Showing posts with label judgement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label judgement. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Understanding - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Understanding is one of the traits of the most beautiful human beings on this planet. It revolves around several other values and virtues as well. To be understanding, one needs to have the will to do so, to be empathetic, considerate, caring and compassionate. Understanding one another’s feelings is the foundation of relationships, which creates wonders. Making someone feel understood makes them feel loved and gives them the feeling that they aren’t alone. Other people like them are there to stay by their side.

Understanding someone inculcates one of the prettiest feelings in our hearts, feelings of concern, love and kindness, which make humans human. Understanding strengthens unity. We should all try to understand each other’s feelings at the very least instead of poking fun at each other for that or making judgements about them.

When we allow ourselves to do so with an open heart and mind, we can talk things out properly and strengthen our bonds even further. Thus, we should all try to understand each other’s feelings and decisions instead of hating each other impetuously.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School

Monday, 8 May 2023

Understanding - Arfa Khan

Understanding is something without which you can’t be a better human being. It is the first step to becoming more sympathetic and caring to others. To have better relationships, you need to understand the other personUnderstanding the other person’s feelings and perspective is fundamental for developing our emotional intelligence (EQ). It is essential to understand other people because it helps us respond appropriately. 

We have experienced a lack of understanding at some point in our lives and had its effects play on us later, like arguing with our parents, friends, etc. We all want to be understood, but most of the time, our expectations aren’t met; that’s because it’s rare that anyone understands others, and that is mainly because it takes effort and energy to understand people, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. 

If we don’t understand one another, then we continue to have our beliefs as our priority, have regular fights, and have no problems getting solved. Misunderstanding is also very dangerous; it leads to hatred, which is very nasty.

Misunderstandings ruin relationships no matter how strong they are; a relationship that takes time can be destroyed by just one misunderstanding. To avoid that, we simply need to listen and not judge quickly. 

Understanding is vital and sometimes complex if it’s something new to you, but listening is the most straightforward way to start.

Arfa Khan
Ahlcon Public School
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