless creatures. Moving on to the next question, do you like being a cloud?

Mrs Elephant: Oh yes! I love being there. I get to meet so many elephants and animals and even humans. The only bad part is that when thunderstorms come, those spirits who have done sins come, and they are so dark in colour! They look scary.

Interviewer: I can imagine. The last question is would you like to continue being a cloud or be an elephant on Earth.

Mrs Elephant: I am in two minds about this. Being a cloud, you are mostly safe, with no poachers around, but if you are unlucky, you might crash into an aeroplane! On the other hand, on Earth, you get to see and feel nature in an entirely different way, and you can bathe in rivers and have fun with other animals in a pretty different way. So I am not so sure.

Interviewer: It’s good that you know the advantages and disadvantages of both places. That was a fantastic interview. Also, it must be telling the poachers something that people have become clouds because of them!!  Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Happiness - Linisha Agarwal

What happiness means to me?
Not everyone has a similar point of interest from which they derive happiness.  For me, happiness means fun, enjoyment, blissfulness etc. Happiness is a feeling of contentment, that life is just as it should be.
Happiness is when you fulfil your goals or aims. That feeling to me is happiness. When I am thrilled, I feel that I am IN SEVENTH HEAVEN.

What gives me happiness?
I feel like having a whale of a time when my brother teases me, it is too much fun to ride a roller-coaster or other kinds of dangerous slides, and when I spend time somewhere out of town with my family, it makes me feel like I am on the top of the world. Cycling when a light wind blows along with some music surely refreshes my mood, so you can say that I am happy at that time. And last but not least, Playing PS4 with my brother is fun.

How can we make a person happy? 
Frequently, cities tell you to donate to charities rather than giving to panhandlers. That is great advice but listen to your inner voice. You should give to a particular person, as this may make someone who is genuinely in need very happy. We can spread happiness by saying ‘Thanks’; by donating items to needy ones; gifting presents because everyone loves presents; listening to people when they talk, so many times all people want is someone to listen to them. Instead of fighting it, just sit and let them talk. Caring for someone is the best way to make others happy, and in turn, I, too feel happy.

Linisha Agarwal
Class VII
The Doon Girls' School