Showing posts with label share. Show all posts
Showing posts with label share. Show all posts

Sunday, 2 June 2024

Reflection For The Week - Sunday 2nd June 2024

Reflection of the week   

-From Jataka Tales-   

1. Why do we read about the Jataka Tales?  

2. Did the story connect with you today, and why?   

3. What learnings can we take away from the story "The Crane and the Crab." 

4. How do the 6 C's connect with the story?   

  Hint: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Character and Citizenship 

5. What is a forest haunt? 

6. Draw a fish comb. What are its characteristics? 

7. Varana Tree and its symbolism 

8. What is a pincer-like grip? 


- From The Hidden Life Of Trees-   

1. What did you learn from the chapter today?   

2. What impact does this book have on you?   

3. What are phenols? 

4. The Beauty of Nature 

5. Draw a woodpecker and note its features  

6. What are aphids? 

7. The intelligent and perfect cycle of nature and how it keeps going  

8. The meaning of the word "regurgitate" in the context of the story 

9. The language of trees 


These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!   

You can email your reflections to -, call for support Monday to Friday, 10 am to 7 pm, +91 135 2710958

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Journaling: My Little Book Of Feelings - Rishona Chopra

Journaling is keeping a diary. You don't have to write long letters. A few drawings, page tearing, or even a few sentences can say it all. I like to call my journal - My Little Book Of Feelings because, in a day, I have so many feelings. In the morning, I am all happy and bright, and by the end of the day, all gloomy and sad. You never know! I am very unpredictable if you talk about my feelings.

You don't need to have a proper diary, just take a piece of paper and vent all your feelings. But then, when you have an excellent journal, and at the end of the week, you look at what you have written, you can reflect on your situations in a better way. I think expressing yourself by writing is much better because when you tell them with a person not necessary, they would actually understand your feelings, but that's just my way of doing it!

On the cover of my diary I have written - Open if you dare, don't you dare try to do that and of course have used lots of stickers and decorations to make it look beautiful. If you open my diary, you'll see torn pages that I pulled out of anger (and sometimes happiness). Even though you know I didn't mean it when I said, "Don't you dare open my diary", I am requesting you not to open it!

Every day is a new day with new feelings,
By writing, you feel you are healing.

Keep a small diary,
Tell all your thoughts about society.

You can boast,
And teel how you burnt a toast!

You can talk about all your friends and the things they did,
And how you want a best friend who is a friendly kid.

Share everything you want,
With no worry about the handwriting or font!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Poem on Books - Arav Agarwal

Oh, books! They are lovely;
When I see the books, I go crazy.

They have many new things to share:
How many times I read a book, I don't care.

They are inspiring;
And all books are fascinating.

They take me to their own world;
And I like them so much.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Hope - Saima Arora

Saima is a student of Grade VIII at The Doon Girls' School, Dehradun. She shares with us what the value of Hope means to her. At My Good School, students express themselves and work to become confident individuals. You, too, can experience the joy of learning; sign up from

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Someone to share - Shaurya Buchade

I came to this world alone
I will go to my destiny alone
But in the long run of life, sure, I need someone to share.
Someone who may decorate my life
Someone who may console my emotions
Someone whom I can trust upon
Someone who will be just mine.
I wish of having a friend
Whose friendship may sparkle and shine
Who will be in thoughts all-day
And fill the dreams worthwhile.
Whose silent thought may bring great joy 
Whose cheerful smile may give deep pleasure
Whose every moment may make my life fragment and calm like the evening breeze.
I need someone to share
And not to make me despair 
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Name: Shaurya Buchade
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Compassion - Avni Kochhar


Hi, My name is Avni Kochhar, and I have experienced Compassion many times. So let me share my understandings of what is Compassion.

Compassion is so valuable That nobody will ever forget the Compassion shown by you. 

It is sporadic to find Compassion these days, So if we all show a step forward with Compassion, it makes a big difference. To me, Compassion is to Care, To share. It means caring for someone, and you share your Compassion with that person too. So even by one person, many people might learn to show Compassion.

I have learned so much about being a good human being.

Avni Kochhar 
Gyanshree school

Monday, 21 June 2021

Happiness - Chahna Gandhi

What does happiness mean to me?

Happiness to me is an important part of life, as it brings in positive vibes and makes one’s day better.  

What makes me happy?

I would say there's nothing that makes me happy, nor I can’t list all of them. Here are a few:

 1. Being with friends: This always brings joy and cool vibes as the fun n frolic makes me happy.

 2. Music: Listening to music always helps me forget things and lifts up my mood, which obviously makes me happy “... and if it’s my genre, then it’s much fun.” 

3. Being with family: Well! Who doesn’t like to be with family, share good and embarrassing memories, and laugh at them together?  

4: Dance: Dance is one thing where my mind is totally on the beats and music. It takes over my body, refreshes it and helps me open up my mind to new ideas.

 How to pass on happiness? 

There are a lot of ways by which you can either share or pass your happiness to others.  You can suggest ways of being happy. This can help them go through their hard times by creating their own happy zones. Another way of passing on happiness is to care for them. Help them in things they can’t do or need help. This will make them happy as they know that they can believe in you during their rough times.

Chahna Gandhi
Class VIII
The Doon Girls' School

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Happiness - Avika Singhal

Happiness is the feeling of contentment or when life fulfils your needs with a lack of worries. When people are successful, safe or lucky, they feel happy.

To me, happiness is my inner peace and satisfaction. Happiness does not have to be the same for everybody. It may differ from person to person.

I am happy when I am living a moment fully like when I play basketball when I go out for a vacation with my family, when I play with slime when I go out shopping, when I eat my favourite food and when I have money, and I can help the poor. Such things light up my mood, and I put aside all my stress and live in the moment.

Now the things can you pass your happiness to others so that they are happy too! Everyone likes being loved, right? Yes, everyone likes being loved and cared for. So if you follow the following things, then you can pass your happiness.

  • Pass a smile to them when you get a chance
  • Help them in their work
  • Show them love and respect 
  • Show that you care
  • Be in a happy mood around them
  • Tell jokes to each other(not offensive ones) laugh with them
  • Share your things and don’t remind them they favour repeatedly 
  • Be a good friend and keep secrets so that they can be warm and comfortable around you
Avika Singhal
Class VII
The Doon Girls' School