Showing posts with label nervous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nervous. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 May 2023

Speech on passing out of school - Tenzin Tsomo

Good morning, I, Tenzin Tsomo of Pestalozzi, studying in 7th class, writing a speech on passing out of school.

It was very exciting and nervous when I joined the school for the first time. But after some days, I made many friends in school, and I enjoyed it a lot, but now as I'm leaving school, I am despondent about it because it is the best school I have ever joined. I am proud that I studied at this school. I learned a lot and had a lot of memories. And I cried on the first day of school and now on the last day.

Tenzin Tsomo

Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Friday, 25 February 2022

The Annual Day At School - Rishona Chopra

Every school has an annual day, the most memorable, exciting day. The Annual Day showcases the effort by the students (Shreeyans in Gyanshree School). 

We have numerous events on an annual day. Last time in 3rd grade, I was selected in theatre and the lead role! I was super nervous, but at the same time very happy. Due to lockdown, we could not celebrate Annual Day physically but did it online, but honestly, it wasn't that fun. When we dressed up for a dress rehearsal, all the girls were in the washroom showing each other's dresses and helping tie their hair. When teachers used their lipstick and put it on students, so much fun, although I am allergic to lipstick!

Now an Annual online day is not that fun! The excitement isn't that much, and the fun is definitely less.

An important part was mentioned in the book called 'self-esteem'. Even our Principal ma'am shared it in her assembly! 

Self-esteem is self-respect. How we feel for ourselves. When we ask our parents and teachers if they are proud of us when we achieve something, we should instead ask ourselves.

The Annual Day is also a time to show our skill and have some fun! At first, I was so nervous, even though I was voicing the leading role in the play, that I felt like not doing it! But then that was my area of interest, and I had so much fun after that.

I miss my school and want to go to school, be with my friends and teachers, and physically participate in the Sports Day and Annual Day.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

A day at school - Shlok Rastogi


It was my first day at formal school; I was nervous because I didn’t have any old friends. As I entered my school, it was quite nice. After that, I sat at my desk. When I opened my bag, I noticed that I had left my pencil box at home. I felt like crying. Suddenly I heard a whispering sound from somewhere. I looked back and saw a boy who smiled and offered me a pencil. I was thrilled and thankful.

The next day in the dance class I learnt that he didn’t know the dance, so I explained to him some dance steps. 
That smiling and caring boy, Vihaan, gradually became my best friend. It has been three years now, and we are still perfect friends; we support and encourage each other. I love to be with him. It is rightly said that a friend is one with whom “We laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more”.

Shlok Rastogi
Grade III
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Cooperation - Bhumika Nimbark

Cooperation means working together to achieve a common goal. It could be of many types like cooperation between groups, pairs, direct, indirect, and even between humans and robots. Cooperation is a kind of social interaction which is an essential factor in teamwork. Without cooperation, a team won't achieve its goal no matter how hard it works. 

There was an incident in my life that made me understand the importance of cooperation. In class 8, I was selected for a drama performance at the Annual Day function. As it was to be staged in front of guests, parents, principal, teachers, and the rest of the school, I was nervous, and so were the rest of the team members. Because I was a new girl and didn't have many friends, I lost my confidence; I was worried that I would spoil the performance because of my nervousness. Still, in that situation, 2 factors made my team successful, authentic leadership of the leader and the cooperation of the team members. I thought in a group, if a leader doesn't work well, the team won't succeed, but before that, cooperation of the team members is much more critical. 

So, if the team members cooperate without any dispute or jealousy, then that team will achieve its goal and succeed in every possible way.

Bhumika Nimbark
Class X B
The Fabindia School