Showing posts with label silver spoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silver spoon. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Jai Hind - Ankit Raj

We should understand our nation. We only go to school. We live with a silver spoon and only live in our bubble. But we should not. We should break that bubble and move out to be

*Nothing is as important as passion; no matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.
*In 1907, Champakaraman Pillai coined the term. "Jai Hind'. Which was adapted as the slogan of the Indian National Army in the 1940s at the suggestion of Abid Hasan.

*The opposite of a hero is a villain, while power gives you the inner strength to fight inner problems and outer ones, too...

Ankit Raj Class 8B 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara Hostel

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Dealing With Disappointments - Oshi Singh

Dealing With Disappointments 


We all experience failure in our life. When we think our life has come to an end. The first time is obviously the hardest. You feel devastated, angry, jealous, and traumatized. You blame others for what has happened. In time you start blaming yourself. Don't think the time and energy you're wasting are worth wasting. These days when youngsters experience failure or when something doesn't go according to their plan, they start believing their life is ruined. They start thinking weird and foolish things. They don't worry about how their decisions will affect those around them. 

Ultimately life isn't supposed to go according to plan, even for those born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Failure is a risky stop where all our lives stop for a bit. We need to learn to deal with disappointments in life because we will face them not once, not twice, but throughout our lives. After all these disappointments lie some valuable lessons like gratitude, self-enlightenment and a better version of ourselves. Failure is inevitable, so instead of sitting and feeling sad about it, get up and try again. 

Like Albert Einstein said, "You never fail until you stop trying".      

Oshi Singh
Class 8th 
Gyanshree School