Showing posts with label practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label practice. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Embracing Possibility - Animesh Kashyap

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"It always seems impossible until it's done". 

We are always afraid of the consequences of the work we have done because we often think about the result, but it can be achieved through practice. Like when our parents ask us to score 90% in our exams, there is a question mark, but when we start to work on that, we slowly become self-motivated. Things can seem really hard until we start.

Even though something looks impossible at first, if we keep trying and don't give up, we can make it happen. It's like saying, 'Don't let tough times stop you from reaching your goals'. So, no matter how tough things seem, we should keep going and think that we can do it. We should always think in our minds, 'I can and I will', as it gives lots of motivation. 

'Where there is a will, there is a way'."

Animesh Kashyap
Sunbeam School & Hostel Lahartara, Varanasi.

Monday, 25 December 2023

Importance of Taking Risk ! And many more - Sunbeam School Lahartara

Reflections from the Sunday School

Importance Of Taking Risks

Taking risks is important because it builds our knowledge. Taking risks is something that we all have to do in our lives. Sometimes, taking risks is essential; it builds our confidence and makes us better than if we never took them. Because it brings a good change and helps us learn. Taking risks is a core element of human life. Failure and mistakes are common when taking risks. We should not be afraid because we will realise instead and become successful men eventually.

"Great Success Always Comes at the Risk of Enormous Failure". Winston Churchill

Divyanshu Agarwal- IX D

Experiential Insights from the point of view of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Practice self-service to humanity and treat everyone equally. Incorporate daily meditation and prayer into our routine, as Guru Nanak did.

"SEWA" engages in voluntary services to help those in need. For the past several decades, societies worldwide have examined the concept of equality, debating bias in the workplace, social arenas at home, and religion. According to Guru Nanak, life's purpose is to become a truthful being and enlighten others.

"Dwell in peace of the house of your own being, and the message of death will not be able to touch you."  

Shubhangi Kashyap - VIII B

Tata'sTata Stories

My good school is a place to learn good things and morals. For me, it is always exciting to attend the sessions of good schools. Tata Stories inspire me to do something unique in life. It gives me the passion to carry forward any work with sustainability and longevity. Like Sandeep sir said, age is just a number, and we should dream big and achieve big.

Samriddhi Banerjee- IVB

A dream is not something you see when you sleep; a dream doesn't let you sleep. Dreams, the nocturnal symphony of the mind, transport us to realms unknown. As we surrender to the embrace of sleep, the subconscious weaves tapestries of imagination and emotion. In this ethereal dance, the boundaries of reality blur, and the mind becomes a canvas for the surreal and fantastical. Dreams are the silent storytellers, narrating tales that defy logic and gravity, where the mundane transforms into the extraordinary. Each night, we embark on odysseys of the mind, encountering phantoms of the past and visions of the future.

Aryan Kumar - VII A

Sunday, 2 April 2023

How can we develop self-control?

Self-control can be developed primarily through practice and exercise.

To have self-control in life, it's essential to avoid temptations, have a goal in life so that we can work hard to archive it, do daily exercises, rest, get good sleep at night and many more. Having patience and understanding towards people's emotions is also required.

 Yunika Pokharel

Sunday, 28 August 2022

The Art Of Focus - Rishona Chopra


The Art Of Focus, is a skill to be in the present in the moment. It is quite important because our mind is a universe of thoughts, while doing something another thought pops up into our mind and we start pondering over it and forget about what we were doing. The ability to control our thoughts and be present from our mind is the Art Of Focus.In school, when the teacher is teaching, and we have a doubt, we stop listening to the teacher and start thinking about only our doubt and don't realize that our doubt was already explained! 

Apart from that, the book focuses on positive thinking...In today's chapter we read about how accepting death helps us overcome challenges in life. Of course it is difficult but it is a section of life and that is why we should always keep doing good deeds because what we do for ourselves dies with us but what we do for others continues and lives on forever. 

It is better to accept death happily because being sad won't change it.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Shinrin Yoku - Rishona Chopra

Shinrin Yoku is the Japanese art of forest bathing. To simply be in the forest, to take its many gifts and allow it to suffuse us with its healing properties, is - Shinrin Yoku.

This reminds us of our timeless connections to the natural world and the vital importance of rediscovering those ties through touch, smell and mindful presence in the here and now. 

Being with nature awakens a new self in us.  

Nothing in nature is perfect; the trees are not shaped up, and the flowers wither, but either way, nature is beautiful just the way it is. Spirit is finely interconnected. When it rains, the flowers blossoms; when the wind comes, the trees sway to the wind's beat, and when it's a storm, the trees are sad and break down. These little lessons that we learn from nature help us a lot.

Let aside the lessons, being with nature, in a forest, hearing the birds chirping gives such a wonderful feeling.

