Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 November 2022

My Hero: My Dad - Vani Pandey

 My Dad is my hero

A huge humble soul

In everything he does 

He would always serve his role

But as every other father

He would annoy me with his jokes

And then I would rather

Start reciting my wise quotes

Then he would say,

"Don't call me later; call me Dad."

But I just love him this way

Cause, after all, it's the dads who are so talented at making these jokes so bad.

So I just say nothing 

For the sake of his kind heart.

He is my dear Dad

Who delightfully plays his part.

Vani Pandey


Gyanshree School 

Friday, 1 July 2022

Love - Rishona Chopra

If you judge people, you will have no time to love them.
- Mother Teresa

Love is when you care for somebody so dearly that often the care is a silent one. My parents have loved me unconditionally. They might not have time for other things, but they have all the time in the world for me. 

As Jetzunma Tenzin Palmo rightly said, love is when you say - I love you because I want you to be happy; if that includes me, great if it doesn't matter. I think absolute joy is when we give love. We can provide that love for our parents. A cup of water when they come home, asking them how their day was and giving them a big tight hug can show your love. After all, love has to be in actions, not in words. Unconditional love is essential for happiness and satisfaction. If we love others unconditionally, others will also love us similarly.

Even self-love is quite essential. Of course, that doesn't mean that we should be a narcissist. Self-love includes self-esteem. Often looking at others, doubts arise in our minds like - Should I be more like her? Am I not good? Why is she so good at everything?. Instead of doubting ourselves, we should love ourselves.

Love is not only for people but for our work too. With passion and love for our work, we can achieve anything!

'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.'

- Lao Tzu

Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Be the change - Rishona Chopra

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
- Rumi

Rumi has rightly said that we have to be the world's change we want to see. As people say, ' walk the talk' as in what we talk, we should too. If I say that we should cherish our life and not get angry at the small things, I need to first think about whether I love my life. If I do. Then only it will be something worth saying. Only that way you can be exemplary. 

Once a lady came up to Mahatma Gandhi & said that his son overate jaggery and was worried it would damage his health. Gandhi said to bring her son back a  few days later. After a few days, Gandhi said, you shouldn't eat a lot of jaggery when they returned. It could be harmful. The lady asked why he said this after a few days. Gandhi replied, ' I needed a few days to give up eating jaggery so I could counsel your son with conviction.'

This example also states that we first need to work on ourselves to change someone. They don't need to change, but they might want to see you change.
What I want to change is Ego. I want to banish ego. Ego leads to greed, selfishness and all that leads to all the bad acts in the world. To banish ego, all of us need to listen to our inner voice and to the right thing.

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change 
- Albert Einstien

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

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