Showing posts with label positivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positivity. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

2023 and all it had to give - Rishona Chopra

2023 has been a fantastic year for me! There were lots of ups and downs and lots of learning to take away!

The start of the year was rather bumpy. It started with annual exams which weren't the best so that was a letdown for me.  But then the fact that I was going to another higher grade made me quite cheerful and excited. I must say, the new semester was a fresh start. It allowed me to improve from my past mistakes and learn from them. 

The first day of school was a new door. It was the day when I met a lot of new people. New students and teachers too. I did have some negative perceptions about a few people but now that I think about it those perceptions have changed drastically. I suppose you can't assume things without knowing someone first!

Then there were exams. I had mathematical formulas, equations and a ton of nervousness rushing through my mind but we did make it through the exams too. 

I can't go on about 2023 without mentioning my journey with My Good School. It was a fantastic year! From Meet and Greets with several authors and entrepreneurs, I not only expanded my collection of books but also expanded my learning by miles. Each Sunday session was valuable and priceless. There was something new to take away each time. 

Another highlight of the year was My Guide Inside. The sessions I did with Ms. Christa Campsall were invaluable and being able to conduct similar sessions with younger grades was the icing on the cake. MGI has been a huge part of 2023 and it's all thanks to the mentors who work hard to give us this meaningful bundle of learning and joy. 

My most trustworthy and silent companion was with me throughout this journey; That companion is a book. Books were a crucial part of 2023. I explored new genres and read some amazing books that are indeed no less than a treasure. I dived into the world of polar bears and dogs and some very touching stories of families. Books just take me to another world and make the year more memorable. 

I wouldn't have made it through the year without my family. They are the ones I do have disagreements with but also the ones most dear to me. I believe sometimes we take the gift of family for granted but it's important to realize that having parents to hold on to is a blessing. It's perhaps the greatest gift in the world and they are what made my year better than ever. 

There were a lot of highlights of 2023 and these are just a few of them. There were a lot of times in the year when my behaviour was rather negative and I will try to improve upon it. Of course, you can't permanently remove negative feelings from your life but it is vital to work towards positivity. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Gratitude makes our Attitude - Sunbeam Varuna

Ismat - "If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough." - Lewis Howes

Astha - Maintaining an attitude of gratitude holds significant importance as it transforms our mindset. By redirecting our attention from ourselves towards appreciating people or things, we open doors to express gratitude for every facet of our lives.

Ismat - Cultivating this attitude involves consciously appreciating both major and minor aspects regularly-be it relationships, health, business, possessions, basic necessities like food and water, or our general sense of wellness.

Astha - Embracing an attitude of gratitude lets us engage from a standpoint of abundance. Nurturing this mindset cultivates greater happiness, positivity, and compassion towards ourselves and those in our circles.

Ismat- Centering on what brings us gratitude helps build stronger habits of appreciating the significant individuals and elements in our lives. Gratitude, fundamentally, involves appreciating what we possess rather than fixating on what we might lack.

This is our maiden effort, we hope you like it.

Brought to you by Sunbeam Varuna School & Hostel Varanasi

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Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Two men looked out the prison bars; one saw mud, one saw stars - Sakshi Singh

This age-old saying beautifully encapsulates the power of perspective. It reminds us that even in seemingly bleak situations, there exists an opportunity to find hope and positivity. It's a poignant reminder that our outlook on life dramatically influences our experiences, and sometimes, shifting our focus can reveal unexpected beauty and potential amidst adversity.

Sakshi Singh  
Grade 9 Gyanshree School

Image Source

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Hello from Sulochana!

Hello everyone. 

We hope you are all in the pink of health and mind. Very soon we will meet at The Sunday School. 

School is where we enhance our skills, and our Sunday School is the best place where we share ideas, have our points of view and have a healthy discussion which makes us think differently. I am very excited to meet you all. Together we will be spreading the joy of learning.

On Sunday, the 26th of March 2023, we read the chapter Positivity vs Negativity from The Fabindia School Book.

My dear ones, everyone has their own perspective on handling a situation. It can be positive or negative. You know our universe has the law of attraction. If you think positively, then only that is attractive, and if you start thinking negatively, you will find only wrong things occurring around you, as now our focus is only on flaws. 

Always focus on positivity in your life.

Sulochana Rana
Happy to be at My Good School

Sunday, 4 December 2022

When I see a Glass half full... - Anvesha Rana

When I see a glass half full,

I see some yarn left in a ball of wool

I look at the little food on a plate,

And a few words on someone’s slate

I yearn for the small giggle, 

When I see a tiny insect wriggle. 

Little it may be but not weak it is, 

Less it may be but not short it is,

More we might have but do we need it? 

Aren’t we pleased with what we gave it?

May it be half empty or

It can also be half-filled, 

It is what our perception is, 

   Do we complain about the loss 

     Or be grateful for the most? 

