Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 October 2022

We Survived! - Reveda Bhatt

Exactly three years back, on the same date in 2019, my Mom and I met in an accident, as I have mentioned in many of my writings earlier. It was totally unexpected for us but expected in the pages of our destiny, so it happened.

After we were hit and left unconscious on the road, a crowd gathered and out of nowhere came a lady who asked the spectators to put me in her car and hurriedly drove me to the hospital. My Mom was brought to the same hospital by someone else. It is supposed that I was much more hurt and had lost a lot of blood.

My family came to know after a call from my Aunt in the U.S., which somebody else picked up and informed them. My Mom’s and Dad’s families rushed there to find my Mom conscious, but I was not.

My medical stats- State- COMA

Injuries- Diffuse axonal injury (grade IV)

                Temporal lobe fractured

                Skull fractured

                Spine fractured (L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5)

                Pelvis fractured

                The right hand’s radius fractured

                The right leg’s tibia fractured

                Left leg’s tibia crushed.


A Doctor even said,” We don’t know when she’ll wake up, it could be 1 day, 1 month or 1 year, but she’ll not be the same.”

Technically, he wasn’t wrong because I’m not the same anymore.

I came back ALIVE braver, more robust and better!

Today, we call it my second birthday for this new birth and cut a cake.

Lastly, I do not feel that- it was a curse that we met with an accident on this date,

but as a blessing, we came back alive!

Reveda Bhatt

Grade IX
The Aryan School, Dehradun

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Left So Soon - Reveda Bhatt

The year 2019 gave me a new life (Let’s not get to that), but the following ones, 2020-21, took many of my beloved ones’ lives away!

I’ll roll back the rim of my life to the year 2021. Someone really close to us all was my grandmother’s niece, Kanchan, my aunt, just a young girl with dreams and hopes for a bright future like any other.

One odd day, she got her hand fractured, went to the hospital, and surgery was to be performed for implantation of K-wire in her hand. After that, tests were conducted, and the results diagnosed her with MEN1(Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Link Type 1 syndrome, a rare genetic disorder mainly affecting the endocrine glands). The message spread virtually on WhatsApp to us in our family group, and after reading it, all of our hearts sank in. But, not losing hope, we wished her a speedy recovery and gave her mom, and her brother hope for her stay! 

Surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment, our prayers and everyone else’s, and meanwhile she was stable, with all of us crying out our mixed emotions, I sat there, scrolling through her Instagram profile-her smile, her sweet voice, and her charm-all faded behind the beeping of machines. Even though her, being in Noida, and me in Dehradun, it hurt, you know, in such situations, the gap does not matter; it’s the prayers from the bottom of hearts that do! But God plans a bummer for everyone’s lives, and his plan for hers was different. The disease could not be cured, maybe controlled, but not cured.

 Stable…Stable… Deteriorating …Survival hard…

 I remember the last time I talked to her was the previous phone call we ever had, the night she passed away. My dad spoke to her when I requested to have a word and hear her voice-her feeble voice saying my name THE LAST Time, and I reassured her to stay strong and not lose hope. That was it!

The next evening, her brother called and cried out that she was no more; our hearts sank more profoundly, and we moaned. Like that, her dreams, future and her smile in photos evaporated against the garland over it.

Her Instagram account remains a remnant of her existence in our hearts and this world. `

Reveda Bhatt
Grade 9
The Aryan School

Sunday, 3 July 2022

A scent that catches my attention - Reveda Bhatt

It may seem depressing, but the scent that gets my attention is the smell of the corridors of the Max Hospital. It is not that I want to remember it, but I just cannot forget it. I mean, it’s not every time you get to put up a memory such horrible on the pinboard of your life. 

Reveda Bhatt
Grade 9
The Aryan School

Saturday, 23 April 2022

The Dark Past - Coming Back And Letting Go!

As I turned back, I found myself in the corridors of Max Hospital at Dehradun. I had checked my phone just before I came here; it was 15:07 PM, 10th April 2022, but now, when I checked the time, it was 20:17 PM, 6th October 2019, and I was like, “What the hell!” I was back in the time when my mom and I had met with a severe accident!

As I walked, I recognised all the doctors and nurses and waved at them, but they were all in a rush, so they didn’t see or hear me. When I went to the fourth floor of the Neurology Department, I saw my family from my mom’s house and my dad’s house sitting there, weeping. I went near them, kneeled down near my grandparents and asked them, “Why are you crying?” They didn’t answer. I touched my younger sisters’ faces to see if they could feel my touch, which they couldn’t! My father wasn’t there, and neither was my mother. I shivered at the thought of being back in our dark past, advanced towards COMA and saw my father sitting on the bench with tears flowing down his eyes. When Dr Thakur came there, Father stood up immediately and asked, “Will they survive?”

That was the time when I was sure about the fact that I had travelled back in time! My father told me that he kept on asking this from my doctors. I could see myself past the glass, still not believing that I could not be seen by anyone at that time. I had machines all around me and a gauze tied around my head. Suddenly, I was going backwards, and after a split second, I found myself sitting on the same bench in the same park, back in the real world.

Though the whole situation was sad, this was a totally different experience, and I made the most out of it, but now, it’s time to let go of the dark past!

-“Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger; when we suffer, we survive...”

Reveda Bhatt
My Good School, Dehradun
Photo courtesy Dr Neeraj Kumar Singh

Good Schools Of India