Showing posts with label lunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lunch. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 May 2023

My graduation speech at school - Rishona Chopra

Good morning my fellow graduates!

I stand before you on this special day to give my parting speech. This school has opened up several opportunities for me. Everything had unique value, from exams to lunch, sports to competitions, and left me with priceless learning. 

I've made some beautiful and memorable memories in this school. The fun of running out of the class for the sports class, the nervousness and happiness in the annual day practice, the excitement of seeing the science labs for the first time, the peppiness of travelling for a school trip and the agitation during my exams. It all mattered to me a lot and made quite a difference. 

One of the decisions that really made a significant change was joining My Good School. It helped me a lot and opened many doors for me. 

This journey wouldn't have been so incredible without all my teachers supporting me at every step. So thank you to all my teachers who have guided me. Yes, I've had tough and challenging times, but life isn't that fun without its ups and downs!

I would like to thank my exceptional parents, who sent me to this beautiful school and opened this extensive window. 

The memories I made in this school and the learning I took away will always be a big part of my life, and I will never forget them. 

Today, we are at a turning point in our lives, and I hope this will be the best turn we have ever made!

Thank you!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 16 May 2022

Learning: The Fun Way - Anvesha Rana

At Tomoe Gakuen, the students could study the subjects at their own pace. Unlike regular schools where children have fixed periods for different topics. At Tomoe, one could start by doing their favourite subject and then somehow manage to do the ones they dislike; this was learning the fun way. Independent decisions made the children ready for real life. 

Another aspect of Totto Chan's new school was that lunch was unique. Everyone was supposed to bring something from the ocean and the hills to meet the essential nutrition requirement. Also, if the child only had something from the sea or something from the sea, then the headmaster's wife would dole out the other. So all kids at Tomoe Gakuen always ate Something from the ocean and something from the hills. 

The Headmaster was a distinctive individual; he always encouraged the children to chew their food well and respect it. He would often test the students' culinary knowledge by asking them about the place from where their food belongs: The hills or the sea? 

This was all the fun at Tomoe Gakuen, but the best part was probably the School Walks. After lunch, all the kids would walk in the open with their teacher in the midst. Everyone would think of it as leisure time, but these walks were actually memorable lessons in science, history and biology.

This is Learning the Fun Way, which is at Tomoe Gakuen but is even at My Good School, where Learning is Fun and Fun is Learning! 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar

"TRIIIIIIING! LUNCHTIME!" I would say this every day at noon. Neither a second before nor a second after. I am always on time. However, I am not taken seriously by my folks. I am there in schools so that children learn to be disciplined. Sometimes teachers need teaching too. I am more like a principal of the school. Strict, disciplined and most importantly, very (and I mean VERY) punctual. Here's how my days go. I wake up sharp at eight, and my first words are always "Morning, School!" Next, I talk to the real principal. "Second Period" and "Third Period" and so on till SEVEN periods!. That's how my days end. Moreover, I have to say the same thing every day just for punctuality in children. What a tiring job I have. "TRIIIIIIING! SIXTH PERIOD!" I may be found irritating to those who love the concept being taught during class timings and a lifesaver for those who are getting bored. But now you know… I am way more than that. I am the timetable of those who don't value my friend's time.

Aanya Kumar

Podar International School

Grade 6B

Good Schools Of India