Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts

Thursday 29 August 2024

Note-taking and Reflections - What is the difference?

Notes Vs Reflections

Recording your thoughts and spreading your insights are unique tasks, each with its intentions and outcomes.

Note-taking: - Involves recording information, ideas, or insights from a lesson, lecture, or reading.

  • Focuses on capturing facts, concepts, and details.
  • Helps with memory retention, review, and reference.
  • Often done individually.

Sharing reflections: - Involves sharing thoughts, opinions, or insights about what has been learned.

  • Focuses on making connections, analysing, and evaluating information.
  • Encourages critical thinking, synthesis, and application.
  • Often done collaboratively or publicly, such as in a discussion or blog post.

While note-taking is primarily about capturing information, sharing reflections is about processing, interpreting, and sharing perspectives. 

Sharing reflections


Help us ignite the #JoyOfLearning! We are dedicated to empowering passionate educators, teachers, and students by equipping them with the essential skills of reading, reflection, and fostering strong relationships. Your candid reflections are invaluable and contribute to the cultivation of a culture rooted in trust and continuous learning. Embrace the #HappyTeachers movement and witness the positive impact it will have on your own professional image. Let's spread the joy of learning together!

Saturday 26 February 2022

Friendship - Khushi Badgeri

Friendship is a state of trust where two friends spend time talking and knowing each other. Friendship is an important relationship in everyone's life. It means understanding, forgiveness, growing together, sharing, and keeping secrets. Mainly it also needs to have lots of patience.

For me, my true friendship is with my books and nature. I love to see the beauty of nature and write its beauty in my book. I love to plant seeds and see their different stages of growth. I can talk to them
while watering or being around them. Plants can listen to you and feel your touch. You have to preserve nature. It's our responsibility in friendship. The more you plant trees and take care of nature there will be greenery everywhere which will help our ecosystem.

Name: Khushi Badgeri
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Saturday 5 February 2022

Friendship - Arav Agarwal

As we are celebrating the value of Friendship at My Good School, I would like to share my experience of being a part of My Good School. 

I have experienced that friendship at My Good School is learning, sharing and growing together. We meet every Sunday and together read a book, learn different life values from the book and share our reflections and experiences with each other experiencing the joy of reading, writing and speaking.

As part of an internship, we learn from each other by sharing our skills and being mentored by teachers from different schools all over India.

Yes, we are growing together at My Good School to become a better version of ourselves. 

Thank you, My Good School, for this beautiful bond of friendship that you have created.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane 

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Caring - Rishona Chopra

We all must have heard about Caring. 

Caring is helping someone, right?

Yes, but we can do much more if we have a wide heart. We could heal emotions too. We should always do it with an open mind, dedication, and love when we do something. Similarly, when we care for someone, we should always do it with a kind heart because if we aren’t, then we aren’t caring, and maybe we are hurting them too.

Now I’d like to present a story on Caring.

Care but to make people strong

Once there used to live a boy who was always told the caring is sharing and one must care for others. He wondered why to care for others when we don’t want to? Why don’t we build them strong instead? If we keep helping them with every bit of thing, then they will be weak! This seemed like a silly idea to others, and it might seem to you too, but it’s actually right!!

Of course, we must help and care for people, especially friends but if we help them in every small thing things which they are capable of doing we are actually making them weak because, today we are helping them but not everybody will right and that way your friends might feel too tired to do a very simple work!!

The boy thought this, but others didn’t like his ideas. Some even started making fun of him! This made him really sad, and he stopped helping people. His mother seeing this, told him that it’s essential to help people. He told his mother his idea of caring. His mother said to him that it’s a good idea, but he should help people who need help and help them be emotionally intense.

He did as his mother said and helped himself be a stronger person and care for others!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School