Showing posts with label read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label read. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 August 2024

My Name Is Cinnamon - Vikas Prakash Joshi

Meet the author on Sunday the 25th of August 2024

Both a captivating chronicle and an endeavour of remarkable depth and ambition, My Name Is Cinnamon provides a richly textured narrative of a boy trying to find his roots and place in the world. On each part of his journey, he encounters new people, new cuisines, and new adventures as he learns a lot about himself and the world around him.

While being a light-hearted and heart-warming read, the book also covers some difficult themes that are rarely explored in ­children’s and young adult literature. It is a deeply moving testament to the unceasing desire to know oneself, the unrelenting pull of familial bonds, and the power of hope, sacrifice, and love.

With his perceptive observations, vivid descriptions, and an authentic voice, the author, Vikas Prakash Joshi, weaves an immersive plot with fully realised environments and characters that are sure to stay with you for a long time. Above all, My Name Is Cinnamon is about finding your own people and accepting who you are.

My Name Is Cinnamon, Vikas Joshi brings to life the lively tale of Cinnamon, a young boy living with his adoptive parents, who sets out to meet his birth parents in an impoverished tribal area. This emotionally sensitive topic is explored with felicity and humour, reminding us of the immense joys and painful travails of childhood. It’s a moving and uplifting book, and I wish Vikas Prakash Joshi all the best for his future writing success.’
―Dr Shashi Tharoor, Politician, writer, and former international diplomat

Kindle and Paperback editions available.

Vikas Prakash Joshi is an-award winning writer, editor, translator, podcaster, public speaker, novelist, amateur cook and occasional journalist in Pune, India. His first book for children, My Name Is Cinnamon (Hay House India), was published in November 2022 , and it has been lauded all over the world, in over 30+ countries, endorsed by many top Indian writers, and received 7 publishing offers. Story Ink, a Mumbai-based production company, has also acquired the book for screen adaptation. It was illustrated by the well known and award winning illustrator for children's books Niloufer Wadia. It has received 5 recognitions already: A3F Literary Award for Fiction 2023, Asian Literary Society Award for Best Debut Fiction,Asian Literary Society Certificate of Excellence in Fiction, Skipping Stones Magazine Honour List for International Books 2023, Longlisted and Shortlisted for Valley of Words Awards for Young Adult Fiction 2023. It was also chosen among 60 selected books by Indian authors for kids and YA by Hyderabad-based Beyond the Box organization, an organisation working in the field of literature.

We will read aloud from next week; please get your copy and join us at My Good School.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

The things that come to my mind while being in class - Tenzin Jambey

A classroom is a room or a sphere where students learn. The one who teaches or gives lessons is called the teacher, and the one who takes the learning is called the student. Different students can have different views on the classroom, and I, too, have my opinions on a classroom.

The school has become an essential place for learning. Without schooling, you won't be able to push yourself further in the field of education. "Education never ends, and the road never ends. It's only the fuel of the car that ends". No one can ever learn everything, even if we start learning after birth until we die. The classroom makes learning more fun, exciting and memorable in the education journey. The word classroom is an extensive term that means that a classroom is much more than a room in the school building. All the sphere and place becomes a classroom when you get lessons out of it. Teamwork is something that we learn when working as a team. Therefore, the football ground, basketball court and your hostel room can become a classroom.

Now, if you guys ask me what we learn from the classroom, I would say we know many things. We understand how to help others, how to co-ordinate, how to care, how we get inspiration, morals, how to get along, how to speak, read and write teamwork, and this goes a long way. The best thing we get from a classroom is the memories of sitting in the school with our best friends and the teaching and scolding of teachers, the room where we had enjoyed and spent our best time by sharing tiffins and knowledge and helping each other. When we become old and our death is close, these memories will allow us to die with happiness and peace because we have lived a life we will remember.

- Tenzin Jambey

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

What it takes to spread the joy of learning at schools - Unnati Dabral

Children and Young Adults tend to spend their joyful yet crucial years of life in school. School days are the precious years of a student's life. 

The joy of learning in schools may be defined in numerous ways. Learning something new with fellow mates always has its charms and challenges, whether in the classroom or on the playground. 'Finding Joy' is seeing oneself grow little by little, learning, growing, falling, escaping, again coming on the loop, trying and experiencing unusual things in those marvellous hours at school.

Have you ever thought about our adrenaline rush while reading a thrilling novel? Oh! And how just a mere acknowledgement of the fact that its sequel might be available in our school library in the coming month excites us? What a relieving thought with an inexpressible enthusiasm.

