Showing posts with label influence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label influence. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs - Ananya Singh

People who have found their voice focus on expanding their circle of influence, being trustworthy, building trust, blending the voices of others, and creating a common vision.                                                      

Ananya Singh 
Grade- IX 
Sunbeam Hostel Lahartara 

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Unity - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Our Unity should be such that we should be willing to combat any injustice and be conditioned to pay heed to our conscience and presentiments. Our Unity should be balanced but deliberate. There is 'unity in diversity', just as Jawarhal Nehru said. There is Unity in us accepting our differences and rising above them. Forgiveness strengthens our Unity.

Once we accept each other just as we are, we stop getting bugged by our differences. If we are one, we can overthrow the tyrants and free ourselves from oppression by mutinying.

As they say, in today's scenario, the majority wins, so we must ensure awareness about what is going for real, not misinformation. This happens through our education system; a sound education system can proceed to feed the masses with the correct and legitimate information, and then the schools can follow to produce a bright and brilliant future for the country. However, if the opposite happens, then that system's products will become hostile, despotic and haughty individuals who only want to spread their influence and mindset to the entire world. Hence, we should favour what is righteous and not believe any fraudulent information available under the sun!

We can be a reliable asset to society, uniting whenever we need to overthrow any deviousness out there.

What does Unity mean to you, and do you think it is pivotal?

Friday, 31 March 2023

Reflection on the topic Peer Pressure - Nishan Karki

At any given point, you can release your most fabulous self. Don't let anyone hold you back. Don't let anyone dilute you. Don't be peer pressured into being less than you are. - Steve Maraboli

Reading The Art Of Focus at the Sunday School.

Peer pressure means a strong influence on a person by another person's behaviour and specific actions. It makes a person behave the same as the other, although the behaviour of the other may not be good. It is one of the significant problems of youth and societies. The primary source of peer pressure on students is their friends. A lousy friend may encourage his friend to fight, smoke, take drugs, smuggle, etc. These evil actions cause peer pressure on people.

The effects of peer pressure are:-
• Peer pressure hampers day to day life of people and creates hurdles in their lives.
• It can cause depression in case of performance of serious actions
• It creates a distraction from good works
• It leads to a change in the behaviour and attitude of people.

There are many measures to reduce peer pressure. Some of them are:-

• Avoiding fights and other serious actions
• Hanging around less with friends
• Making a reliable friend
• Concentrating more on self-work
• We should say no to bad things and yes to good.

- Nishan Karki

Friday, 12 August 2022

Swami and Friends: The Value of Friendship - Oshi Singh

You often hear people saying school life is the best. Wonder why people say that? Well, maybe because we spend the most fun and memorable moments of our lives in school with our friends. Gradually, we stop thinking about catching up with our old friends when we grow older. We keep making new friends and forgetting about the old ones.

Friends have one of the biggest influences in our lives. Having a good and faithful friend is the most valuable treasure one can have. Next week we will be reading a fascinating book by RK Narayan, "Swami And Friends". The story takes place during British rule in the year 1930. The story is about a group of friends living in Malgudi and their friendship. The story's young protagonist Swami and his friends teach us many valuable lessons about life, like celebrating & accepting our differences, the innocence of youth, and the importance of friendship in one's life.

I'm looking forward to reading RK Narayan's first and one of the most famous books.

Written by Oshi Singh

Gyanshree School, Noida

Good Schools Of India