Showing posts with label marks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marks. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 October 2023

How has strictness and hard work helped you? - Nishan Karki

"Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose." —G.K. Nielson

Strictness and hard work have helped me a lot. It has helped me to control my actions and emotions. It has helped me to exceed my potential, think outside the box, and explore my inner strength.
I came to Pestalozzi when I was 10 years old. I was an innocent little child. After six months of training in Pestalozzi, I and my friends were selected for different schools. I was selected for Ann Mary School.
My first day of school was very interesting. I was also a bit scared. I managed to speak with a few pupils and make them friends. Days passed, and my school life was going normally.
The biggest problem that I faced at this time was in my studies. I could not understand many things. I also received very low grades in sixth grade. My percentage was just in the 60s. I was not satisfied with my results.
I had to study classes 7 and 8 online. This time also, I faced many problems, like Internet issues and again lacking focus in my studies. I managed to get a 70 to 75 percentage in class 7th, but in class 8th, my result got worse. I totally messed up. I got 54 percent, which was unattractive and unsatisfactory.
After my 8th grade result, I decided to put extra focus on my studies. I became strict with my studies and worked very hard. I managed to get above 80 percent in my first unit test. After getting my results, I believed that I really worked hard. I maintained this throughout 9th grade. At finals, I got 87.8 percent, which made me the topper of my class, 9F.
Now I am in class 10. I am again maintaining this on the 10th. In fact, I am trying to be more strict in my studies and working hard. I am hoping to get a good percentage for my boards.
I am strict and hardworking in many matters. This was just a small part of it.
Name- Nishan Karki 
Class- X
Pestalozzi Children Village Society
Image courtesy - Gympik

Monday, 19 June 2023

A cause that is dear to me - Aria Gupta

Parents often make their children study in school and get into a prestigious college so that they become successful. Initially, it might not seem much of an issue, but they pressure children to study in school and ace all exam papers. If the child fails one exam, it’s game over for them. They are probably also judged like this regarding their other skills, such as sports. This can affect youngsters’ mental health and make them feel worthless because they think their parents will never be proud of them even once. They’re also compared to other children like ‘The three - year old living nearby who has supposedly already completed college in IIT and runs a business with his left leg and another business with his right leg’.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating.

But you can’t deny that children are compared to other children by their parents. “Why can’t you be like him?” and “Learn something from her” are some statements that can shoot a bullet straight into a child’s mental health. Then they start trying harder than ever to avoid failure at all costs.

We all can agree that failure is inevitable. I don’t need to write an entire paragraph on that, right?

Returning to the topic, it’s okay if a child fails one exam; it doesn’t define their entire life.

Boy: Dad…

Dad: You got your exam results today, right?

Boy: Yes, Dad.

Dad: C’mon, spill it out

Boy: I failed my maths exam 😭!


That is not how life works; your future isn’t something you can determine based on a couple of tests.

To sum it up, the cause that is dear to me is that parents shouldn’t force their children to become Albert Einstein at age 13, which can significantly affect their mental health.

Albert Einstein only said, “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it’s stupid.”

Aria Gupta
Grade VIG
Gyanshree School

Monday, 21 June 2021

My Family and Their Happiness - Gaurangi Rastogi

We, humans, are social beings. We have family, friends, and relatives. Since this Covid-19, we have been separated from our families. Now, let me tell you, what does family mean to me?  My family means a place where I can be safe physically and mentally. My family means a culture my world resides in. My family means a shield that protects me from bad influences. My family is like a body in which everything works in harmony. 

My family means everything to me, and I want to see them always happy. My family makes me happy, and so even I should try and keep them happy. Some simple ways in which I give happiness to my family are:

● by bringing good marks and doing well at school. 

● by spending time with them instead of playing on gadgets. 

● by teaching them something 

● by supporting them in bad times

 ● by not being stubborn 

● by sending them letters and emails every weekend from school. 

Gaurangi Rastogi 
Class VI
The Doon Girls' School

Good Schools Of India