Showing posts with label night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

The common humanity look through the night - Reveda Bhatt

Picture Courtesy:

So, creeping up and about was the full moon in the night skies above the small town of Nashville. The wind blew hard and soft simultaneously, for there was no hard and fast rule. The crackling dried-up leaves swirled around in the dusty wind when they dropped on the curled-up hairs of the little girl. Out in the lonesome night was she, dressed in an elegant frilled frock with chubby cheeks and a pink tinge on the skin as if she were a Barbie! Barring her from the mist falling was her small umbrella. Her name was Eleanor. 

Now, Nashville had supposedly never been famous for a "Night Life," but seeing the little girl roam about the town in the starry night, residents drew down their curtains so that their children could not see her stroll around, as every toddler craves to; otherwise, they'd blabber, "Oh, Mama! Oh, Daddy! Can't we walk through the night!?"

The town had always been prone to theft and dacoits, so that was a significant reason for not allowing their children out at night. Oh! But there was our robust and fearless toddler out in the dark, for she was not like the others! Really! But as every strong person has a story, so does she. 

Having had a "good" life for approximately two years, which she hardly remembered, later comprised of her parents having problems with each other, days of arguments and violence, and as though that weren't enough, she was asked by each of them personally, "You sure do like me more for the other's not worth!" The child, up in confusion, looked at them with wonder-waiting eyes, for she wished for them to stop soon.

Well, they did, when one morning, when the girl was old enough, she woke up and saw her Mother's stuff gone, for she had stormed out and left the house at midnight, leaving her just a note, saying, "Mama loves you!" by her pillow. And just like that, she, who had been her Mom's part, had been left behind with just a note she carried everywhere. Even on that chilling night, it had been in her coat's inward safe spot. Let alone the father, for he, who was involved in drinking and making merry so much, that Eleanor had given up on him and ran through having nowhere to live but at least somewhere, away from her life otherwise. 

Now, probably, you know the reason why she "strolled" around. As for the fear of dacoits, nothing scared her; she had become fearless, seeing all she had seen, doing all she had done. But life has its ways of making the brave one feel better every night, for even she, who was fearless, had a heart like any other, which may be hard on the outside but was still that tender one on the inside. 

Well, that's what binds all of us together in life, Common Humanity!

Reveda Bhatt 
Grade X || The Aryan School

Saturday, 3 September 2022

I have seen a ghost and this is my story - Diva Gupta

Often we have been told that ghosts and spirits don’t exist. But I have, and here’s my story.
It was the darkest of nights. I was lying in my bed, wide awake. It was midnight, and I wasn’t able to sleep. The moonlight rose into my room brighter than sunlight, so I decided to shut the blinds. I got up, only to see the dark streets of Noida. Not even a soul seemed to be seen or heard. It was like the world had just stopped itself. Perhaps this was called the witching hour. I thought of getting a glass of water. So I shut the blinds, went into the hallway, and turned on the kitchen light. As I filled my glass of water, I felt something move. When I went to check if someone was there, I saw nothing. I went back into the kitchen, and my cup was gone! I quickly hurried to my room, forgetting about my water when the blinds were up again! What was going on? I had no idea, but I decided to sleep it out. And then there was the problem of not being able to sleep.  I lay there in complete darkness once more when someone entered my room. I heard a voice: ‘Diva? Are you awake?’. It was my mom. I told her everything. After my story, she laughed at me and told me to sleep. How could she! After all, it happened in front of me! Either this was another prank, or it was my imagination. After talking to my mom, I was finally able to sleep. But I still couldn’t get it out of my head about that ghost. This incident happened about four years ago, in second grade.  Well, this was my story, and many may laugh and say, ‘How funny! That could never happen!’ But it did, and I still remember the chills that night.

Diva Gupta

Grade VI

Gyanshree School

Saturday, 23 July 2022

Autobiography of a Pillow - Rishona Chopra

Hi there! It's me who gives you a good night's sleep and helps you maintain a lifestyle. Wait, you don't recognize me? I am your one and only pillow! 

This message is specifically for those naughty kids who think I don't know or feel anything. It all started with hitting me out of anger and then for fun, too, and they made it a game. They made a game for pillow wrestling! I mean, what do they think? That I am some non-living person who has no life? 

This is injustice, and I even went to the court of pillows, and the judge declared that they would take revenge. So little kids and old adults, listen up; you better stop now!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 29 May 2022

I'M A Night Owl - Gia Gupta

I love My Good School!

Gia Gupta, Class 5F, Gyanshree school, Noida. 
#reading #nightowl #Passion #MyGoodSchool 

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