Showing posts with label oxygen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oxygen. Show all posts

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Green Wisdom - Nishan Karki

PC- Tom Hill(Pixabay)
 “If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees". ― Hal Borland

Hello everybody, 

I am a tree, your green friend. Look around, and you will find me: green, dry, old, young, tall, and short. I provide your cattle with a cool breeze, fruits, wood, shelter, and fodder. I give shelter to many animals and birds. I am a joy to climb and play on. I am the chief supplier of oxygen and also a regulator of the water cycle. My roots prevent soil erosion. I also act as a noise barrier, carbon sink, temperature controller and protection against various things.

I make up the whole forest with my other friends. We perform the functions mentioned above, and I am sure they are of great importance to you.

Now, I want to ask you a fundamental question. 

Have you ever wondered what would happen if there were no trees at all? 

Well, here is the answer. There would be no greenery on earth. Earth would be a hot or cold planet like other planets with no life. There would be no water, greenery, beauty, or life. There would be climate change, loss of biodiversity, lack of oxygen, drought and no life. All the humans, animals and other living creatures would lose their lives. 

This may have made you think about the importance of trees in everyone's life. 

Here are some lessons you can learn from me:

Help and Protect 

I protect living creatures from high and low temperatures, rain, and strong winds. Like me, you should also protect people and animals and help them in need. You should have a kind heart and warm feelings for others.

Learn to give 

I give you oxygen, fruits, medicines, fodder, wood, and other necessary resources. Likewise, you should always learn to offer something to needy people. 


Stay patient to get success and other things in life. Always learn to wait. I also patiently wait for my fruits and leaves to grow.

Have Hope and Faith 

You must develop a sense of hope and faith in yourself. With firm hope and trust in your goal, you can achieve it. I also hope and believe that I will live a long life and that people will not cut me. 

Never give up

I had to face many problems when I was growing up. I  endured heavy rains, drought, frost, and high and cold temperatures. I never gave up, and now I have grown to withstand such conditions. I am the epitome of never giving up in life. You should never lose hope and faith and never give up. You must stay focused to achieve your goals. No matter how many challenges push you back and make you fall, you should have the courage to get up and move ahead.

Challenge the challenges. 

Be Green ( Happy) 

You must be happy in life like we are green. Happiness motivates you to achieve your goals, and happy people tend to live longer. At last, I would like to present you with a poem about me written by Henry Cuyler Bunner.

The Heart of the Tree

What does he plant? Who plants a tree?        
He plants a friend of the sun and sky;  
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high.
He plants a home to heaven anigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight, heard —
The treble of heaven's harmony —
These things he plants, who plants a tree.

What does he plant? Who plants a tree?          
He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years that fade and flush again;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest's heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
They joy that unborn eyes shall see —
These things he plants, who plants a tree.

What does he plant? Who plants a tree?          
He plants, in sap and leaf and wood,
In love of home and loyalty
And far-cast thought of civic good —
His blessing on the neighbourhood
Who in the hollow of His hand
Holds all the growth of all our land —
A nation's growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree.

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Friendship - Janya Mathur

My best friends are trees. My friend the tree helps me in many things, such as giving me oxygen, food, furniture and shelters for my other friends - the animals. 

One day I went on a trip with my family. As it was very sunny, I found a tree and told my father to take a rest under the tree, but suddenly I saw my animal friends! I saw monkeys and birds, so we gave them some food. 

I have two more friends; they are Aryama and Aarohi. One day I went for a picnic with my friends and family, including Aryama and Aarohi. I was walking on the path, and suddenly a stone appeared, but I didn't see it, and I slipped off. Aryama turned, picked me up and then she called my mother. 

Aarohi, on the other hand, had helped me when I was in school. Three years ago, I couldn't tie my shoe, so Aarohi came and said, 'let me help you, then she helped me. These two friends of mine are beautiful, strong, brave, truthful and sincere. 

Friendship is lovely, so tell your friends that you are precious!


Thank you!!!

Janya Mathur

Grade 3  Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Caring - Arav Agarwal

Caring and planting more trees will make our Earth bountiful.

Oh! Nature is so wonderful.
The trees are so beautiful.
To make our Earth bountiful.

If we plant more trees 
We will get fresh oxygen and a cool breeze

So let us keep our environment clean and green
By caring and planting more and more trees
And make our planet beautiful and serene

Name - Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane


Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Importance of Trees - Gourvi Rathore

Let us hear from Gourvi Rathore of Class UKG about the importance of trees. She is very aware of our environment, as she is asking to grow many plants, save trees and water. 

Trees are an important part of our world.  They provide wood for making paper.  They provide homes for all of the insects, birds, and other animals. Many types of fruits and nuts come from trees. Trees also help to keep our air clean and our ecosystems healthy. They provide us with oxygen.

We already have done enough destruction to the environment so let us all do our bit to save our environment by planting more and more trees.

Illustration from the cover of The Little Book Of Values, the book we love dearly at The Fabindia School.

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