Showing posts with label lifeskills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifeskills. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Understanding - Anvesha Rana

Understanding is not just about learning but also about living. When others confess their mistakes, lies or problems to us, we often turn a blind eye towards them and do not listen. Still, we need to be humble enough to understand what they are going through, be kind enough to give them a shoulder and be trustworthy sufficient to accept their reality. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Each person deserves love and affection just the way we do.

Understanding is not a simple task; it requires the power to trust and tolerate and the necessity of being thoughtful while observing the simplicity at the heart of the matter and eventually giving in honestly to love. If we can understand, then we can trust. If we can understand, then we can be patient; if we can understand, we can tolerate and understand; only we can love.

At My Good School, understanding is experienced at its core. We initially listen to each other and then begin to understand one another. This is followed by a bond of trust, tolerance and humility, and as time passes, we begin to treasure the standard tie of love that connects us all. Understanding is the foundation stone for building upon the structure of love.

In the Mahabharata, an incident occurred during the Gurukul days of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Guru Dronacharya, the teacher of the princes, had to leave the gurukul for a fortnight due to some urgent work; hence, he had called upon all his pupils and asked them to complete their lessons by the time he returned. All students finished their work and did some extra tasks as well. Guru Dronacharya returned after a fortnight and called his pupils to the classroom; one by one, he individually asked them to come forward and inform him how many lessons they had completed while he was away.

Someone said three, someone else four, others 5 and so on; the teacher beamed at his students as he looked at them with love. At last, he called Yudhishthira, the eldest son of the Pandavas, and Guru Dronacharya was sure that Yudhishthira would have done more lessons than everyone else. However, when asked the question, he answered that he had only done one sentence. The teacher was shocked and yelled at him that in a fortnight, he could only do one sentence; Yudhishthira apologised but repeated that he could only understand that sentence. The other pupils were shocked as they saw their Guru mercilessly scolding Yudhishthira. However, he stayed rooted in his words. At the end of it, when Guru Dronacharya finally asked him what the sentence was, he confidently replied, “Control your anger and Guru ji, it took me 15 days to learn how to control my anger, so I could only complete one sentence.” Guru Dronacharya stood in awe and appreciated Yudhishthira, for he had understood the power of understanding, an ability not yet attained by many of us.

Anvesha Rana

Grade 11 

Gyanshree School

Sunday, 15 January 2023

What do I Value the most ? - Anvesha Rana

  Joyful Days and Fun chimes

With our loved ones are the best times,

Laughter surrounds us, and smiles spread, 

As family and friends meet.

We may always want to be there, 

With our family and friends,

But Alas! Not how our life wishes. 

But the cycle continues. 

And being the captain hurts,

For wasting time, we can’t afford

And to be lost amid not a good record. 

Time continues, 

Living never stops, 

It does not wait for you,

It goes on. 

But as time passes, 

We ameliorate and improve, 

Unlike stagnant water, we always groove

For we become better with every move. 

I value my loved ones for being with me, 

I love my time, for it is precious, 

I love my Improvements as I move forward, 

I love my life the most. 

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School

Monday, 26 December 2022

The Power Of Love - Anvesha Rana


 Earlier I was a mysterious soul,

Inside me, I had a deep hole. 

Which neither time nor work could reap, 

All I needed was a retreat. 

The vacancy grew larger, 

The loneliness grew bigger, 

But I still lurked in the corner, 

Still searching for something warmer. 

But then I saw a beautiful white dove, 

Which perched up my tree, 

Once it went, it came later affectionately, 

And became a family guarantee!  

I realized my family, 

My mother, father and sister, 

I saw them care, caress, fluster and support, 

All in the name of love. 

I understood my friends, 

Calling me to make amends, 

Or to catch up with the latest trends, 

All in the name of love. 

Then I discovered my passion, 

Which taught me dedication

And devotion and compassion, 

All in the name of love. 

I learnt a lot from them, 

But I also learnt a lot from myself, 

Which made me learn one more thing

And that is Self-Love. 

Thank you for 

making me realize, 

making me believe 

And making me feel 

The Power Of Love. 

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana

Friendship makes us foresee all difficulties, it enables the world to go blind and our friends to shine bright like a new ray. Swami, Rajam and  Mani had to meet each other at any cost; despite the heat that hit their heads, the tar that burnt their feet and the lone streets that gave shudders, the friends had to come together. 

