Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rituals. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Reflections - Sunday School 1st September 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What were the words discussed today and how do they reverberate with you? 

3. I used to believe, that I am. 

4. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, the work we do at My Good School and helps us focus on Life-skills.

-From My Name Is Cinnamon-     

1. Don't you think math was invented to torture us?

2. What are UAO (Unattractive Academic Objects) according to you?

3. What are nicknames you use for someone and why?

4. Did you read any detective novels or know some famous detectives?  

5. Solve the following problem,' said Kadubole. 'Shashat has Rs 400. He spends 3/4 on sardines and 1/4 on prawns. 1 kg of prawns cost Rs 150 and 1 kg of sardines cost Rs 50. How many kgs of prawns and sardines does he buy? 

6. Does Cinnamon's life anecdotes resonate with you and how?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     


You can email your reflections to

We will read Chapter 28 - Burnout, from The Hidden Life Of Trees, next week.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

The Guru Nanak Documentaries Episode 8- Advika

Reflecting on the screening of Allegory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels on Sunday the 18th of August 2024.

Today's episode of "The Guru Nanak Documentaries" taught us what our rituals were about. They were merely not for external use or washing in a holy river; they meant cleansing yourself of your sins, wrongdoings, and bad karma. 

This session was deep and spiritual and raised awareness of how our thoughts and ideologies have changed over the years. People bathe in the Ganges, thinking it will detox them. They shall attain salvation, but in reality, as Guru Nanak Ji said, our self-reflection, acting upon our sins, and rectifying what we did wrong and who we hurt is true detoxing and will lead you to salvation, not some mere external activities that are futile in the end. 

The reality is that people nowadays travel miles to go to Varanasi and other spiritual places to reach God, purify their souls, come back to their homes, and repeat the same toxic life. What is the point of even going to these places when we do nothing to act upon ourselves? 

True devotion never lies in just bathing in rivers. It lies within the soul. Purity, correcting what we do, and making ourselves better people, while helping others. Love God, love yourself, and make yourself into a better person.

This is true devotion. 

Advika Khanna 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Relections for the week - Sunday 18th August 2024

- From The Guru Nanak Docuseries-  
1. What did you learn from the episode today?
2. How aware are we about our own religion and cultures?
3. Does true devotion lie in bathing in "holy rivers" or is it something deeper?
4. Why do you think the chapter is named "Adhikaar"?
5. What is religion and its true meaning?
6. What makes one "pure"?

More food for thought, notes shared by Akshar Bhasin from JMPS:

1. Questioning the futility of religious rituals and practices which are often performed blindly and without looking into the depth and intent behind them.

2. ⁠Aiming at the purification and cleansing of the inner soul and being rather than simply bathing the physical self in the Ganges and considering one pure.

3. Questioning the society’s olden practice of keeping a women confined and labelling her as impure during mensurational cycle.

4. ⁠Pondering about how a  man is often bestowed with the title of ‘pandit’ (wise one) just because of his ability to recite holy texts and mantras without actually realising depth and intent behind them and acting according to the righteous way of life.

5. ⁠Understanding and embracing the truth of religion and it’s teachings rather than blindly worshiping deities and praising their teachings. 

6. ⁠Understanding how enlightenment can be attained not by cremating someone at a holy site like Varanasi  but by following the correct path and embracing wisdom.

7. ⁠Can one, instead of embracing a religion professed by others, find his own path and way in life ?

- From The Hidden Life Of Trees – 
1. What is your takeaway from today's session?
2. Why is there a battle for every light of sunshine in the forest?

3. How do forest species adapt in their need for sun and resouces to grow from the environment?

Check out the GSI Journal and listen to the latest podsact from Sunbeam School Timeless Tales. You will find the podcos on the right column and are most welcome to visit the Good Schools India Journal webiste:

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! 


You can email your reflections at -

Good Schools Of India