Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts

Friday, 15 November 2024

Fireside Chat with Christa - 14th November 2024

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VIEW RECORDING - 87 mins - courtesy FATHOM - AI generated E.&.O.E.

Meeting Purpose

To discuss the Three Principles framework and share insights on managing insecurity through a story-based approach.

Key Takeaways


Introduction of Christa Campsall

The Three Principles Framework

Story: "Many Faces of Insecurity"

Masks of Insecurity

Understanding Thought and Separate Realities

Practical Applications

Next Steps

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

How does your mind process? - Reveda Bhatt

I sit down at my laptop today after months maybe, to write. Well, I don’t know what to write but let’s see where my pen takes me  (keyboard being the pen). The mind is very prone to distractions and when you go ahead with what your mind says, maybe you trap yourself in, somewhere. It seems as if that is what is meant for you to do at that moment. 

You’ll think that what I am saying does not make any sense but actually, it is your mind, not you. Herein, if you understand, the last line has a very deep meaning are different from your mind, your looks, and even your body-“You” are not them. If seen that way, technically, by following your mind, you are ignoring “yourself.” See, the mind is a very unstable thing that lures you into doing things you normally wouldn’t and makes it feel like half of your “meaning” lies in doing so. 

So, I believe, that rather than taking the mind to be as your “controller,” or “dictator,” taking it as an “advisor” is more advisable.

All this sounds weird but it is true. And when it makes sense to you, allow me to tell you that having control over your mind, when living in the materialistic world is next to impossible? How can that be when our “full-attention” span is nearly 8.25 seconds! Therefore, it might be difficult for reaching to even one of its levels is a time-taking process. However, it is just “next to impossible,” not impossible.

One can do so because as said in the poem ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley,
“I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.”

Reveda Bhatt

The Aryan School

Monday, 29 April 2024

The Art Of Orignality - Rishona Chopra

In today's fast-paced world, we have lost the art of originality and have forgotten its value. Today, books, songs, music, and poems can easily be written with the help of AI. It can write flawless articles, with perfect grammar but what we need to understand is that the flaws are what make the work so real and beautiful. 

When we write things ourselves, it has our thoughts put into it and our feelings which are a thousand times better than anything AI can create. Yes, we make mistakes and our work may have flaws but those flaws are what show us what we can improve on and make it better. The power of the mind is the greatest and if we don't put that power to use, it gets dull. It's like a knife, If not used, it eventually gets blunt and loses its sharpness just like we can lose our creativity wit. 

Let us take songwriting, for example, something that AI creates may be quite nice but when the mind creates that, there is a uniqueness to it and your creative touch can be felt. Originality is not doing something first, it's doing it with the power of the mind and by yourself. 

To me, reading an article with broken English and grammar yet beautiful with feelings and creativity is always better than one with flawless language and a lack of feelings. 

If we turn to AI  to do our tasks, then it just shows the lack of confidence we have in ourselves. The Art Of Originality is to not fall into the trap of betraying your mind, it is to follow through and follow the mind. 

Shakespeare didn't use ChatGPT to write "Comedy Of Errors" and look what a classic it is! We don't need AI to be successful in our work, what the mind can create is far more powerful because you can feel it. 

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School 

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

The Seer and the Seen - Rishona Chopra

Photo by
The question about who we really are often bugs me. Who are we? Are we the mind? The body? Or are we the soul? 

There is a simple philosophy to finding this out. "The Seer Is Not The Seen". If I am seeing a plant, that means I am not the plant. So I, the seer, am not the plant (the seen). Now, I can see my body, that also means that we are NOT our body. We know our feelings and thoughts so in a way we can see our thoughts. But if we can see our thoughts that means we are not our thoughts so if we are not the body and not the mind, who are we? 

We are the conscious; our soul. But is my soul different from yours? No, we are all the same conscious and have the same guiding lights within us. We are only so different in our thoughts and body but we are all the same. 

The "God" we look for in temples and photos is within us. Our conscious and guiding light is God. Going by the definition, God is the creator and the light within us, in fact, the creator is the very reason for our existence. God is not living on Jupiter and noting our deeds in his long register. It's a power within us and that's what makes humans so special. We have the power to choose and to create. 

