Showing posts with label laugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laugh. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 August 2022

We laugh, we read and we write - Rishona Chopra

The Sunday School is brought to you only by My Good School
Where Passion Meets Education

The Joy of Learning Diaries is a website where students can post their reflections on My Good School’s reading program every Sunday. They can literally post anything they want. We publish the Joy Of Learning Diaries, and our blogs go in an extensive diary where many students can post.

We connect the Joy Of Reading with the joy of writing by -

  • What we read in the reading session we reflect upon by writing.
  • What we have written can be converted into a podcast (audio file) - Joy of Speaking.
That is how My Good School connects the three joys.

We are here at My Good School, Here things are so cool! Together we learn, Here no teacher is stern!

We learn all the values needed,
After going to My Good School, we all succeeded!
There are several things you can do,
Each item is new!

We can read and write,
We are bright!
We can design and create,
After all, My Good School is great! 11.00 AM SWAMI AND FRIENDS by RK Narayan

11.40 AM The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das

12.00 PM Hari Ghaas Ki Chhappar Wali Jhopadi Aur Bouna Pahad Hindi Edition  by Vinod Kumar Shukla 

Read With Us!📖📖

Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Monday, 15 August 2022

My Great Grandfather - Rishona Chopra

Hearing - Great Grandfather, you might think he was my grandfather's father, but I am talking about my grandfather, who is so great. I call him"Nanoo". He is the most fun person I know and very cute. We both eat popcorn together and watch TV shows together too! He has a gym cycle in his house, and I always go to his flat to ride on the bicycle. He shows me my mother's photos and old CDs and books. 

I am teaching him how to play Sudoku, too, it's a challenging game, but he is learning it really well and is so passionate. I got a Sudoku book 3 years ago and only did 40 Sudoku, but he got one 3 months ago and has completed 70 puzzles! He definitely won't rest until he has completed all the puzzles! He sometimes has back pain, so I try to help him as much as possible. Sometimes, I can't understand what he says, but when he laughs, I laugh too, even though I don't know why he is laughing! 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 17 April 2022

My best friend, Totto-chan - Rishona Chopra

My best friend is Totto-chan. She is a sweet, loving and adventurous girl. She wants to be a spy and a ticket collector too! She is funny and has a great sense of humour, and always makes me laugh. 

She is the most caring person I have ever met, and she knows how to make me laugh when I am not in the mood. She is so cute! My heart melts when I look at her, and I can possibly never say no to her wish. At the same time, she is naughty, too, but not in the wrong way. 

She is an innocent girl who looks at the world with eyes filled with love and care. Never has she broken anyone's trust or hurt someone. She is truly the best friend possible!

Totto-Chan's best friend - Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

A day at school - Shlok Rastogi


It was my first day at formal school; I was nervous because I didn’t have any old friends. As I entered my school, it was quite nice. After that, I sat at my desk. When I opened my bag, I noticed that I had left my pencil box at home. I felt like crying. Suddenly I heard a whispering sound from somewhere. I looked back and saw a boy who smiled and offered me a pencil. I was thrilled and thankful.

The next day in the dance class I learnt that he didn’t know the dance, so I explained to him some dance steps. 
That smiling and caring boy, Vihaan, gradually became my best friend. It has been three years now, and we are still perfect friends; we support and encourage each other. I love to be with him. It is rightly said that a friend is one with whom “We laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more”.

Shlok Rastogi
Grade III
Gyanshree School

Monday, 21 June 2021

Happiness - Chahna Gandhi

What does happiness mean to me?

Happiness to me is an important part of life, as it brings in positive vibes and makes one’s day better.  

What makes me happy?

I would say there's nothing that makes me happy, nor I can’t list all of them. Here are a few:

 1. Being with friends: This always brings joy and cool vibes as the fun n frolic makes me happy.

 2. Music: Listening to music always helps me forget things and lifts up my mood, which obviously makes me happy “... and if it’s my genre, then it’s much fun.” 

3. Being with family: Well! Who doesn’t like to be with family, share good and embarrassing memories, and laugh at them together?  

4: Dance: Dance is one thing where my mind is totally on the beats and music. It takes over my body, refreshes it and helps me open up my mind to new ideas.

 How to pass on happiness? 

There are a lot of ways by which you can either share or pass your happiness to others.  You can suggest ways of being happy. This can help them go through their hard times by creating their own happy zones. Another way of passing on happiness is to care for them. Help them in things they can’t do or need help. This will make them happy as they know that they can believe in you during their rough times.

Chahna Gandhi
Class VIII
The Doon Girls' School

Good Schools Of India