   A Glass Half Full is not just a lesson

     For Perspective or pessimistic thoughts, 

   It is a teacher with no chalk and duster

    But with just water,

        It can pass on Responsibility and Gratitude, 

Simply with its carefree attitude. 

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 10-B, 

Gyanshree School

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Peace - Arfa Khan



Positivity will be in everyone’s mind.

Equality in the world we will find.

Amiable we all will be.

Care will be there; I can guarantee.

Exciting our life would be.

       -Arfa Khan


Ahlcon Public School

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Poem on Humility - Arav Agarwal

Humility comes from simplicity;
It teaches us equality. 

Humility strengthens connectivity;
Fills our life with positivity.
Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude
Are humble person’s attitude.
Treat each other with respect and dignity
And always practice the value of humility.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Monday, 7 February 2022

Positivity - Anusha Jain


It was a fantastic day for Amit. He received his German test paper justice and was the only one to secure full marks. Amit was feeling very proud. At 4'o clock, he received news that turned his world upside down the same evening. He could not control his emotions, and there was a flood of tears everywhere. The family was devastated to receive the news of Hari's accident.

Hari is Amit's cousin brother. The two of them were so close to each other that they could comfortably share all their secrets together, and their bond of love set an example for everyone. As soon as Amit received the shocking news, he argued to go to the hospital and see Hari. However, as it was his science test the day after tomorrow, his parents denied his plea. Amit was shaken to the core. He was in great disbelief. His brother was hospitalized, and his parents wanted him to give an exam. His tears did not have any effect on his family. They firmly believe that Hari will be healthy and fine and that Amit shouldn't miss his test. Eventually, when everyone left for hospital and Amit had to study, he couldn't concentrate. He then called his uncle for help and explained the situation. His uncle, who was a kind and wise man, said to Amit that by being sad like this, he is harming himself and showing that he doesn't trust the doctors, which is not good. After half an hour, Amit finally got relief, and the conversation proved to be a stressbuster for him. He was now able to concentrate on his studies and started afresh. 

The day of examination came. It was the day that would decide which would give fruits for Amit's hard work and dedication. 

Days passed by. Hari got better and started recovering fast. Amit received his exam result and was delighted that he had passed with flying colours and that his hard work paid off. Everyone was happy once again.

Anusha Jain, IX, Ahlcon Public School
I am very fond of reading. Harry Potter is my favourite series. I want to explore my culture and heritage. I love helping others.

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Determination - Anvesha Rana

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting."

Life is about success, failure and more success. The key to facing all of it is the determination to rise after one falls and start right from square one. We may receive awards or we may not, but definitely at some point in life we will receive failure and when we do, we all should remember to embrace it. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of success. Only after you fail, you succeed and only after you succeed, you fail but what matters most is that you continue your quest of accomplishing your dreams. 50 years down the lane you will be more disappointed about the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do and when you start fulfilling your ambitions, you may even realize that life is too short for everything. 

An ordinary person who demonstrated extraordinary determination was Steve Jobs. He dropped out of college and started Apple Computer, Inc. with Steve Wozniak in his parent's garage. At twenty-five, Steve was worth USD 100 million. Seven years after this John Sculley became the CEO of Apple, due to the difference in the work styles of Jobs and Sculley, Jobs was fired from his own company. This was one of the most creative periods in the life of Apple's creator, during this time he started a company NeXT and also bought a computer animation studio named Pixar, he played a hand in the success of Toy Story, Ratatouille, The Incredibles and Cars. Jobs was then approached to rejoin Apple, he made radical changes at the company and hired Tim Cook. This was very different from a younger Jobs. The employees were now excited and they felt a sense of pride in their daily work. The results were a host of innovative products and Apple not just being a company, but a legacy.

We all respond to failure negatively but in reality it is an awful tasting medicine that the patient needs. Rather than regretting failure, we should assess what went wrong and improve our chances the next time. No matter how many times we lose, we should not let loss undermine our strength or our determination in fact, failure should only make our will stronger.

Anvesha Rana,
Gyanshree School.

Monday, 3 January 2022

Life Goes On - Dhriti Sinharoy


Dhriti Sinharoy, IX-A, Ahlcon Public school
I'm very compassionate about reading books as they give me a sense of peacefulness, and writing poems is the easiest way to express my thoughts to people. I also find solitude in music and channel my emotions through painting.


A year has passed by
in the blink of an eye.
Moments of sadness
And joy has flown by.

Life isn't easy
filled with struggles and despair,
But at the end of the gloomy tunnel
light is there.

Being as bold as brass
you have to find your way,
Through gloomy nights filled with tears
and the dawn of bright new days.

The worries and fears
that plague you each day,
in the long run
would merely fade away.

Just live a life that matters,
Be someone of great worth.
Love and be loved in return
and make your mark on planet Earth.