Let us take the example of two pots kept in a room. In that room air flows. Both pots also enclose air in them. But can we see that the air in one pot is different from the other? No, not at all. The air in both of them is just the same. Can we also say that the air enclosed within the pot is the "pot's air" alone? The same air is enclosed in the room too. 

Similarly, consciousness is one, but we assume each has a different soul by looking at different thoughts and looks. But the soul in each is the same and one. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII 
Gyanshree School

Monday, 15 January 2024

Happiness and Life - Tenzin Jambey

Listen to the Podcast

As humans, we often contemplate the concepts of happiness and life. Our constant desire to improve our circumstances and seek inner peace is universal. In this week's "Reflection," Jambey, a bright student of My Good School, shares his thoughts on happiness, peace, and life. Through his personal experiences, he sheds light on how different perspectives can impact society. Join us as we explore the perspective of a young mind on life's journey, from finding the right path to losing our way. 
Enjoy the podcast, and if you wish to join us, please visit our website at #MyGoodSchool #JoyOfLearning.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

The Secrets Of The Highly Efficient - Yashraj Sharma

Well, hello, dear reader! Before you start reading, there's one request I'd like to make to you. This is a big article, but trust me if you read it. It will be worth the time.

At some point in our lives, I'm sure we've all procrastinated. Sometimes, when your lazy side just takes over you and instead of knowing that right now is the perfect time to do some task, that lazy version of yourself just seems to take the steering wheel of your mind. We start doing things that we would define as "stupid" when we think about it; I mean, we all know that it's not wrong if I say that the first thing you do is go and check the fridge to see if something has magically appeared in there which wasn't there 10 minutes ago when you checked it for the same reason. 

You must be wondering what you are even reading, which is completely unrelated to the title you read, before opening this article in the first place.

So, I read a book called Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins. Many of you might have yet to hear about this book or even this author. Well, I'm not going to tell you much about this book, but from reading it, I have come to learn of the two secrets of the highly efficient people we see every day on our devices and say, "Wow! They are excellent at their work. I'm sure they worked hard". These have helped me bring about some change in my life, and if you also practice them in your life, it'll give results, some outstanding ones. 

Number one: Motivation is absolute crap

I know this may have felt a bit harsh, but sometimes we just have to take it and accept it the way it is, right? So, there are always some things like guilt, dread, anxiety, self-hatred, and all of those good procrastinator feelings. These feelings are like quicksand. They grab you under and won't let you go. When it feels like that, it's elementary to drift off and continue making all the comfortable decisions you previously created that left you here. This is where "motivation" comes into play, commonly heard of when people set out to do something but end up in this situation. Even the best pep-talk or self-hack is nothing but a temporary fix. It won't amplify your voice or uplift your life. Motivation changes absolutely nobody. You need to fall in love with suffering and pain to transform from the little soul you are today into the most unbreakable and hardest person God has ever created. By which, I mean being the most successful person on the planet in the thing you do. 

Number two: The 3D mantra

Before you get too excited, I'm not recommending any movie but instead the one basic principle yet the most important one in your entire life you'll ever need in any situation to achieve any goal you set for yourself. This mantra says:

D- Discipline

D- Determination

D- Dedication

If you follow this mantra for every work you set out to do, I can guarantee you'll see results far better than expected.

The two things I just mentioned can be used in every area of your life, whether you're a student struggling in studies, trying to become the best or an adult. In the end, I'd like to say you need to know how to master your mind and defy the odds. Trust me, if you learn to do that and work hard daily. You'll see yourself becoming 1% better at the end of each day.

Yashraj Sharma

Gyanshree School

Grade IX Image of the book courtesy BOL.COM

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Does believing help escape the person out of negativism? - Tenzin Norsang

Picture Courtesy:

A wise man once said, and he said it so well - 
“Believing in one’s self is the essential key and necessity if one wants to achieve and acquire higher and greater goals in one’s life.”

The person who believes in himself has the ability and the capability to conquer anything. Robin Sharma said, and I quote - 
“Your mind is a good servant but a tyrannical leader.” 

