Showing posts with label interns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interns. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Reflection of the week – Sunday, 28th July 2024

- From Jataka Tales - 

1. Significance of Guru Purnima

2. Why do you believe having relationships gives you security in life?

3. Research on Silk cotton Trees.

4. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

5. What does it feel like to be covered and protected?

6. What is the value of a brother in one's life?

- From Hidden Life Of Trees -     

1. What do you understand by "The Sick Tree"?

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?     

3. What learnings can we take away from the story today?   

4. Find out about- Phytoncides

5. Where is Leningrad? 

6. How can Lametta be useful during Christmas?

7. Who are comrades in the chapter, and how do comrades help you? 

These are some suggestions. We look forward to your excellent and thoughtful reflections, which you can email to

Think it over
Based on the discussion, we must answer the question, " Why do children disrupt classes?"

Smart Summary

The conversation revolved around various themes, including the importance of brotherhood, navigating the digital age, inner strength, and three defence mechanisms. 

Speakers emphasized the need for respect, order, and education in society and the importance of utilizing digital power responsibly and ethically. 

We discussed trees' resilience and vulnerability to environmental changes and injuries, highlighting their adaptability and potential to heal sicknesses.

The conversation covered various topics and perspectives, focusing on the importance of inner strength, education, and responsible technology use.

12.00 pm
Interns Meeting: Form groups to work on four projects - Blogs, Podcasts, newsletters and Fundraising.

From the Jatakas discussed, we can take the following key lessons:

  • The value of brotherhood and relationships, as seen in the woman's choice to save her brother over her husband or son

  • The importance of compassion and treating all beings, even animals, with respect, as demonstrated by the Bodhisattva who saved the prince, snake, rat, and parrot

  • The dangers of ingratitude and selfishness, as shown by the ungrateful prince who plotted against his benefactor

  • The need to balance growth and defence, as trees must do to maintain their health and longevity

We can cultivate a more harmonious and just society by applying these lessons of brotherhood, compassion, and respect for all life.

Food For Thought

To continue encouraging thoughtful reflection and knowledge sharing in future sessions, we can:

  • Provide more opportunities for participants to share their personal reflections and insights on the stories and lessons discussed

  • Encourage participants to make connections between the stories and their own lives or experiences

  • Facilitate discussions that allow participants to explore different perspectives and deepen their understanding

  • Incorporate more interactive activities like group discussions or creative projects to engage participants and foster collaborative learning

  • Invite participants to bring their books, poems, or other materials to share with the group.

  • Emphasize the importance of active listening and respectful dialogue to create a safe and inclusive knowledge-sharing environment

By focusing on these strategies, we can continue cultivating a culture of thoughtful reflection and meaningful knowledge exchange in future sessions. YouTube Channel:

Monday, 22 July 2024

Varsha reporting from Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel

Mr. Paul - Director QCR&D, had an interactive session with the bright minds of the My Good School reading club at Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel. He delved into the significance of 'reflection' and had a truly enlightening discussion. Boarders also shared their views and learnings. Additionally, Sir had a stimulating chat with the Interns, guiding them through the many volunteer roles they can take on during the internship.

- Report filed by Varsha Banerjee from Sunbeam School Lahartara: She has signed up for the Fellowship Program with the GSA (Learning Forward India Foundation).

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Celebrating the Journey - one year at My Good School

One year ago, I got a call which said an Internship was being offered by My Good School.  

I was excited and nervous, but as time passed, I settled there, or you can say I now have a family here!

In a family where everyone is a good learner, and all accept each other as they are, The best part is we all learn from each other irrespective of our age, place or class. The priority is that learning comes first. We know, excel, collaborate at every moment, and find joy at every flash.

There is no point on the geographical map where we met or collaborated. The bond, love and corporation we have are better than other "offices" (We also have an office National Office), and we collaborate there.

Learning from books is present over there, but I have learned from people you can call "learning by collaboration" I learn from every personality there Anvesha, Arav, Reveda, Rishona, Simar and many more. We also have mentors. They are not like any other one who makes the path or creates the boundaries to explore. We create the way, and we create our own exploring areas. They are just there and observe us.

I can't count when I completed one year, but the journey had to put a mark. I hope the journey continues, and I will be part.

Thanks to Mr Sandeep, Ms Rajeshree, Ms Sukpreet and the family of My Good School for always being there and making the journey remarkable.

