Showing posts with label homework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homework. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Reflection topic – I am responsible for … Annaya Raj Gurung

 Reading with Jugjiv Sir

There are a lot of things I am responsible for like studying well, doing my homework on time, eating healthy, being nice and kind to the people around me. As the class monitor, I am responsible for minding the class when the teacher is not there, taking the copies down to the staffroom, bringing them back up and distributing the copies. My other responsibilities are to make my bed once I get up, wash my plate after I eat and help with the household chores. 

The most important responsibility I have is of myself, I am responsible for my thoughts and actions, I am responsible for the way I communicate and behave, I am responsible for my mistakes and to make sure I don’t repeat them and I am responsible for my well-being and happiness.


~Annaya Raj Gurung~

Grade IV 

Tashi Namgyal Academy, Gangtok

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Cooperation - Anushri Palnitkar

Real life experience of cooperation by Anushri Palnitkar. 


Hello everyone, today I am going to be sharing my story
when my mom cooperated with me. Once my class was going on
and my teacher gave me a homework and told me to submit it till
4:00 p.m. When the class ended, I started doing my homework, and
the battery of my laptop drained out. In the other room my mom was
working. My laptop was getting charged but I had to wait, when I
went to my mom, she asked me what happened? I said “ My laptop
is getting charged ’’. I was sad because I was not able to do
homework. So, my mom gave her laptop to me and said “ I will do
my work later, you do your homework now”. And this is how my
mom cooperated with me. Hope you liked my experience. Thank you!

Name: Anushri Palnitkar
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

मेरी माँ - खुशान बम्बोली

मेरी माँ का नाम कामिनी है।   
मेरी माँ बहुत प्यारी और समझदार है।                             
वह खाना बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट बनाती है।                                  
घर में सभी उनका सम्मान करते है।                                     
मेरी माँ मेरा खूब ख्याल रखती है।                                          
मेरी माँ रोज मुझे स्कूल का होमवर्क करने में मदद करती है।       
मेरी माँ बहुत ही धार्मिक है।।        
मेरी माँ मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त है।।                                 
वह मुझे सारी चीजें बहुत ही अच्छे से समझाती है।                   
वह मुझे हमेशा आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा देती है।।                          
वह मुझे सोते वक्त अच्छी कहानियाँ सुनाती है।                     
मुझे मेरी माँ पर गर्व हैl

खुशान बम्बोली 
कक्षा I
दी फैबइंडिया स्कूल

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Mother's Job is a Selfless Job - Naksh Parihar

My mother's name is Manju Parihar. She is 38 years old. She is a housewife. My mother cooks delicious food. My mother's hobbies are stitching clothes and watching TV. She likes to eat sweets. She always helps me with my homework and always takes care of me. I love my mother so much. She always wakes up at 5 o'clock to make all the things ready for us. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. She fulfils all her responsibility without making any complaints. She takes care of her three children very well. She never gets tired or bored of cooking for her children. She always does the things which make us happy. Mother is the person who changes a house into a home. Mother's love never changes for her sons or daughters, whether they are children or adults. She manages our home very well and looks after every member of my family. I love mom very much, and I know she loves me the most.

Naksh Parihar
Class IV
The Fabindia School

Reflections Since 2021