An infusion of joy with learning helps a learner to feel less stressed. It motivates positive learning experiences. Children are more eager to learn when handled with care and happiness.

To understand what it takes to spread the joy of learning at schools, we need to know what actually brings joy to the students?

The answer is:-
∆ Games
∆ Toys
∆ Colours
∆ Artworks
∆ Cartoons
∆ Adventures
∆ Jokes
∆ Celebrations

And for these to take place, a teacher should have the listed qualities and thus qualifies his/her limitations to strengths:- 
∆ Passionate towards teaching
∆ Caring
∆ Kind
∆ Able to create a flowing atmosphere
∆ Introducing egalitarianism among students
∆ Humourous
∆ Knows his/her students

There is much more to learn, give, write, do, and thus explore. Looking forward to spreading the joy of learning at schools and worldwide.

- Unnati Dabral 
Fellow at My Good School for the year 2023-24

Thursday, 15 June 2023

Meet and Greet with Deepti Mehrotra

Learning Forward Podcast Season 10 Episode 16, produced by the students at My Good School, where passion meets education. The My Good School Program is brought to you by the students and interns who spread the joy of learning, focusing on reading, writing and speaking.

Meet and Greet is our event to celebrate the work and writing of authors and guests who join us at our Sunday School, hosted online weekly. In this edition, we speak with Deepti Mehrotra, whose books are published by Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd and are available worldwide.

History narrates tales of courageous, brave, patriotic men who sacrificed their necessities to fight for a more significant cause. Still, while highlighting the men down the ages, we often undermine the women of the past who had performed more dangerous deeds and fought for causes which ameliorated the lives of later women. Her Stories: Indian women down the Ages is not just a novel but a keepsake where the tales and stories of Indian women are preserved. It is a way to hear those unheard of and appreciate their efforts for women at large. Consider this beautiful conversation where Dr Deepti Priya Mehrotra deciphers her book. This podcast is an ode to all these Indian women down the ages.

Anvesha Rana - Host from Gyanshree School
Dr Deepti Priya Mehrotra - Author of Her Stories: Indian Women Down The Ages
Jugjiv Singh, Rishona Chopra - Guests

Saturday, 6 May 2023

Meet and Greet with Nirmal Ghosh

Learning Forward Podcast Season 10 Episode 15

Nature has its way of calling upon us, but we often ignore those rare signs. We build homes in seclusion away from the abode of wildlife and nature; when we can live peacefully together, why are we so adamant about living apart? Consider this beautiful conversation where Nirmal Ghosh deciphers his book, ‘Blue Sky, White Cloud: Three Novellas’. Our anthropocentric behaviour has indeed broken the typical bond of friendship between nature and us. Learn and reinforce to reconnect with our roots.

Nirmal Ghosh  - Author of ‘Blue Sky, White Cloud: Three Novellas.’
Anvesha Rana - Host from Gyanshree School
Rishona Chopra and Sandeep Dutt join in as guests.

There was a lot to learn, and there is now a lot to reinforce, but the lifeline remains that beauty lies in simplicity; we might try to complex situations, but deep down, we are all the same man who used to live with nature to now the man who has built homes in seclusion away from the abode of wildlife and nature.

We are the only species with the power to share our feelings with the world, and we should use this power wisely.

Nirmal addresses some interesting questions:

It is vital to write about what we know simply for authenticity, so what was your process of writing these three novellas, what set off that spark, and how did you go about it?

What do you believe is the key to establishing a relationship with our environment, and how did you do it?

Blue Sky White Cloud is a heart-touching tale that echoes a powerful message of empathy and compassion. Amidst all you do, sir, how do you continue fostering your passion for writing?

Talking about ‘Blue Sky, White Cloud’ is a compilation of three novellas. A novella is a short novel, and this tale revolves around the lives of three distinct animals who live in varying geographies and current independent views. Still, somehow deep down, they are all interconnected.

There is more; this is a heart-warming podcast filled with empathy for nature, real life-changing moments and how humans must learn to respect nature.

Listen to the podcast on, Spotify or your favourite Podcast App.

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Sharpening The Saw - Nishan Karki

Sunday reading with Jugjiv Sir

"We must never be too busy to take time to sharpen the saw." - Stephen Richards Covey.

Sharpening the saw means making the best use of your greatest asset, i.e. you. It means sharpening your mind physically, socially, mentally and spiritually. Sharpening the saw and sharpening yourself are the same thing. It helps to keep yourself in the best place and fresh to do your work most effectively. If you sharpen yourself, you can bring change in yourself and your habits.

You can sharpen the saw through the following :

* Positiveness on yourself

* Meditation

* Be resilient

* Read, write and learn new things

* Take care of your mind, body and spirit

* Listen to your heart and mind

* Create balance

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India 

Monday, 10 April 2023

Blue Sky White Clouds - Joy Of Reading

Blue Sky White Clouds
Nirmal Ghosh
We are reading at the Sunday School.

Find out how you can join us:

The Sunday School

Experience the joy of learning at our Online School. Read, write and speak with us.

  • Suitable for 9+ to 90+.
  • 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM IST.
  • Telegram Messenger.
  • Blog, Podcast & Videos.
  • Meet and Greet events.
  • Internships 9+ to 14+.
  • Pay Rs 2500/- per year.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

The desire to buy exceeds the ability to read - Jugjiv Singh

The desire to buy exceeds the ability to read!
Some unopened books...
The pile of unread ones will be higher.
But hopefully one day soon I will get to them!

Jugjiv Singh
Advisor Learning Forward India Foundation

The Library Car - Rishona Chopra

For me, my favourite place in the entire school is the library. I just wish I could stay in the library for the whole day! Once I start on a book, I don't want to leave it until I have read it all. Whether it's fiction or biography, they are so fun to read. 

A library is not just about books; it's about the variety you keep and the environment you create. The comfy chairs with a wide variety of books and you feel like you could sit there all day. I wish I was at Tomoe, so I could spend the entire day at the library!  

On Wednesday was my first library period in the old library. It was so fun. Although for the period the librarian was telling us the rules and regulations, it was great. I can't wait to read all the books there. Now, Wednesday is my favourite day in School! I am waiting to issue a book there and just can't wait for Wednesday to come. 

                                          The library is where I go, 
                                          It makes me happy when I am low, 
                                          Read books is so cool, 
                                          It's the best place in School! 
Rishona Chopra  
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 19 June 2022

National Reading Day! - Rishona Chopra

The National Reading Day is celebrated on the 19th of June in India. It is to honour our teachers and books. The celebration started in 1996.

Read a book,
And don't judge it by its look!
By reading a book, you can become a cook.
Or a doctor and author too!
Just read a page a day,
And you will find your way,
Just make sure you read something,
A magazine, a novel, 
And trust me, no book is awful.
Fiction, non-fiction, Autobiographies
And biographies! 
You can read anything you want,
Reading a book about your knowledge will make you flaunt!
So my dear friends, do read a book,
You can read one every Sunday with My Good School!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 23 May 2022

My Good School Song - Rishona Chopra

We are here at My Good School,
Here things are so cool! Together we learn, Here no teacher is stern!

We learn all the values needed,
After going to My Good School, we all succeeded!
There are several things you can do,
Each thing is new!

We can read and write,
We are bright!
We can design and create,
After all, My Good School is great!

Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Autobiography of a Book- Aanya Kumar

Aanya Kumar is a grade V student whose interest lies in composing short write ups and stories on different topics. She strongly believes in in-depth research before expressing her views on any topic. She has also written reviews on a few books she read and liked. She is a keen learner who wants to increase her understanding and work for further development.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Happiness with a book - Rishona Chopra

A charming, intelligent and sweet girl lived in a beautiful
village. She had many friends, and that was because she was so kind and gentle, and whenever her friends needed her, she was always there, whatever the circumstances. She did not mind if her friends did not help her. On every sad occasion, she always found happiness in it.

Her favourite hobby was reading, but she lived all alone! She could not buy books. Sometimes, her friends would let her borrow their books; someday, she would earn money and buy them. When she was roaming in the village garden, something caught her eye. She did not know what it was, but she ran in that direction where she saw it. She ran with all her might and finally reached there and guess what she saw, nothing but a book!!! She was so happy she started to dance with sheer delight! That was the happiest day of her life. She is still reading the book! (It was tremendous indeed) 

You must be wondering what is so special about a book? Well, no matter how bored you are or how sad you are, reading a book takes you to another world of imagination or takes you to see the sights of reality. So read a book whenever you can as books are probably your best friend.

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Appreciation - Arav Agarwal

Appreciation Poem For Teachers 

Dear Teachers, a heartfelt thank you for all the things you do, 
Overcoming challenges and making our dreams come true! 

You have not only taught us to read and write, 
But also taught us to be kind, loving and polite! 

You were the true warrior in this pandemic, 
And made sure that we have the best academic!

 You are awesome teachers and work tirelessly to make our future.
Thank you dear teachers!!

  Arav Agarwal 
Billabong High International School Thane