A person who has faith in himself is one who has mastered the art of controlling his mind. He who believes in himself - has been bestowed with the power that has the intensity to change the world.

What are negative thoughts?
Negative thoughts are thoughts which are pessimistic and demotivating in nature. Such thoughts create a feeling of unrest and doubt in oneself. 

When do such thoughts pop up in our minds?
Such thoughts cloud our minds during the disturbing and dark times in our lives. During such a phase in our life, we doubt our abilities, skills and capabilities, but most of all, we mistrust ourselves, which creates a hindrance that obstructs and blocks our way from achieving our goals. 

In this life course, if someone wants to overcome such thoughts, he should have faith and believe in himself. Many people in today's world are facing and going through tough times. 

When someone's life is shadowed by darkness, he has two choices. Either he could be the one who curses the darkness. Or he could be the one who lights a candle amidst the darkness. Here, 'lighting the candle amidst the dark' - is symbolic of self-belief and driving out all your negative thoughts and emotions from your mind and body. 

Thus, Believing in oneself means self-assurance and motivating oneself throughout difficult times. 

Self-belief transforms a person into being willing, pressure-resilient, confident, peaceful, and the master of one’s mind. He demonstrates the “Never give up” attitude till the end, whatever the unfolded result is. 

Believing in oneself automatically leads to the expulsion of negative thoughts and assists him in escaping out of it.

Tenzin Norsang
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

The 'My Good School' Forest

 "And Into the forest,
I go to lose my mind and find my soul"
~ John Muir

My Good School is all about reading. The joy of reading, writing, learning, speaking and simply the pleasure of relishing the good moments in life. And what is better than our very forest, where we can merely roam in the lush green gardens, rediscover ourselves and enjoy the beauty?
With this feeling, let us hear how one of our students feels about this luxuriant forest. 

"I remember one of my conversations with students of schools in Burg where they were telling me how different their school is by having a swimming pool, a garden to walk, an air-conditioned auditorium hall, and trips and camps outside school which make them stand out in their category.

I felt gloomy at the time because my school (The Fabindia School) had no point which would fit into this category of schools. And I couldn't get into the conversation. Later on, I came back and sat under my glorious Wisdom Tree.

I realize that we are not part of this category or any category because we are exclusive and unique in our ways. And I know everyone feels the same about their school, but I have several reasons to prove my statement.

If your school has a swimming pool, We have a whole natural pond.
You may have a garden to walk, but we have a Jungle to talk with.
You need to find a place to set up your camp while we can easily create one in our jungle.
Your school might use bleach for your pool, but we are a green school.

We don't harm the environment. We wish to nurture flora and fauna. We create our electricity and conduct rainwater harvesting. And that too from the time when schools had not defined what sustainable development was. We have been doing this for long enough, and the best part is that our vision and mission are not only on paper. It is in everyone's heart, and we carry it all along. 

I am so grateful to our founders and patrons for choosing this land in Bali, Rajasthan, as the launching pad. Thank you for believing that we could give back to our community." 

- Kunal Rajpurohit
(Visit our website here:

Its beauty and extravagance are beyond comparison. And we do hope that you will come to our forest one day. We are sure you will feel enriched and refreshed after having a short walk in our forest.

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Mindful living is important in present time - Tenzin Jambey

With time everything is changing; we see development and new infrastructure set up. The living standard of people is also changing, and with the way of living standards, people's minds and the method of executing actions are too changing. We must be very mindful about our activities and words in today's world. 

Our one action can cause heavy destruction; with one step, our identity can change. With one step, we lose our trust, friends, and loved ones. Before doing any work or even speaking to somebody, we should ask ourselves whether we are doing the right thing. We should consider the effects and consequences, but many people still do something wrong even after knowing it is wrong. 

Humans get many emotions like greed, selfishness, and desire to possess. That's why it becomes difficult sometimes to have control over our actions. How strange we human beings are. Aren't we just for the sake of fun and enjoyment? We put everything, even studies, aside? This all originates in the mind, and we should adopt good habits so that lousy thought can die at the place where it was created. 

