Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 October 2023

The Moon - Saikiran Sahu

Mond-Wo kann ich dich finden?

Oh! Mein lieber Mond, wo kann ich dich finden?

Die langen schlaflosen Nächte, in denen ich nach dir gesucht habe,

Die dichte Decke aus schwarzem Nebel, die mich verfolgte, als ich mit dir sprechen wollte 

Weder kann ich den großen Bären sehen, noch kann ich dich sehen 

Oh! Mein lieber Mond, wo finde ich dich?

Oh, mein lieber Mond, wo kann ich dich finden?

Ich kann die strahlende Schönheit und die bezaubernden Züge, die dich beschreiben, nicht übersehen,

Der Hoffnungsschimmer in der dunklen Nacht, der von dir ausgeht,

Du stehst allein in der Dunkelheit wie ein tapferer Soldat und der

"Ein-Mann-Armee", die dich treffend beschreibt. 

Aber mit Traurigkeit sage ich 

Oh, mein lieber Mond, wo kann ich dich finden?


Moon-Where Can I Find You?

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

The long sleepless nights I spent searching for you,

The thick cover of dark and black mist spooked me when I wanted to talk to you 

Neither can I see the great bear nor can I see you 

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

Can never unsee the radiant beauty and the enchanting features that describe you,

The ray of hope in the dark night that is showered by you,

Standing alone in the dark like a brave soldier and the

the phrase"One man army" that rightly describes you 

But with sadness, I say 

Oh! My dear moon, where can I find you?

Saikiran Sahu
IX-C Gyanshree School 

Saturday, 30 September 2023

Sky: The forever tale - Sakshi Singh

Sometimes, like the Robin egg blue and sometimes like the ballet shoes. 

Clouds serenely glide,
The sky is a canvas wide.

Stars wink like diamonds in the night,
Painting stories with their light.

The moon, a guardian, calm and bright,
Guides us through the velvet night.

Sunrise paints a fiery hue,
A promise of a day anew.

Sunset's kiss, a gentle sigh,
As day and night bid sweet goodbye.

Image Courtesy- Adorama

Sakshi Singh 
Gyanshree School Noida

Saturday, 7 May 2022

My First Immersive VR Experience - Reveda Bhatt

Image courtesy
In 2019, almost all of us saw the launch of Chandrayaan 2 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre by the Indian Space Research Institute (ISRO) on television on 22nd July to circle the moon and provide information about its surface. Still, we never got to feel it in reality just because we were not there, in that particular place, at that specific time!

But in today’s world, a technology called Virtual Reality, VR for short, has been introduced wherein you can feel what had happened even if you weren’t there then. Initially, VR could be experienced just with headgears at home or, at most, the headgears with the moving chairs at malls. But these days, a technology known as immersive virtual reality is coming into view, yes, the one showing at our school!

We watched the show the day before, and it was really breathtaking. You see the control room’s architecture, the satellite being prepared for the launch, exiting Earth, going into space, the satellite being detached, Lander Vikram landing on the Moon and Pragyan Lunar Rover coming out of the lander and onto the moon’s surface. Then with the help of the controllers in your hands in your real world, you walk solo on the Moon in your virtual world, feeling like when Neil Armstrong became the first one to walk on the moon!

There were moments when the screen went black due to the transition between scenes, and we were literally praying that it should not finish right now, but luckily, it didn’t finish then and crossed the boundary of our expectations up towards the space!

Hoping we all get to cherish moments like this and make the sky our limit!

Thank you! Reveda Bhatt Class 9, The Aryan School

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Friendship - Aarohi Bumtariya

Hmmm, what does friendship mean? Let me tell you what it does. Friendship means making close friends. For example, I have a friend named Amayra. She had been only in pre-nursery with me. I am in grade 3 now. Still, she is my friend. That is called true friendship.

I have lots of other friends too. There are trees, plants, birds and animals. All help us in one or the other way. We also help them. This tells us that in friendship, one must help the other.

That’s yet not done. I also have Aryama and Janya. They have helped me many times. Friendship does not only mean helping each other but also having fun. Janya, Aryama, Amayra and I went to a resort to stay together as well!!! Not only that but we went cycling together in Biodiversity Park too! It was fun.

May it be the sun, the moon, the clouds, nature or children. They are all my friends. I love and care for all of them.

Aarohi Bumtariya
Grade III
Gyanshree School

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