Showing posts with label innovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label innovation. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 October 2023

Learning Forward with Naga


                                                       Learning Forward with Naga

A very Happy Birthday to My Good School; it is a joyous occasion as My Good School completes 2 years today. It has been a fabulous journey with stories to listen to, tales to tell and lessons to learn. All of us here are different, but My Good School has brought us closer, erasing the differences. To commemorate this day and cherish it forever, here is the first episode of Season 13, Back to Bharat: In Search of a Sustainable Future. As you celebrate today, listen to Learning Forward with Naga.

Learning Forward with Naga Season 13 Episode 1. Nagaraja (Naga) Prakasam is a versatile and passionate leader with around three decades of global experience. He enjoys growing startups nationwide and being a lead angel investor; he has led 16 deals, invested in 25 startups, served 12 boards, and seen six exits and two write-offs. He also authorizes Back To Bharat – In Search of a Sustainable Future. He spearheaded Impact thinking in the Indian Angel Network and co-founded IAN Impact. His mantra is "Startups should focus on India's strength – People, Problems, Tech (PPT)."

Back to Bharat: In Search of a Sustainable Future is a book that addresses the present economic dilemma for Indian entrepreneurs and consumers, looking at the past and current situation of India and the developed world to find a way forward. Back to Bharat is an inspiring reminder that change is possible - and this is a moment to be a part of the change, for it will take all of us with it.

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Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Learning Forward with Naga

Today, to celebrate the birthday of My Good School, all of us at this beautiful place could do the least by writing a reflection, which will testify to our joy of learning and a small token of love and appreciation. 

Thursday, 27 July 2023

"All people have equal value" - Nishan Karki


Reflection from Sunday School


All lives have equal value. And so you say, 'Why do poor children die when other children don't? Why do some people have enough nutrition or reasonable toilets and other people don't?' So those basic needs that, through innovation, actually it's very affordable to bring everyone.

~Bill Gates

Everyone in the world possesses many values. We, people, are the most intelligent beings created by God. God created us as social beings who can communicate, think, walk, eat, play and work by ourselves. God has provided us with many qualities like humanity, loyalty, kindness, honesty, compassion etc. We can look out for ourselves, do our work independently and do many more things. These qualities that we possess, make us unique, unlike animals and other creatures. They may possess some qualities, but not as many as we possess. Despite differences in region, birthplace, class, financial position, gender, age, caste, language and custom, people have equal values.

We may be rich, middle class or poor, but the value we possess are the same. We should use and show our values at the right time, place and situation. I have an example for this context- "There is a homeless guy, sitting on the side of a street. Two men were walking down the street, one poor and one wealthy. Despite being a wealthy man, he is rude and hard-hearted, unlike the poor, who is kind and generous. The rich man did not give attention to the homeless and walked away. But the poor man, in an instant, saw him and decided to help him. He went to a nearby shop and bought some food. He gave him food and a little money and spent time with him. The homeless guy thanked him. His eyes were all filled with tears."

This example shows that the poor guy has shown his value as a person and helped the homeless guy with some food and money. Thus we should use our values at the right time, place and situation. We should not hesitate to help someone in distress and difficulties because even a small help can change someone's life.

I believe that all lives have equal value. That all men and women are created equal. That everyone belongs. That everyone has rights, and everyone has the right to flourish. I believe that when people who are bound by the rules have no role in shaping the rules, moral blind spots become law, and the powerless bear the burden. ... I believe that entrenched social norms that shift society’s benefits to the powerful and its burdens to the powerless not only hurt the people pushed out but also always hurt the whole.

~Melinda Gates


Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India

Sunday, 2 October 2022

My paper spinning top - Navuday Singh

My paper spinning top!
Inspired by reading Swami and Friends at My Good School on Sunday the 2nd of Oct 2022.
Navuday Singh
Grade 5B
Gyanshree school 

Makeshift Spinning Top - Ishwar Pratap Singh


Hope you enjoy spinning the top! Share your top moment with us, comment below and maybe even share your experience with a लट्टू  (top in Hindi).

Ishwar Pratap Singh
Doon Girls School

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Value for August is Patience

In August, we celebrate Patience; please share your thoughts with us, comment below or send a blog post by email to

We need to build the future of learning at school on 22 values: Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity. The teachers collaborate and work in groups to discover how the values come alive. Individuals take stock of their values and how they wish to lead their life. This program will inspire you by using examples of where the values are already being used by children and adults in schools and share practical tools to stimulate discussion and philosophical debate. #JoyOfLearning

Joy Of Learning (JOL) is based on The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to Become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens by Julie Duckworth and Ian Gilbert, which explores twenty-two values that can be taught through schools. 

My Good School
Where Passion Meets Education

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Never give up hope - Aanya Kumar

We, as humans, have been given hope for innovation. As creatures on this planet, we have been given hope of survival. But, we tend to lose hope many times. Jodi Miller was diagnosed with seizures when she was only three years old. 

The only cure for stopping this was removing half of her brain. Miller's parents could have given up... But they didn't. They chose to go to Dr Ben Carson. He made them understand that removing half of the brain has disadvantages, but it was the only solution.

Miller's parents thought to not give hope and help their child in some way than letting her have paralysis or seizures either. Soon Miller was ready to start over again. Miller aced in school and became very successful.

Just like Jodi's parents, we should not give up hope.

Aanya Kumar

Gyanshree Shree

Grade 5

Good Schools Of India