Education means to learn and to teach, and learning and teaching are present everywhere around us. Reading a book and knowing how to write doesn't make a man a learned man. Through education, we get connected with other people. We know how to speak, write, and think because education helps us develop ourselves.
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Education is the most powerful weapon -Tenzin Jambey
Saturday, 4 November 2023
Why is forgiveness important? - Ritesh Gaire
Forgiveness is an act of letting go of the past and making ourselves light of the burden that we get because of some specific reasons.
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Does believing help escape the person out of negativism? - Tenzin Jambey
In this case, I want to share an incident. The incident took place near my Village in Arunachal Pradesh. There are many tribal people in Arunachal, and most of them are really into religious beliefs and rituals.
Therefore, I would conclude my writing by saying that we must look beyond the things that appear. We people don't look at things how they are but look at them how we think about them. That's why education is a necessity.
Saturday, 3 June 2023
Repairing A Broken Relationship - Tenzin Jambey
It's for sure that in life we'll come across many people and with some people we will become very much attached, and we become a support for each other. With time our bond becomes even stronger than before, but a small problem or fight can result in the breakdown of our relationship.
There is a saying that " Don't break the thread of love because it cannot be joined again and even after they are joined a node is left in between".
There is always a cause which leads to the execution of the action and the words we speak, there is always a reason which leads to a breakdown of the relationship, and we must understand the liking and disliking of the other person and avoid all such actions which can affect our bonds. At last, there should be a mutual understanding between the two, and they should have reasonable self-control over themselves, which wouldn't lead to a relationship breakdown.
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Life like tangled hair! - Rishona Chopra

Like the situation with tangled hair, we neglect the small tangle, which soon creates a bigger problem that is difficult to solve. Minor problems prepare us for significant issues in life. If we can't solve the small ones, how on Earth could we solve the big ones?
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
Sunday, 25 September 2022
Peace - What it means for us?
Thank you to all who joined us today; we are over 100, and you will see up to 75 names; there were many sharing devices, for which we are most grateful.
We look forward to more quotes. Our value of the month is PEACE. Is it different from the piece?
"Peace means everyone being treated equally. Peace means harmony."
12:03 PM
Peace, for me, is when you gain complete self-confidence without worry or fear. It is mental strength and brings happiness to me.
Kanika Dogra and Tenzin paldon
"Peace is mental freedom. Free yourself to achieve it."
Nidhi Chauhan
Peace allows us to overcome our problems. It will help us to live the best of all possible lives, and "Never let anyone destroy your inner peace".
Tenzin Lhadon
Peace begins with a smile.
When a person has patience and is happy and grateful for all the things
Thursday, 7 April 2022
Just Dance! - Anvesha Rana
Anyone who meets me probably knows that Dance has a special place in my heart. I don't think there was ever a time when I wasn't dancing, and I can't imagine how my Life would be without Dance. I started learning Dance at the age of 6; initially, I used to learn Kathak, and after completing Kathak, I pursued another classical dance, Bharatanatyam. Both Bharatanatyam and Kathak are ancient classical dances with diverse backgrounds and styles. I love all types of dances, be it western or classical, because Dance is one of those ways through which I can express myself freely. To Dance is to be out of yourself. Be Larger, More Beautiful, More Powerful, and this is the power; it is glory on earth, and it is yours for the taking. All of us need to dance; it is a true joy. Dancing takes place not only on the stage, but it actually takes place in Life, as we dance and leap through all the problems we face. When we dance, our purpose should not be that we are seen; instead, it should be to enjoy each step along the way.
Dancing has changed my Life; it has enabled me to look beyond academics and explore new things. Dance really interests me; it helps me out when I am stressed and uplifts my mood after a bad day. When we do something different from what most others do, we unlock a path of creativity that is only known to us. Dance is much more than a hobby for me; it is the fire that keeps me burning and the zeal that keeps me ignited for trying out something new. Dance is a way to have fun for me; it is a method to connect with the Indian heritage and relive history in a few moments. Through dancing, I have also learned the importance of hard work and discipline. Learning any skill or art form is not easy; all Classical dances are extremely technique-driven, and technique has to be mastered before moving on and learning more complex pieces. When I started learning Dance, I wanted to grow to the best of my potential and practised well to learn more. At the end of the day, it didn't matter what level I would reach. I just wanted to know other complex pieces that challenged me as a dancer. When the waters get testing, I recall how I had worked for Dance and how my hard work has paid off; this thought sparks the trigger in me to continue hard work and discipline.
I simply love Dance, and my emotions when I dance cannot be accurately described in a few words. Don't dance for anyone, Dance for yourself and Dance as if no one is watching you. Dance with Life, Dance with laughter, Dance with sadness and a little bit of joy. Replace the heaviness of Life with the lightness of a free-spirited dancer. When you dance for a moment, keep aside all your worries, concerns and problems, enter the stage with a focused mind and a light heart and after that, let the music take you forward. Dance is just following the rhythm to the beat, and once you know how to do that, you have mastered Life.
Move with the sea,
Let the rhythm of the water,
Set Your Soul Free.
Anvesha Rana
Grade 10-B
Gyanshree School
Sunday, 16 January 2022
Making Others Happy - Rishona Chopra
Based on the chapter Making others happy from Is Your Child Ready to Face the World by Dr Anupam Sibal.
In the previous chapter, we read about Compassion. Little acts of Compassion can change someone’s life. The most beautiful act of Compassion that might look very small but is actually difficult is making someone happy.
There are so many problems in life; I am not talking about those minor problems like a fight with someone or things like that. I am talking about significant issues like, at a very young age, a person had a severe illness and had to undergo several surgeries! That is a natural and essential problem.
The key to making someone happy is simply hoping! In all tough times, all one needs is hope. Like in the above example, imagine what the child must be going through. What you can do is just give him hope that he can survive, and he will. If you can do that, then you are a doctor! Not one who heals people physically but one who heals people emotionally.
I have never done such a big act, but I have made a few people happy. When one of my friends got severely hurt and was crying, I helped her by giving her first aid and then giving her emotional strength as other children made fun of her for crying. I told her that it was ok; such things kept happening, making her happy.
The most significant act of kindness and Compassion can be making others happy, and the key to doing that is to give someone hope.
Rishona Chopra Grade V Gyanshree School
Saturday, 4 December 2021
Courage - Hetal Vaishnav
We should not be afraid of fear. So it is essential to inculcate courage in ourselves. I would like to share an example of a woman.
Women face many problems, they solve all of the issues because of courage. If we are afraid of difficulties, we will never solve those problems. Courage also builds our self-confidence. I would also like to share one more example of our freedom fighters. Today, we all remember our freedom fighters because of their quality of courage. Only because of their courage and bravery, our country becomes free from British rule. So let's be brave and stand for the right cause.
Sunday, 21 November 2021
Beating The Odds - Rishona Chopra
We often come across problems that get in our way or obstacles that discourage us. Even our own health can discourage us from our goal, but we shouldn’t let that happen.
Thursday, 18 November 2021
Trust - Divya Rathore
Reflections Since 2021
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