Good thinking leads to the execution of good actions, and good actions would lead you to a happy life. Indeed, we don't have control over our emotions but can control our actions.

Teenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's India Village

Enjoy the essence of boredom! - Rishona Chopra

Being bored is something which many of us consider something which should not happen. As my mother fondly says- "An empty mind is a naughty one. " 

Being bored is quite good, and utilising that time of boredom well is a talent. 

The first thing that most of us do when we are bored is either pick up the phone or a book. Which is better? None. 

Just doing nothing boosts our creativity for many things. I was just lying on my bed doing absolutely nothing, and this really humourous idea came to my mind for a novel. 

This doesn't mean we should never do anything, but it simply means that we should take a break sometimes just do nothing. 

Therefore, we must take a break and learn to get bored without actually being bored!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School 

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Sharpening The Saw - Nishan Karki

Sunday reading with Jugjiv Sir

"We must never be too busy to take time to sharpen the saw." - Stephen Richards Covey.

Sharpening the saw means making the best use of your greatest asset, i.e. you. It means sharpening your mind physically, socially, mentally and spiritually. Sharpening the saw and sharpening yourself are the same thing. It helps to keep yourself in the best place and fresh to do your work most effectively. If you sharpen yourself, you can bring change in yourself and your habits.

You can sharpen the saw through the following :

* Positiveness on yourself

* Meditation

* Be resilient

* Read, write and learn new things

* Take care of your mind, body and spirit

* Listen to your heart and mind

* Create balance

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India 

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Sharpening The Saw - Rishona Chopra

When a woodcutter's saw is blunt, he sharpens it to work more effectively. Similarly, our mind needs motivation and energy to do something effectively. 

Our priorities should be organised and well-conducted. We all need a break and a time when we can just refresh ourselves by pampering ourselves or doing anything that makes us happy. If we keep working all day long without taking a break, not only will we be tired, but the work's efficiency will not come out to its true potential. 

When a lion is about to attack its prey, it takes a few steps back so it can attack with full force. Sharpening The Saw simply means to refresh, energize and motivate oneself to do a task.

I personally don't like the word "workaholic". This is because it is not suitable to work continuously for long hours at a stretch. We stop enjoying the work we do and consider it as something we are forced to do.  In the long term, it affects our work speed, efficiency and, most importantly, our health. 

An even better attitude is to re-energise, not to do work but to be a better person. Motivation and hope include reflection. Reflection in every aspect of life. The sharpener needs to be solid and good enough to sharpen the saw. That means our attitude and positivity matter quite a lot. But how can we maintain a positive attitude throughout the day even when there is constantly a problem? 

First, we will have to come to terms with the truth of life - We will face problems every day and every time. Every situation will have a downside and problem, but we must overcome them. 

While dealing with problems is like a war; one has a stronger army, and the other has a weaker military. In the battle between the issues and humans, humans have the upper hand as it depends entirely on their thoughts and attitude that decides who will win. We must remember that every problem has a solution. 

Second, we need to know our feelings whenever we feel negative, sad or hopeless. We should be on the lookout for such thoughts and not let them control our minds, but if we ever see a valid risk, we shouldn't ignore it. We should be able to understand and differentiate between the necessary and the unnecessary thoughts. 

Lastly, we should replace our pessimism with optimism. 

To conclude, we need motivation and energy to do a task, so it is vital to make time for renewing activities. But, all of that is only useful if we have an optimistic attitude towards life and all our tasks. We need to sharpen the mind, but in reality, the mind is the sharpener!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 17 April 2023

Are you in a dilemma? - Tenzin Kunsel

The dilemma word that we all are familiar with is a situation we all face daily. But when we think we are facing a dilemma, it's just a game that our mind plays. We all are already aware of the choice which we want to go with but create another choice just to confuse ourselves. When we debate which option to go with, we should always choose the brain's advice though hard to follow but better for us than the heart's advice which is easier. The brain's choice is better and more practical than the heart's.

Tenzin Kunsel
Pestalozzi Children's India Village

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Heart Vs Mind, a dilemma

The dilemma is a word that we all are familiar with, a situation we all face daily. But when we think we are facing a dilemma, it's just a game that our mind plays. We all know the choice we want to make but create another choice just to confuse ourselves.

