Showing posts with label myths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myths. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 January 2024

Myths Of Retirement - Rishona Chopra
Retirement; Young people often look forward to it and middle-aged ones dread it. To young ones, retirement seems to be about relaxation, peace, joy, television, vacation and all you ever wanted to do but couldn't. To middle-aged and working people, retirement seems to be synonymous with boredom, no work at all, loneliness, approaching death and the end of a career. 
Being a young minor, I would definitely say that retirement seems to be relaxation and enjoyment but this perspective is quite unlikely for the ones who are in dire need of it. 

Often people get rather upset, bored, and sad during retirement and invite problems for themselves and you can't blame them! They have been through a lot of changes in their life and change has never been easy to deal with. 

Most people need a change of perspective and that's why it's important to know a few myths of retirement that may change one's perspective about it. 

1st Myth: Retirement means the End of Work

Of course not! There is no age barrier to work! In fact, it's the perfect time to try out new things and explore your areas of interest! Create a new passion for yourself! And even if you don't find work to do instantly, it's always good to take a little rest. Relaxation may help you more and after years of work, you do deserve some!

2nd Myth: New Career Ambitions are for Young People

Nearly three out of five retirees launch into a new line of work after retirement! It's not because they need money but to stay mentally and physically active and more importantly do something they want to do. Age can never be a barrier and nothing else can if what you're doing is your true passion!
And something that happens after retirement is that you can just do things for yourself. Yes, we always feel the need to show others what we did but that's when we are free to do anything for our own happiness.

3rd Myth: Retirement Is A Time Of Decline

Well yes, you're growing old and ageing but you've still got a life to spend so live life happily and do things you never could. Yes indeed, you are approaching the end soon but this is the time to turn to spirituality if you already haven't. To actually regain yourself and know your true purpose. Not only will it help one embrace the "dreadful" time of death but also feel happy knowing that you have lived your life in crescendo. In a way, it's actually a sign that you need to do all the things in your life that you never did, relax and most importantly cherish these times! 

Retirement is a phase of life like any other and it's a beautiful phase. A unique one. 

" When you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else"

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 27 November 2023

Being always grateful is what Gratitude means - Tenzin Jambey

Gautam Buddha was born into a royal family, but unlike other princes, he didn't like being a prince or wanting to become a king or rule a kingdom. He was greatly affected and unfortunate after finding out that human life is a misery; therefore, he attained "Nirvana" after meditating for years to free himself from the world of sorrow and sadness. Sometimes, religious texts and stories make me wonder whether they occurred in reality.

The flying chariot of Ravana, the superpower monkey God like Hanumanji, etc., are all myths that few people in the world don't believe, and some people like me are in a dilemma. Some people believe that praying to God and offering sacrifices brings peace into one's life, but we must understand that we bring happiness and sadness to ourselves.

Now, the question arises: What does gratitude do with all this?

Gratitude is an art that can bring about a significant change in our lives. When gratitude becomes part of our lives, we stop blaming gods for our sadness and sorrow. First, we must understand that it is a natural process that, after giving birth, everyone has to die. A flower that is blooming today won't stay blooming forever. At the same time, we have to learn to accept sadness, sorrow, failure, hate, death, and misery. Because of all such emotions, we know what happiness, joy, birth, and pleasure feel like.

"Every action has an opposite reaction and an equal reaction." Newton's law is implied in everything around us, even our emotions. Now that we know that sadness and sorrow will come into our lives, why mourn for a long time? Why do you have to cry and shed tears for the sad moment that happened years ago when you didn't laugh at the joke from last year?

People are like a maze, and it's our nature to look for sadness until we change it ourselves. To overcome this, "gratitude" serves as a hearing medicine. We should always accept that whatever happens, it happens for the best. Always be grateful for everything that happens around you. Even if you fail or someone takes away your privilege, be happy and grateful, as there is always a learning part and learning and lessons are far better than winning. "Be grateful for your house," "Be grateful for the food you eat," and "Be grateful for your body organs," as there are some who don't have a home, have body parts, or get one meal a day. A boy was sitting on the bench, and he was barefoot. We wished for a show and became sad, but his desire for a shoe vanished when he saw another guy with no legs. This is how gratitude works.
Having gratitude will protect you from being affected by others; feelings of jealousy and hate will never arise if you follow the art of gratitude in your daily life. "BEING ALWAYS GRATEFUL IS WHAT GRATITUDE MEANS."

Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Does believing help escape the person out of negativism? - Tenzin Jambey

Picture Courtesy:

Believing in one has both positive and negative impacts. 

In this writing, I'm sharing two incidents that happened because of believing in others:-

The good impact(s):-
We 'people' don't have any proof of whether ghosts and spirits exist. But still, we have been told from a young age about ghost stories, myths and legends. We have developed thoughts upon that, and when we go into the dark or walk alone in a quiet place, we feel scared. 

We sometimes feel like someone's there other than a human being watching over us. I turn my head here and there when I walk alone because people have made a habit of spreading negative beliefs, which has impacted me. And that can further lead to disasters. 

Sometimes, some people see unusual things and images that we can't see due to psychological reasons or due to a lack of courage and also due to the feeling of fear. They think that ghosts and spirits are roaming around them, and to overcome this problem, they visit temples and take the blessings of gods and spiritual leaders, which makes them feel better and consolidated. 

After offering worship to their deities, people believe the ghosts or spirits have left them. Many psychological problems develop in our minds due to believing in unreal and unseen things and images. Making people do activities like visiting the temple and doing some mental activities helps one to overcome these things, but believing is the most important thing. 

So, 'believing' has both negative and positive results. 

The negative impacts which arise due to believing:-
In this case, I want to share an incident. The incident took place near my Village in Arunachal Pradesh. There are many tribal people in Arunachal, and most of them are really into religious beliefs and rituals. 

I am a Buddhist by religion, and the incident is from the Buddhist committee. In our villages and nearby villages, we have a monk in each who can see the past life of a newborn child by performing rituals. 

One such thing happened when a lady gave birth to a child. The child had two grown teeth, which seemed very strange and even scary to people. When the monk was called upon to look into this matter, he clearly stated that a ghost had been born in human form. And that it was a sign of bad luck. With that statement, the poor lady with her child and husband was sentenced to a lifetime exile. 

How can people believe some spiritual leaders so blindly that they are even ready to agree and declare a newborn child a ghost or monster just because of some disabilities and natural teeth? Whereas science says that it's nothing but just a rare case and the mother who gave birth to the child must be proud and happy that her child is rare.

She really should be happy with herself rather than listening to the stupid shitty things of people who called her child a ghost or a monster just because they had never seen this thing before.

Therefore, I would conclude my writing by saying that we must look beyond the things that appear. We people don't look at things how they are but look at them how we think about them. That's why education is a necessity. 

Moreover, acquiring knowledge and looking for a positive outcome in a strangely difficult situation is most important.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.