Showing posts with label listen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label listen. Show all posts

Monday, 12 August 2024

Sunday School 11th August 2024

Sunday School by Sandeep Dutt

Jugjiv Singh is the narrator at the My Good School sessions for reading, reflection, and relationships #JoyOfLearning.

Read on Substack
We share our #JoyOfLearning at our Sunday School; enjoy the My Good School session recording on 11th August 2024. Check it out: excerpt of The Great Dreams - Jataka Tales, our current read. Jugjiv Singh is our anchor and coach for the Sunday morning Zoom Sessions. His reading and conversations are legendary. 

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Sharpening The Saw - Nishan Karki

Sunday reading with Jugjiv Sir

"We must never be too busy to take time to sharpen the saw." - Stephen Richards Covey.

Sharpening the saw means making the best use of your greatest asset, i.e. you. It means sharpening your mind physically, socially, mentally and spiritually. Sharpening the saw and sharpening yourself are the same thing. It helps to keep yourself in the best place and fresh to do your work most effectively. If you sharpen yourself, you can bring change in yourself and your habits.

You can sharpen the saw through the following :

* Positiveness on yourself

* Meditation

* Be resilient

* Read, write and learn new things

* Take care of your mind, body and spirit

* Listen to your heart and mind

* Create balance

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India 

Saturday, 15 April 2023

The dilemma between heart and mind - Tenzin Jambey

"Good evening, sir. How is everything and hope you are all good, me🥳 waiting for Sunday's Good School and will see you in Sunday's Class. This is my reflection on ( SHARE A DILEMMA OF HEART AND MIND). It took me almost an hour to write ðŸ¤¦and I guess ðŸ¤” not everyone has the courage💪 to share the dilemma experience which I have shared. Hope you would love and feel good after going through my reflection." Tenzin Jambey

Our minds and heart ask and wish for many things, but sometimes we come across such situations that our minds and heart don't agree to perform a task together. When the brain says 'yes', the heart says 'no' and when the heart says 'yes', the brain says 'no'. In this situation, we need clarification. I have also experienced the dilemma between my brain and heart, and the dilemma I faced is also faced by others.

1) "Being a student, our main purpose is "studying" every student is expected to learn good values, life skills, good morals and at last, they are expected to become a good human being". It has not been a long day since I last experienced this dilemma. My exams were near, and I had a lot to cover up; my mind would always tell me to stay focused on my studies and prepare for exams, or else I wouldn't be able to complete the syllabus. Still, my heart told me, "Don't take the pressure. You can cover up the whole syllabus before exams". When I used to sit studying, my mind and heart would fight for a few minutes, and every time my mind used to win. In the case of studying, I always listen to my mind. This time, I could only secure a good percentage in my finals because I listened to my mind.

2) The dilemma between heart and mind, which I am now going to share right now, is a Universal truth, and it is experienced by almost all human beings, including you and me. " FEELING ATTRACTED TOWARDS SOMEONE" means having a feeling of love for someone or having a crush upon someone. When we fall in love with someone, a powerful dilemma develops between our minds and heart. We still can't escape even after knowing that this would take us nowhere and is just a short-term distraction or an attraction. Our mind says that we try to forget the one upon whom we have the feeling of love or crush, but our heart doesn't agree with the decision of our mind. These feelings and attractions can last for a  few days or more. Still, it remains for a very long time for some, so even a more significant dilemma is developed between mind and heart, much like a" SMART EDUCATED  PERSON TRYING TO TALK IN ENGLISH WITH A INNOCENT UNEDUCATED PERSON ". This dilemma puts extreme pressure upon people and can lead a person to perform activities which he/she might not have ever dreamt of; they end up being bad cold-hearted people, and they remain in depression; they are often found sad, and at last,,, they ruin their own life. It is sad thing that many people commit suicide, and they prefer to kill themselves when they fail in love or when they fail to impress the other person. Still, we must understand and develop self-control to overcome this challenging and complex dilemma.

At last, dilemmas can come and get into our life from anywhere, so we have to be very mindful of the decision we are to make. It would be better to listen to " FIFTY - FIFTY " of both mind and heart rather than listening to the heart or mind altogether. As for me, our mind always thinks of our future and our results. In contrast, our heart would show the way to happiness, and by listening and following the instructions of both of them, you would indeed become HAPPY (which is a contribution of the heart) and SUCCESFUL (which is a result of listening to our mind) man, A HAPPY SUCCESSFUL MAN. 

Reading at the Sunday School

Thursday, 2 June 2022

My Good School Season 2, Episode 4 - Hope

“I am Anvesha, and I am Simar, and we will be hosts for the event!”

Another month means another podcast produced by none other than our interns. Anvesha and Simar are back with a podcast on a heartwarming topic - Hope! 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

~Emily Dickinson

What is life without Hope? What does Hope mean to you? Does Hope change our perspective on life? When do you feel the most hopeful? Does someone or something help you to be hopeful? Make sure to ponder these questions and share your thoughts in the comment section. 

Tune in to listen to Ms Arushi Goswami -  she shares their thoughts and feelings on this important topic. 

Comment below and let us know if you liked the podcast. If you want to be part of similar podcasts, join us! We hope to meet you again when we are back with a podcast on ‘Humility’ next month. 

My Good School celebrates Hope and has come up with a podcast made and produced by our interns!

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Respect - Tamanna Solanki

Tamanna Solanki
Respect is the most recurring human value among all other human values. It is of two types: self-respect (self-esteem) and respect for others. I think we all learn it by experience. It can't be inherent, but it is learned very early in life through various experiences. It is as simple as acknowledging the presence of the other being. Mere recognizing and accepting the point of view of the other person and giving him or her due consideration is showing respect. We can be respectful of anyone's deeds, opinions, rights, dignity, decisions, likes or dislikes, etc.

Before learning how to respect others, I, rather, naturally go through a journey to recognize how it feels to be respected. I simply feel respected when my parents listen to me, when they ask my opinion on trivial family matters, when my mentors acknowledge my curiosity, doubts and responses. I feel respected when my friends consider my opinion and collaborate and cooperate with me now and then. And all these things taught me to be respectful to others irrespective of their age. This develops self-esteem, which also gives us confidence and courage and a very positive feeling. 

Most of the time, when we respect others, we are likely to get it back. But, I feel we can never be certain that giving respect ensures getting respect. As the saying goes, "Respect is not demanded; it is commanded". So, for commanding respect, we need to become worthy of others' respect. Since we are living in a society, respect for others is a must value to inculcate. And this can be done only when we respect ourselves first.

In the end, I would like to say that respect is a vital human value that is necessary for adapting to social behaviour and, therefore human survival.

Tamanna Solanki 
Class VII
The Fabindia School 

Good Schools Of India