This stubborn hope for meeting our friends, whether it rains or snows, hails or blows, windy or stormy, sunny or cloudy, is what makes friendship so great. The eagerness to meet our friends with the same smile, vigour and energy, as if meeting them for the first time and listening to their talks, as if they were the most essential thing in the world, is what makes a friend the best. 

Swami, the however kind he may be at heart, is a leisurely mind. His brain dwells on the tale behind the sum when he witnesses math sums rather than quickly solving them. It’s true sometimes it’s simply impossible to concentrate - we just want to have fun, but seeing the complex numbers dance in front of our eyes and not getting the correct answer even after solving the question a million times, can be frustrating - but education is an excellent teacher, it has taught us not to give up on that math sum, not to lose hope in a subject and to be genuinely confident in ourselves.

Do your best, 

And leave the rest

For the Almighty, he is looking at us, 

He is seeing if we are good or making a fuss

Live the way you want it to be, 

Just be happy and be free

Only Remember to enjoy the roadway,

And not devour the fruit halfway.  

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School

Monday, 27 June 2022

Totto-chan's Life - Anvesha Rana

Totto-chan has taught me many things, from selflessness to compassion, curiosity to care, pity to love. She has taught us innumerable life lessons just through her mischievous nature and jovial personality. 

Totto-chan had participated in a sports event and that single event had the most profound effect on her. Similarly, even the sports day at my school is not only a day full of fun but also a day submerged in learning. 

The sports day taught me acceptance, that even though I did not win anything, I needed to accept that fact. It also encourages appreciation for others, I learn to acknowledge the rewards of my mates even when I don't have any. It teaches me to care for those who might have hurt themselves while playing, but the most important lesson on the sports day is cooperation, understanding and following your team and leading them in the right direction. The sports day is a day oozing with fun, learning, sports and values. 

Totto-chan had a fun pet, Rocky, who was a German shepherd. Rocky and Totto-chan are best friends, but their favourite pastime together was to play the game 'Wolf'. In wolf, you had to roll down on the mat and face each other only to make the scariest, wolf-alike face possible. Rocky and Totto-chan were simply playing this game, but Rocky, a German shepherd, raised its animal instinct and bit Totto-chan on her ear. It was awful, the ear was dangling down but the only thing that mattered to Totto-chan, while at hospital to get her ear mended, was that her parents should not scold Rocky. This incident demonstrated the pure form of love that Totto-chan and Rocky share. It showed how deeply they cared for each other but after all Rocky was her pet, only Totto-chan considered him a friend.  

We all want to have a pet, even I want one but I think we should not keep these animals caged in our homes, far away from their families. Moreover, owning a pet requires time, honesty, humility, love, care, patience, cooperation, appreciation and quality, and if we want to have a pet then, we should take full responsibility for it. It should not be that we got a dog home and then just got stuck in our everyday life only to forget our pet. We should respect our desires, and if we want to have a pet, then we should also acknowledge our pet. 

Totto-chan is indeed a unique girl. Her enthusiasm is contagious and full of love and passion, and her inquisitiveness is simply enchanting. She found a great interest in creating haikus. A Haiku is a kind of a Japanese poem where 5-7-5 syllables are applied to express daily situations with a unique twist. 

Here's a Haiku I tried to create: 

                 The Joy is found, 

                     Love is spread at the MGS, 

                           Meet us now at 11:00!

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B,

Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 June 2022

Coffee with the Coach - Anvesha Rana


Maybe it was a grandparent, a colleague or a teacher, someone older, patient and wiser, who ignited your lost mind; crackled the fire of learning in you when you were young and impassioned. It perhaps helped you view the world as a more profound place and gave you sound advice to guide your way through it. It was my teacher, maybe for you, it would be someone else but...

Wouldn't you like to see that one person again, to ask the more important questions that still haunt you and receive wisdom for life the way it is now?

Coffee with the Coach is a conversation between a teacher and his student about almost everything. Most importantly, about the 22 immutable values cornerstone of My Good School. Coffee with the Coach is a magical chronicle of their time spent together.

Anvesha Rana,

Grade 10-B,

Gyanshree School