Viva La My Good School!

Kunal Rajpurohit
The Fabindia School
Village & PO Bali
Dist Pali, Rajasthan

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

No love like Sibling Love !

Love in a Comic Strip! 

A sibling is a lens through which we see our childhood. They may be close to you or miles apart, but they will always be in your hearts; they are your siblings. So, share about the bond between you and your siblings as My Good School celebrates 'Love', and Sibling Love is the most hilarious kind of Love!  

Comic Strip Team @ My Good School
Please meet the comic strip team for August:  Rishona, Anvesha, Simar, Arav and Gaurangi. Thanks to all the interns, they have worked hard to create comic strips on Love. 
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Joy Of Learning - Rishona Chopra


The Joy of Learning Diaries is a website where students can post their reflections on My Good School’s reading program every Sunday. They can literally post anything they want. We publish the Joy Of Learning Diaries, and our blogs go in an extensive diary where many students can post.

We connect the Joy Of Reading with the joy of writing by -

  • What we read in the reading session we reflect upon by writing.
  • What we have written can be converted into a podcast (audio file) - Joy of Speaking.
That is how My Good School connects the three joys.

In school, we learn academics, but at My Good School, we help improve and enhance the primary interests. We experience the joy of writing, reading and speaking. Apart from that, we have a few partner programs too. Like, Slooh  (Space Program) and Sportify (Sports Program).

Most important of all, students can become interns! 

While being an intern sounds like a lot of hard work, it is straightforward as long as you like doing it. I am an intern, and I simply love it! I get blogs from other students and post them. I also make a few designs for My Good School, which is marvellous. Interns help grow the school too. 

We learn with joy!!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 4 December 2021

GSAIP - Good Schools Alliance India Program


Spreading the Joy Of Learning

GSAIP ~ Good Schools Alliance India Program TOGETHER WE MAKE THE GSA COME ALIVE! We have fixed a Zoom Room; the meeting will be once a month for the entire team; we will make the plan, and then the Interns can work in their respective groups with their Teachers. All teachers/coordinators must join us for the monthly meeting, as, like our young people, the teachers are also learning about the GSA and how we operate. 7 PROGRAMS      1. Internship     2. Exchange     3. Slooh     4. Life Skill Series:     * Joy Of Reading     * Joy of Speaking     * Joy Of Writing INTERNSHIP PROGRAM  Interns are an essential part of our successful enterprise. Most of them work directly with our partners and provide support at the local level. We host interns for a few weeks to one year. You could be teaching at the school or assisting the school staff in helping in teaching and learning. Your passion and volunteering are most dear to us!  The three teams and the members  A) Brewing Knowledge Club - Kunal, Moksh  -  Sukhpreet Kaur is the Mentor B) JoyOfLearningDiaries.Com  Arjun Rohilla, Aarav  - Krishan Gopal Dave is the Mentor C) Podcast Team- Jatin, Ishita - Nibbrati is the Mentor SHORT NOTE ABOUT THE THREE PROJECTS: Brewing Knowledge Book Club An online forum established by Learning Forward offers an experience of the joy of reading with family, friends and colleagues. The Members meet for 60 minutes on the last Sunday of the month. ZOOM works like our studio; members meet to read and reflect. The event is broadcast for the public on Clubhouse. Interns will help plan the sessions and post the session create a Blog Post for the Brewing Knowledge Blog. Joy Of Learning Diaries The Joy Of Learning diaries will inspire you by sharing personal examples of where children experience the values. It will also help people take stock of the importance and wish to lead their lives. #JoyOfLearningDiaries - Interns will source posts from schools and help create draft posts for the Blog Editor. Radio Program (Podcast) We invite stakeholders at the show we invite the community from one school:     * Teachers     * Students     * Parents     * Ex-students     * Management For a candid conversation to showcase how they built their My Good School together. The interns will help in production and design. Find out more about the Internship Program. Find out more... My Good School  The Standard Core Curriculum Service | Skill | Sport |Study * Choice of Curriculum * Choose your coach/mentor  * Work with peers at school * Education at your pace  * Parental guidance Learning For Life * My Good School encourages students to become involved in activities beyond just study; this helps develop confidence, knowledge and networks. * The experiential learning curriculum is a critical factor in the student progressing successfully through adolescence. * Education empowers students by creating an environment for their personal and social development.
