Monday, 27 May 2024
True Happiness is living in the present - Rishona Chopra
Monday, 1 January 2024
Future Generation & The Present - Nishan Karki
When we talk about the future generation, do we also need to work on the present altogether?
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” - Buddha
We spend a lot of time thinking about our future generation. However, we also need to think about and work on our present side by side. Working on present needs is crucial for the betterment of our future generations. The future of our generation depends greatly on our present deeds. Our present paves the way for our future and that of our generation.
To make our generation's future better, we need to tackle the present problems. Our earth is facing many environmental problems such as climate change, increasing global warming, depletion of various resources, pollution, etc. Unless we tackle our present issues, we will not be able to improve the future of our upcoming generations.
For instance, if people are very poor, they will not be able to provide a better lifestyle for future generations. Before thinking about the future, they should work on their present needs. They must at least have the basic means of livelihood. If they remain poor and do not work to improve their present conditions, their future generation will have to suffer.
Creating a peaceful society is very important for our future generation; Creating a society that values people and their sentiments, fosters the development of a peaceful society. People living in a society must have mutual co-operation, respect sympathy, trust, kindness and compassion for each other.
If our thoughts and actions are positive, our future generation will also be the same. It is important to ensure that our generation thinks positively and does things positively. No one wants their generation to do wrong things. People have a strong faith that their future generation will be a good and peaceful one. We should work to create a clean environment (focusing both on the ecosystem and positive thoughts/ actions) for our future generations.
Monday, 7 August 2023
Change I have seen from my recent past - Tenzin Jambey
Tenzin Jambey, Pestalozzi Children's Villiage India
Sunday, 13 November 2022
Enjoy the present! - Rishona Chopra
"Practicing meditation and detachment can help us remain in soul consciousness and emphasise experiencing being overdoing. Our health, inner well-being and definition of success are more important than any job, salary, degree or anyone else's opinion about us. We can, therefore, consciously create a situation of peace and happiness where the rising tide of expectation is controlled. We are no longer troubled by unfulfilled needs; even the most ordinary experiences become enjoyable."
The future, the past,
Is a world that is vast.
It is a lot to wonder,
You can think about thunder,
and think if you can become a funder.
In this vast world, we forget,
That we haven't touched the present yet.
All forgotten about who we are,
We start thinking or the far.
It is truly so bizarre,
We think of the present as an old scar.
Never thinking about the present,
We forget about the pleasant.
Enjoying the moment is an art,
But I wonder how we fail despite being so smart.
Those thoughts keep popping up,
I put the present in the old cup.
Never did I ever enjoy what I have,
With the future I always began.
But today can I just relax and enjoy the present?
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
Saturday, 15 October 2022
A Dilemma - Reveda Bhatt
"…wondering whether I wait to live or if waiting is also living;" - From 'Extinctions' by Sharmistha Mohanty.
In life, some of us just fix a pinpoint around our life circles wherein instead of living freely, we tie ourselves onto a mystical bull's eye, which we aren't even sure about. We, people, save money for our future or future generations, dragging ourselves into a so-charming-as-seen-superficial bond which limits our life, wings, and flight.
Now, realizing what we are doing with our lives raises a dilemma: whether to wait to live or to live! Taking a step towards waiting to live, the thought popping into our mind is the worry about whether the next generation would be much self-obsessed to even pay us back for the time we spent establishing a bright future for them. Believing they won't, we reframe our step back towards the initial position and then towards living, when we tend to wonder what if our next generation will not be able to get all the best things in life just because of our one stupidity to live freely and fully. That is how few moments of
our lives slip off our hands just like that, waiting for another.
The fact that we limit ourselves in this materialistic world when we can grow out of it really makes me wonder why we want such pleasures? It's not that I am saying let go of them. No! We also need them for our living, but picking out for them in excess is bad. It shouldn't ever be like you are stealing someone's right. All I am saying is that what gets sowed here on this planet, ultimately, wilts.
We get decayed in the same soil where we used to play, blow away in the same air that we
used to breathe, flow out in the same water that we used to swim in and get ash-ed up in
the same fire that once used to give us warmth.
In the past few years, I've learnt that by waiting for something else to come in, we make something go out, out of our mind, out of our soul, out of our body and lives. Halting for a moment to catch on, we lose another. People come, people, go, and moments come, moments go, although once the present is gone, it never comes back but haunts you as your past, a past that could have been better.
Future, too, sometimes, but not always.
Long way ahead!?
Reveda Bhatt
Image courtesy My Good School, spreading the joy of learning for a better tomorrow.
Saturday, 23 April 2022
The Dark Past - Coming Back And Letting Go!
As I turned back, I found myself in the corridors of Max Hospital at Dehradun. I had checked my phone just before I came here; it was 15:07 PM, 10th April 2022, but now, when I checked the time, it was 20:17 PM, 6th October 2019, and I was like, “What the hell!” I was back in the time when my mom and I had met with a severe accident!
As I walked, I recognised all the doctors and nurses and waved at them, but they were all in a rush, so they didn’t see or hear me. When I went to the fourth floor of the Neurology Department, I saw my family from my mom’s house and my dad’s house sitting there, weeping. I went near them, kneeled down near my grandparents and asked them, “Why are you crying?” They didn’t answer. I touched my younger sisters’ faces to see if they could feel my touch, which they couldn’t! My father wasn’t there, and neither was my mother. I shivered at the thought of being back in our dark past, advanced towards COMA and saw my father sitting on the bench with tears flowing down his eyes. When Dr Thakur came there, Father stood up immediately and asked, “Will they survive?”
That was the time when I was sure about the fact that I had travelled back in time! My father told me that he kept on asking this from my doctors. I could see myself past the glass, still not believing that I could not be seen by anyone at that time. I had machines all around me and a gauze tied around my head. Suddenly, I was going backwards, and after a split second, I found myself sitting on the same bench in the same park, back in the real world.
Though the whole situation was sad, this was a totally different experience, and I made the most out of it, but now, it’s time to let go of the dark past!
-“Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger; when we suffer, we survive...”
My Good School, Dehradun
Reflections Since 2021
March 2025
- No job is menial, no work is small - Rishona Chopra
- Reflection Sunday 30th March 2025
- GSA Calendar April 2025
- Through the dark times... - Rishona Chopra
- To give the love you seek - Rishona Chopra
- The Beauty of Bookshops - Rishona Chopra
- Reflection Sunday 23rd March 2025
- Reflection Sunday 16th March 2025
- The DSOBS delegation at the Arthur Foot Academy
- Reflection Sunday 9th March 2025
- Reflection Sunday 2nd March 2025
- #ThoughfulThursdays - Poetry Sessions
- ► February 2025 (9)
- ► January 2025 (11)
March 2025
- ► December 2024 (18)
- ► November 2024 (14)
- ► October 2024 (19)
- ► September 2024 (16)
- ► August 2024 (22)
- ► April 2024 (18)
- ► March 2024 (12)
- ► February 2024 (37)
- ► January 2024 (25)
- ► December 2023 (35)
- ► November 2023 (26)
- ► October 2023 (33)
- ► September 2023 (21)
- ► August 2023 (33)
- ► April 2023 (48)
- ► March 2023 (24)
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- ► January 2023 (39)
- ► December 2022 (41)
- ► November 2022 (44)
- ► October 2022 (61)
- ► September 2022 (21)
- ► August 2022 (56)
- ► April 2022 (34)
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