When we debate which choice to go with, we should always choose the brain's advice though hard to follow, but better for us than the heart's easier advice. The brain's choice is better and more practical than the heart's.

Author unknown; received via Sonam Lhamo's email ID!

The dilemma between heart and mind - Tenzin Jambey

"Good evening, sir. How is everything and hope you are all good, me🥳 waiting for Sunday's Good School and will see you in Sunday's Class. This is my reflection on ( SHARE A DILEMMA OF HEART AND MIND). It took me almost an hour to write 🤦and I guess 🤔 not everyone has the courage💪 to share the dilemma experience which I have shared. Hope you would love and feel good after going through my reflection." Tenzin Jambey

Our minds and heart ask and wish for many things, but sometimes we come across such situations that our minds and heart don't agree to perform a task together. When the brain says 'yes', the heart says 'no' and when the heart says 'yes', the brain says 'no'. In this situation, we need clarification. I have also experienced the dilemma between my brain and heart, and the dilemma I faced is also faced by others.

1) "Being a student, our main purpose is "studying" every student is expected to learn good values, life skills, good morals and at last, they are expected to become a good human being". It has not been a long day since I last experienced this dilemma. My exams were near, and I had a lot to cover up; my mind would always tell me to stay focused on my studies and prepare for exams, or else I wouldn't be able to complete the syllabus. Still, my heart told me, "Don't take the pressure. You can cover up the whole syllabus before exams". When I used to sit studying, my mind and heart would fight for a few minutes, and every time my mind used to win. In the case of studying, I always listen to my mind. This time, I could only secure a good percentage in my finals because I listened to my mind.

2) The dilemma between heart and mind, which I am now going to share right now, is a Universal truth, and it is experienced by almost all human beings, including you and me. " FEELING ATTRACTED TOWARDS SOMEONE" means having a feeling of love for someone or having a crush upon someone. When we fall in love with someone, a powerful dilemma develops between our minds and heart. We still can't escape even after knowing that this would take us nowhere and is just a short-term distraction or an attraction. Our mind says that we try to forget the one upon whom we have the feeling of love or crush, but our heart doesn't agree with the decision of our mind. These feelings and attractions can last for a  few days or more. Still, it remains for a very long time for some, so even a more significant dilemma is developed between mind and heart, much like a" SMART EDUCATED  PERSON TRYING TO TALK IN ENGLISH WITH A INNOCENT UNEDUCATED PERSON ". This dilemma puts extreme pressure upon people and can lead a person to perform activities which he/she might not have ever dreamt of; they end up being bad cold-hearted people, and they remain in depression; they are often found sad, and at last,,, they ruin their own life. It is sad thing that many people commit suicide, and they prefer to kill themselves when they fail in love or when they fail to impress the other person. Still, we must understand and develop self-control to overcome this challenging and complex dilemma.

At last, dilemmas can come and get into our life from anywhere, so we have to be very mindful of the decision we are to make. It would be better to listen to " FIFTY - FIFTY " of both mind and heart rather than listening to the heart or mind altogether. As for me, our mind always thinks of our future and our results. In contrast, our heart would show the way to happiness, and by listening and following the instructions of both of them, you would indeed become HAPPY (which is a contribution of the heart) and SUCCESFUL (which is a result of listening to our mind) man, A HAPPY SUCCESSFUL MAN. 

Reading at the Sunday School

The dilemma between the heart and the mind - Shristi Khulal

A dilemma is a difficult situation in which we must choose between alternatives. We have to make many choices between many things, which can also change our lives. It can have both positive as well as negative impacts on us.

When it comes to the dilemma between heart and mind, I experience it every day. My heart usually tells me to enjoy and do fun things, but my mind tries to tell my heart to do those things at the right time and not to get away from my studies. Recently I experienced a dilemma when I needed to feel like studying. My heart said to me, "Let's sleep. I'm not in the mood to study." But my mind said," No, no study, don't you want good marks?" In which mind is correct, we should make the balance between the heart and the mind to live a good life.

The heart is sometimes wrong and leads to the right path. So we should also listen to our hearts sometimes to lead a happy life.