This is also why most spiritual leaders like Buddha sit under a tree because it helps calm their minds.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 10 July 2022

When It All Began - Anvesha Rana

We don’t have to be great to start, but we need to start to be great. All of us must have been a beginner at some point in our lives, on the sports field or on the dance stage. Every person who has achieved success today would have been a beginner once, so allow yourself to be a beginner, for no one starts off being excellent, and it is the critiques that shape our character, not the praise. 

In school life, co-curricular activities are just as important as academics. I loved to dance in the cultural arts but was not really good at it. However, during the pandemic, I tried different forms of dance and today, dancing is something that occurs naturally to me. Another activity that I was a beginner at once was writing, but after joining the reading club program, my thoughts changed direction, and I just couldn’t contain them anymore, so I had to write! Practice makes a man perfect; the more I wrote, the better I became!

When I was a new student at school, I found it hard to follow the rules - standing in line, not talking, asking for permission - it was all different. I learnt very early in life that the golden rule everyone should follow is Equality. 

Equality in mind and body; Equality in harmony with the soul; Equality in speech and action; and Equality in life are what we should aim for. Just like the students of Tomoe treated their janitor wonderfully, we should respect everyone for whatever they do, be it small or big, be it quick or slow, and we should treat others the way we wish to be treated. 

Live by the Golden Rule, for it is not stringent but only robust, 

It is Equality. 

Anvesha Rana,

Grade 10-B,

Gyanshree School

Monday, 23 May 2022

Empathy - Ushita Saxena

Empathy is when you connect with someone. When you understand someone's feelings and know what to tell them. When you observe someone suffering, you may be able to imagine yourself in their shoes and sympathise with them. 

Have you ever heard of the term "sympathy"? Sympathy and Empathy may sound like synonyms, but actually, they aren't! Sympathy is when you feel sorry for someone from your own perspective. Empathy is when you put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand why they feel that way. This is a significant difference to understand. Let's take an example. Your friend's sibling died, and they are feeling super sad. What would you do? If you were to sympathise, you would say things like 'I'm sorry you're feeling that way or 'It's okay. Don't worry about something like that. But if you were to empathise, you would say things like, 'I have been there and be sad too.  

Empathy is essential as it helps build connections with people and bond with them. Social relationships are necessary for your body and your mental state. Empathising with people makes them empathise with you and spreads it.  

To practice Empathy and influence it, you can do a ton of stuff, such as: i. Work on listening to people without interrupting 

ii. Pay attention to body language and other types of nonverbal  communication 

iii. Try to understand people, even when you disagree with them iv. Ask people questions to learn more about them and their lives 

To conclude, Empathy is when you understand that person and know what they are feeling, which can prepare you for telling them about it. It helps in socialising and creating bonds. Sympathy and Empathy are very different; sympathy is when you feel sorry for them passively, and Empathy Is when you are sorry for them in a more active way and feel what they are feeling. 

"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."  


Grade: 6A

Gyanshree School

Monday, 7 June 2021

Honesty - Khush Rajpurohit

Khush Rajpurohit
Being honest is essential in life due to the fact it solves many troubles and leads to peace and success. Honesty is the wealth that offers trustworthy people a lot of trust and appreciation in life. Honesty is the best policy as the reason is the foundation of a well-functioning relationship. Further, it nourishes many lives in several ways. Here, trust is the basis of any relationship that is received honestly.

People usually find it difficult, to be honest, because it is quite challenging to maintain honesty. Honesty means being truthful to a person in all aspects of life. It includes not lying to anyone, not hurting anyone through bad habits, activities, or behavior. An honest person never gets involved in morally wrong activities. Honesty does not break any rules and regulations, be discipline, behave well, speak the truth, be punctual, and honestly help others. Honesty helps a person to get around, lots of happiness, and blessings from the supreme power, and faith in many things. Being honest is very beneficial in real life. It is not something that one can buy or sell. This is a good habit that one can attain through practice.

2017 July, my dad felt worth sharing the importance of honesty. I was an average student in grade 8th, lazy and irresponsible. My father's words were like a kind of miracle which changed my life. He said, "Khush, we should also need to focus on our duty and uphold our responsibilities and should always need to be honest towards our work." Further, he added "Life should be great, not long and being honest towards our work is one of the most important things which have been in the list of values required being successful. You must acquire this quality. Laxman was honest with Lord Rama while Vibhishana wasn't. That’s why Lord Rama possesses the ability to defeat Ravana, more powerful and wealthier than Lord Rama. So we conclude that honesty must be part of your ethics." The spark lighted up me. I started working hard, studied well, and was able to secure the third position in academics.

Khush Rajpurohit
Class XII Science 
The Fabindia School