Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Friday, 14 July 2023

A Letter from a Little Girl with Big Problems!!! - Aria Gupta

Opanari Society,
Sec 198, Panlangarh

12 july, 2023

Dear Aanya

How’re you doing, sis?

Everything has been challenging since Mom and Dad died in the car accident. We all hope that you’re not going through the same. We’ve shifted to a small, rented apartment in the Opanari Society. Grandma has been trying really hard to make a living for us. Happy 10th birthday to me, but no one other than her and you actually care, and both of you are busy. I could really use a friend here, but everyone calls me rude and selfish. No one could really understand me. I couldn’t do anything for anyone because of our situation, which made it hard to make new friends. So I’ve decided to focus more on my grades. I want to make a better future for us. I want to ensure that our current situation is hidden forever and is never found by anyone.

I honestly feel this brutal feeling of jealousy that makes me feel sad and angry about our situation all the time. It makes me act rude to other people. But if I tell this to anyone other than you and Grandma, I’ll be called a psychopath. They won’t understand this feeling unless they’re in my shoes. It’s somewhat a reason I don’t have any friends. When I try to make some, it’s always in vain.

I’m a bit ashamed of this situation, as I’m surrounded by children who live entirely normal lives. I want to make it better. It’s why I’m focusing on my grades so much. I want to make a better home for Grandma in the future. I want to ensure my and your future too. We’ll be living a better life in the coming years.

How’re you doing? I hope college is going well. I hope you are not like me and are doing ok.

Thank you for being my only escape from this brutal reality.

Sneha Rawalya
Your little sister

Written by: Aria Gupta Grade VI Gyanshree School

Disclaimer: Everything mentioned in the below text is imaginary, including the places.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

A Selfless Person - Yunika Pokharel

The most selfless person in my life is my MOM. I think she is the selfless one because being selfless is that you feel less about yourself and more about others. When you are generous and kind, you think about others before you, have humanity in you, consider others, and then be called selfless.

As for my mom or anyone's, it's the same. Mother always thinks for everyone before her. I want to share an incident with you. Once when my mom had gone out for some work, and when she was back, she bought some eatables for us. My brother was excited, and he started searching for it. When he got it, he had it and went. My mom gave the leftovers to my dad and me.

Later I learned that she didn't have any of the eatables and just gave them to us, although it was her favourite, this thinking of my mother keeping everyone before she makes me feel that she is the one who is selfless in my life.

Yunika Pokharel
Pestalozzin World India

We work with communities to select the brightest children held back by poverty. With the encouragement of their families, we offer these children the opportunity to move to one of the Pestalozzi Villages.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

We Survived! - Reveda Bhatt

Exactly three years back, on the same date in 2019, my Mom and I met in an accident, as I have mentioned in many of my writings earlier. It was totally unexpected for us but expected in the pages of our destiny, so it happened.

After we were hit and left unconscious on the road, a crowd gathered and out of nowhere came a lady who asked the spectators to put me in her car and hurriedly drove me to the hospital. My Mom was brought to the same hospital by someone else. It is supposed that I was much more hurt and had lost a lot of blood.

My family came to know after a call from my Aunt in the U.S., which somebody else picked up and informed them. My Mom’s and Dad’s families rushed there to find my Mom conscious, but I was not.

My medical stats- State- COMA

Injuries- Diffuse axonal injury (grade IV)

                Temporal lobe fractured

                Skull fractured

                Spine fractured (L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5)

                Pelvis fractured

                The right hand’s radius fractured

                The right leg’s tibia fractured

                Left leg’s tibia crushed.


A Doctor even said,” We don’t know when she’ll wake up, it could be 1 day, 1 month or 1 year, but she’ll not be the same.”

Technically, he wasn’t wrong because I’m not the same anymore.

I came back ALIVE braver, more robust and better!

Today, we call it my second birthday for this new birth and cut a cake.

Lastly, I do not feel that- it was a curse that we met with an accident on this date,

but as a blessing, we came back alive!

Reveda Bhatt

Grade IX
The Aryan School, Dehradun

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Friendship - Archita Saxena

Friendship is the basic essence of our lives. Friends make our lives better and more magical. I have many friends, but my best friend is my mother.

My mom is kind, cheerful, bright and very creative. She is always there for me, no matter whatever mistake I make. She cooks my favourite food. Once she cooked an egg, put the bread on it and again egg on top of the bread which made it so tasty that I ate entirely even though I had never consumed eggs. She helps me even if she is busy. Every day, she multitasks, like cooking, helping my sister and me, and finishing daily chores simultaneously. I am always surprised how she does that! She prepares food every day and never stops working till all of her work finishes. She is my best friend as I can share anything with her, and she always helps me without me doing something for her because a friend helps their friend without that person doing something for them.

My mom is smart because she helps me in maths and her answer is always correct. She is cheerful by her supportive spirit. She is kind and never stops helping me until I can do any difficult thing. She never stops believing and caring. She is my hero. I am ending my words with this beautiful quote by Bill Watterson: “Things are not too scary when you get a friend.”

Archita Saxena
Grade III
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Cooperation - Anushri Palnitkar

Real life experience of cooperation by Anushri Palnitkar. 


Hello everyone, today I am going to be sharing my story
when my mom cooperated with me. Once my class was going on
and my teacher gave me a homework and told me to submit it till
4:00 p.m. When the class ended, I started doing my homework, and
the battery of my laptop drained out. In the other room my mom was
working. My laptop was getting charged but I had to wait, when I
went to my mom, she asked me what happened? I said “ My laptop
is getting charged ’’. I was sad because I was not able to do
homework. So, my mom gave her laptop to me and said “ I will do
my work later, you do your homework now”. And this is how my
mom cooperated with me. Hope you liked my experience. Thank you!

Name: Anushri Palnitkar
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane