Showing posts with label respected. Show all posts
Showing posts with label respected. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Honesty - Aryan Sirvi

Aryan Sirvi

Honesty means being truthful, i.e., developing a practice of speaking truth throughout life. A person who practices honesty in life possesses a strong moral character. An honest person shows good behaviour, follows the rules, maintains discipline, and speaks the truth. Lying, cheating, lack of trust, steal, and greed have no space in honesty. Honesty is the most important value in life. We need to be honest with others as well as we should be honest with ourselves.

There are also famous quotes by famous personalities as 'Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom'. It holds good due to its ability to build, shape, and motivates integral respect in one's life. A person with honesty is respected by all. To build a character of honesty depends on his/her family values, ethics, and his/her surrounding and environment. Parents showing honest behaviour in front of their children also impacts the children as we say that 'Honesty lies in the genes'. 

An honest person is always known for his honesty, just like a sun is known for its eternal light and ultimate energy. Dishonest people may easily get people's trust, but this doesn't last too long when they are caught. Being dishonest is a sin in all religions, but people often practice it for short-time benefits. They never become morally strong, and their life becomes miserable. We should be honest in life as it is a must needed quality in one's life. 

Aryan Sirvi 
Class Xll Science
The Fabindia School

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Honesty and Self Respect - Disha Mewara

My grandparents
Honesty is always admirable in the family, civil society, friends and across the globe. A person with honesty is respected by all. Building the character of honesty entirely depends on his/her family values and ethics and his/her surrounding environment. Parents showing honest behaviour and character in front of their children create an impact on the children, and we say honesty lies in their genes. Honesty can also be developed practically, which requires proper guidance, encouragement, patience and dedication.

Self-respect refers to loving oneself and behaving with honour. An individual who has self-respect would treat himself with honour furthermore lacking self-respect. It is a matter of disgrace for an individual who does not respect himself; he should certainly not expect respect from others; nobody likes to treat such an individual with respect. Self-respect improves the morality of the individual who has good ethical nature. Hence, self-respect makes you a better person.

I have sweet and loving grandparents. My grandmother's name is Mrs Asha Mewara. She is 70 years old. She is very caring. Her hair has turned grey. Everyday she worships Mother Durga very sincerely. She gives me 'prasad'. She knows many fairy tales and stories of 'Ramayana' and ‘Mahabharata’. My grandfather is also sweet. His name is Mr.Om Prakash Mewara. He is 75 years old. He goes out for a walk every morning. He loves to watch news channels on TV. He is very wise. He teaches me many things. My grandparents are my guide, my teacher and my friends. I learn many things while enjoying their company. They love me deeply...I also love and respect my grandparents a lot. We play together in the evening. I am thankful to God for blessing me with such wonderful grandparents.

Disha Mewara        
Class XII Science
The Fabindia School

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