Shristi Khulal
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Friday, 14 April 2023

Have you ever experienced the dilemma between the heart and mind?

A situation in which we have to make a difficult choice between two or more things is a dilemma. Everyone
 has to face such situations in their life.

When I was in Grade 3, a child who was really fond of playing games rather than studying, but I had never failed any examination as I used to study the day before the test. Once examinations were approaching, and my father told me to start studying instead of playing every day. I didn't bother as my heart told me to go out and play. At the same time, my mind continuously reminded me about my examination and to study as I may fail my upcoming examination. I listened to my heart rather than my mind, not thinking about the outcome. At the time of the test, I could not remember what I had learned the day before the exam; thus, I failed the exam.

Later on I regretted making the wrong choice, from that day onwards, I decided to listen to mind rather than my 

Jeni Sherpa
Pestalozzi Children’s Village India

Reading The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das with Jugjiv Sir at the Sunday School

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Did you ever experience the dilemma between the heart and mind? - Smriti Rai

A dilemma means when you have to make a different choice between two things. This situation is something which we all face in our daily life. We have to face a dilemma when we have two options.

The dilemma between the heart and mind is a common experience in our daily life. The brain always wins, even if it gives more challenging and complicated options. It takes a more extended period to believe as the heart is always soft, so it provides more accessibility, making us regret it later.

Recently I experienced a situation where I faced a dilemma. Before my exams started, my brain told me to study from the beginning and complete the syllabus before the exam, but my heart said to go out and play and enjoy. It told me that there was still more time to study and even I could learn a month before the examination, then I chose my heart's advice, then later, even when I looked till late at night, I could not finish the syllabus, and I regretted the choice which I made.

Smriti Rai
Pestalozzi Children's Village India
We are reading the book with Jugjiv Sir at The Sunday School.

Reflecting on the dilemma between the heart and the mind - Nishan Karki

Dilemmas occur daily when we make decisions regarding our various problems. One of these dilemmas is the dilemma between the heart and the mind. This dilemma is recurring and unending in nature. It is like hunger which occurs many times. Our want or need is satisfied once, but after some hours, it again occurs. The same is true with the dilemma between the heart and the mind.

The heart and the mind are very much crucial for our survival. We may get many suggestions from our minds and heart while making decisions. We need to specify the wise, convenient and prominent decision.
I have experienced such a dilemma several times in my life. This dilemma makes me think more than I usually do. I investigate the problem and identify the most prominent and convenient decision.

When I have some money, I want to use it wisely. I want to spend the money on the items which are beneficial to me. Many things revolve around my mind, and the dilemma occurs between the heart and the mind. My mind tells different items, and so does my heart. I thought for a long time and decided to buy the items.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Childres's Village India

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

The Heart and The Mind - Rishona Chopra

While making a decision, I often find myself being the judge in the court where the two opponents are 'the heart' and 'the mind'. The mind usually gives logical explanations, but the heart gives verdicts showing your inner laziness and desire. It becomes difficult to choose as both opponents have their reasons.

This time, I had to decide whether to go to school as it was sports, but my exams were around the corner, and I had to take a leave to revise my concepts. It was 6:15 in the morning, the rush hour, and I had only 45 minutes left before the bus arrived. I was making this tough decision - Shall I miss out on my favourite sports or do it while simultaneously revising. 

My heart told me to go to school because critical worksheets were supposed to happen, but my brain told me to take a leave and revise with a clear mind. Both points had equal importance and were entirely valid. I first decided to listen to the heart and wore my uniform, but just then, I got a brainwave and decided to listen to the brain. So I lay down on my bed thinking who would win this time. 

It was 6:30, and I had to make my final decision. Guess what I did? I listened to the heart and went to school, but the next day, I also took a leave to revise, so I gave a balance to both, and it was a win-win situation. 

The heart and the mind sit on a see-saw as we sit at the fulcrum, deciding who's decided to go with. Making decisions like this becomes confusing (for me, at least). The heart and the mind are simply two different opinions, and you must choose. It is vital to maintain a balance between the two and maintain peace. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Reflections Since 2021