Showing posts with label materialistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label materialistic. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

How does your mind process? - Reveda Bhatt

I sit down at my laptop today after months maybe, to write. Well, I don’t know what to write but let’s see where my pen takes me  (keyboard being the pen). The mind is very prone to distractions and when you go ahead with what your mind says, maybe you trap yourself in, somewhere. It seems as if that is what is meant for you to do at that moment. 

You’ll think that what I am saying does not make any sense but actually, it is your mind, not you. Herein, if you understand, the last line has a very deep meaning are different from your mind, your looks, and even your body-“You” are not them. If seen that way, technically, by following your mind, you are ignoring “yourself.” See, the mind is a very unstable thing that lures you into doing things you normally wouldn’t and makes it feel like half of your “meaning” lies in doing so. 

So, I believe, that rather than taking the mind to be as your “controller,” or “dictator,” taking it as an “advisor” is more advisable.

All this sounds weird but it is true. And when it makes sense to you, allow me to tell you that having control over your mind, when living in the materialistic world is next to impossible? How can that be when our “full-attention” span is nearly 8.25 seconds! Therefore, it might be difficult for reaching to even one of its levels is a time-taking process. However, it is just “next to impossible,” not impossible.

One can do so because as said in the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley,
“I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.”

Reveda Bhatt

The Aryan School

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Happiness - Oshi Singh

Image courtesy
used by Oshi Singh for representation only

'Be grateful for everyone you have, not everything you have.'

There's nothing more unpredictable than life itself. All situations we face in life are like dice. It's about our perspective towards it. The same applies to life too. We can spend this unreliable journey with a big smile on our faces or with a heavy heart. Many choose happiness over sadness. But you may find many who stop trying and sit back after facing an unavoidable path in life. But hey! This is a long journey. Instead of being all sad and hopeless, fasten your seatbelts to the journey of the 'unknown'. All you have to do is simply focus on the positive side of the world. A world where everything is better, and you finally get your 'happily ever afters'. You shall achieve all this just by waking up every morning and enjoying every single moment, and living it to the fullest instead of wishing for it to the fullest. 

Living in this materialistic world, many try to find happiness in worldly things like money, not realizing that it's temporary and all that will matter in the end is their happiness and whether they had a meaningful life. So find your meaning in life, find your source of happiness, and together, celebrate the value of happiness and live the rest of your lives with a big smile stuck on your faces? 

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Simplicity - Shilpika Pandey

Poster courtesy Rishona Chopra

Simplicity is such a simple word but is it easy to follow? In this world of materialistic magnetism, how easy is it to adorn simplicity? 

Simplicity is grace, dignity, ability to be yourself in the most natural way, to live life simply, unaffected by others' judgements. 

From the way we converse, wear attire, carry a mobile phone, travel, and exhibit our lifestyle to the way we deal with everyday situations, and play our roles respectively, everything
would need to be simplicity personified.
Surprisingly it's easier to be complex, articulate, clever, and pompous than to be simple, as the latter demands genuineness, grounded and a real persona. 
Parents really need to bring up their children in a grounded manner so that these children grow up to be empathetic, genuine individuals who know how to carry themselves with simplicity in all spheres of life, despite the privileges around them.

Simplicity doesn't mean letting go of the good things one is fortunately blessed with but being gracious enough, thankful enough for it all and not letting that affect one's behaviour in any unacceptable way.

Saturday, 15 October 2022

A Dilemma - Reveda Bhatt

"…wondering whether I wait to live or if waiting is also living;" - From 'Extinctions' by Sharmistha Mohanty.

Due to the greed pertaining in humans, which doesn't seem to have an end, every moment of our lives is spent waiting for something from our to-do list. Some people are lucky enough to get what they want while waiting for theirs, and some do not understand that what they lost for what they wanted was what could have been gained.

In life, some of us just fix a pinpoint around our life circles wherein instead of living freely, we tie ourselves onto a mystical bull's eye, which we aren't even sure about. We, people, save money for our future or future generations, dragging ourselves into a so-charming-as-seen-superficial bond which limits our life, wings, and flight.

Now, realizing what we are doing with our lives raises a dilemma: whether to wait to live or to live! Taking a step towards waiting to live, the thought popping into our mind is the worry about whether the next generation would be much self-obsessed to even pay us back for the time we spent establishing a bright future for them. Believing they won't, we reframe our step back towards the initial position and then towards living, when we tend to wonder what if our next generation will not be able to get all the best things in life just because of our one stupidity to live freely and fully. That is how few moments of
our lives slip off our hands just like that, waiting for another.

The fact that we limit ourselves in this materialistic world when we can grow out of it really makes me wonder why we want such pleasures? It's not that I am saying let go of them. No! We also need them for our living, but picking out for them in excess is bad. It shouldn't ever be like you are stealing someone's right. All I am saying is that what gets sowed here on this planet, ultimately, wilts.

We get decayed in the same soil where we used to play, blow away in the same air that we
used to breathe, flow out in the same water that we used to swim in and get ash-ed up in
the same fire that once used to give us warmth.

In the past few years, I've learnt that by waiting for something else to come in, we make something go out, out of our mind, out of our soul, out of our body and lives. Halting for a moment to catch on, we lose another. People come, people, go, and moments come, moments go, although once the present is gone, it never comes back but haunts you as your past, a past that could have been better.

So, what I've been doing since those years after realizing that waiting is also living, is- "Forget the past, live in the present and think of the future."

Future, too, sometimes, but not always.
Long way ahead!? 

Reveda Bhatt
Grade IX
The Aryan School, Dehradun

Image courtesy My Good School, spreading the joy of learning for a better tomorrow.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Happiness @ My Good School

My Good School Season 2, Episode 2

Happiness is perhaps the most multi-faceted feeling. The most fundamental aspiration in the hearts of all human beings is to be happy. We all want to be satisfied, but we are not! But what is happiness? Happiness is an emotion, a feeling of contentment. The most trivial things can brighten our day, bring us joy and make us happy! May it be good weather, a good grade in an assessment, being able to befriend a stranger, calling a friend or a relative, looking at the stars, playing a sport with someone, listening to music, and the list goes on.

Happiness is not something that we can achieve with various materialistic items. True happiness comes from within. If we are not happy where we are, we won't be satisfied anywhere. Happiness is the first step of the ladder as we climb up to peace, sanguinity, sagacity, and finally, equanimity. In the words of Albus Dumbledore, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, only if one remembers to turn on the light!" So join us in unfolding the mystery behind the happiness of human life with Aarav and Rishona. Few of our friends will also join and share their experiences.

Tune in to the podcast to listen to Saima, Arindita, Anishka, Sakshi, Kritika and Sunita ma'am talk about the proper form of happiness. Let us revisit the cheerful and lively moments filled with joy and laughter!

Comment below and let us know if you liked our podcast. If you want to be a part of similar podcasts, join us. We hope to meet you soon again when we are back with a podcast on the 2nd of May 2022!

Our team:
Hosts- Rishona and Arav
Editors and creators- Moksh, Simar, Anvesha, Anusha

Good Schools Of India