Showing posts with label nothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nothing. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 November 2022

My Hero: My Dad - Vani Pandey

 My Dad is my hero

A huge humble soul

In everything he does 

He would always serve his role

But as every other father

He would annoy me with his jokes

And then I would rather

Start reciting my wise quotes

Then he would say,

"Don't call me later; call me Dad."

But I just love him this way

Cause, after all, it's the dads who are so talented at making these jokes so bad.

So I just say nothing 

For the sake of his kind heart.

He is my dear Dad

Who delightfully plays his part.

Vani Pandey


Gyanshree School 

Sunday, 28 August 2022

The bond of friendship - Rishona Chopra

Friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between people. It includes the fun of fights, trust, and lots of mischievousness and standing up for each other. 
Friends are something you never know about,
They are like your sibling, no doubt.
Rajam and Mani and their mischiefs,
But they ain't no thief.
They are friends who stay in sorrow,
But make you feel scared for tomorrow.
You might hate them once or twice,
They'll make you kill mice!
Yes, they will support you in nothing,
But they will prepare you for everything!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India