Showing posts with label scared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scared. Show all posts

Monday, 2 January 2023

What I fear the most... Tenzing Dhekyong N

Reading Chapter 32 - Human Quality: Preparedness

"What I fear the most is the scare of the darkness. So generally, many people are scared of the dark. I have been wondering about those creepy things repeatedly during my childhood, so that's why I had a fear inside me of ghosts. I still am scared of a ghost, but I try to overcome them by thinking of funny movements which have happened today". 

Tenzing Dhekyong N
Pestalozzi World Children's Village

Sunday, 28 August 2022

The bond of friendship - Rishona Chopra

Friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between people. It includes the fun of fights, trust, and lots of mischievousness and standing up for each other. 
Friends are something you never know about,
They are like your sibling, no doubt.
Rajam and Mani and their mischiefs,
But they ain't no thief.
They are friends who stay in sorrow,
But make you feel scared for tomorrow.
You might hate them once or twice,
They'll make you kill mice!
Yes, they will support you in nothing,
But they will prepare you for everything!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 5 June 2022

The Bravery Test - Rishona Chopra

Being brave is simply overcoming your fears. It can be your fear of the dark or of a dog or ghosts or shadows by just doing it. If you are scared, you will fall if you climb a tree, then don't do it, but if you want to overcome your fear, just do it.

In the previous chapter, The Great Adventure, Totto-chan and Yasuaki-chan showed great courage. It took a lot of effort to climb a tree, but they did not give up and continued trying. In the end, climbed the tree and had lots of fun!

Totto-chan overcomes her fear of ghosts. Of course, you don't have to meet ghosts, but just through thoughts, you can overcome your fear. She soon was happy in her fear too! She thought that if we are scared of ghosts, ghosts are afraid of us too!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 27 December 2021

Courage - Samruddhi Patankar

I am Samruddhi Patankar from grade 2; I would like to share my short life stories of courage.

I needed courage when I was only 5 yrs old to speak on the stage but, then my parents gave me courage by encouraging me, I did it. 👧🏻

When I was going to school 🏫 for my meet-and-greet session, I needed courage because I would meet my teacher that time; I got it from myself.

I often got scared by something that I didn’t even know, but I always told my teacher. She always gave me the courage, from now I see something scarier I don’t get scared. From then I have realized what courage means.

Name: Samruddhi Patankar
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Confidence - Rishona Chopra

Confidence is a feeling where you feel capable. Where you believe in yourself. A thought of confidence could be -
“ I can do it.”
This means that whatever you have as your goal, you can achieve it. You only have to believe in yourself. That is, you have to be confident.
Another meaning of confidence is to not be nervous. It is to express your thoughts without feeling nervous. It’s not that you have to not think before you say something or do something. It’s just to not fear what someone else will think of you.
Now I’d like to present a short story on confidence-

                                            The magic of Confidence

Once there was a young girl who used to live in the countryside. She was beautiful, intelligent, kind and simple. There was only one thing that she lacked, and that was confidence. She was nervous and had lost belief in herself. 
One day when she was crossing a farm, she saw that the crops were all gone! Surprised, she went to the farmers and asked where the crops were. The farmers tearfully told her that it was one of those soldiers of the evil king of Wales. The king who everyone feared of. The soldiers had taken it all as the droughts caused crop production in Wales to below. So the king ordered to take all the crops from the nearby farms all for himself!
The girl felt angry at the king but was too nervous to say anything.

When she went home, she narrated the incident and her feelings about it to her mother. 
Her mother, too, was angry at the king and told her daughter why she didn’t do something about it? The girl replied,” You know that. I am just scared too.” 
“Well, this is the scare you have to overcome. Just believe in yourself. I am with you, and I’m sure everyone in this town is with you,” said her mother.
“I’ll think about it,” the girl said

That night the girl had made up her mind to fight with the King and get Justice back. Just by believing in herself…
The next morning she told the entire town her plan. They all readily agreed. 
That day they went to the King’s court, and the young girl said,” You have caused us problems. You took our crops away only for yourself. If you take all the food from us, we might die from hunger and then who will grow the crops? Who will serve you food? If you need food, so do we.” The King was taken back with the angry response. He himself, having a nervous daughter, was surprised that the young girl was so confident. Now he had understood the problem clearly, and to everyone’s surprise, the king apologized and promised to take care that everyone had food to eat.
I’m sure you know now what confidence is and what it can do.

Name: Rishona Chopra
Grade: 5
Gyanshree School

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