Showing posts with label smart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smart. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Reflection Sunday 23rd February 2025

 Sunday School # 177
A workshop on goal setting with guest speaker Lina Ashar, followed by a book reading session and updates on My Good School activities. 

Key Takeaways
  • Lina Ashar presented on the importance of SMART goal setting and how to apply it effectively
  • The group read chapters from "The Hidden Life of Animals" on animal intelligence and goal-oriented behavior
  • Updates were shared on upcoming My Good School events, including a retreat in April and new weekday sessions

Session 1 of 3, scheduled for the third Sunday of the month, beginging February 2025.

Lina Ashar, founder of Dreamtime Learning, discussed the importance of goal setting using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-bound) framework. She emphasized the need for clear, realistic goals to achieve personal and academic success. Lina Ashar highlighted the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain, which helps focus on specific goals. She also addressed common challenges like procrastination and stress, suggesting time-blocking and realistic goal setting. The session included practical exercises to transform vague goals into SMART ones and stressed the importance of inner mastery and personal growth. 

What we learnt with Lina Ashar

  • Explained the SMART goal framework: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Time-bound
  • Discussed the brain's reticular activating system (RAS) and its role in goal achievement
  • Emphasized the importance of setting realistic, incremental goals to avoid stress
  • Addressed questions on procrastination, parental pressure, and maintaining motivation

Book Reading: "The Hidden Life of Animals"

Chapters: Hidden Agendas & Simple Sums:

  • Read chapters on animal intelligence, focusing on crows, goats, and dogs
  • Discussed examples of animals demonstrating counting abilities and time awareness
  • Explored the concept of forward planning in animal behavior

Reflection questions

  1. How does Wohlleben challenge the traditional understanding of animal intelligence in this chapter? Reflect on examples he provides and consider whether they change your perspective on how animals think and solve problems.
  2. In what ways does the ability of animals to perform simple mathematical tasks impact our ethical responsibilities toward them? Do you think recognizing intelligence in animals should influence the way humans treat them?

  3. Wohlleben shares anecdotes about animals demonstrating basic arithmetic skills. How do these examples compare to the way young children or untrained humans approach similar tasks? What does this suggest about the cognitive abilities of animals in comparison to humans?

Planning for March 2025
The meeting discussed the upcoming schedule for various educational activities. Students will return from holidays on April 1st, and attendance is expected to improve. The calendar will include reading sessions on Sundays, watching the Episode 14 of Guru Nanak’s travels with Amardeep Singh and a workshop with Lina Ashar. The students of Sunbeam School Varuna are planning a presentation at My Good School. In addition, a poetry sessions are held on Thursdays at 5:15 PM, and a book reading sessions on Friday afternoon at 2:20 PM. 

The My Good School retreat is scheduled from April 11th to 14th. Art and music sessions are under consideration for the week, with a focus on engaging a broader audience. Finally, plans for the Art and Music Sessions on Monday and Tuesday respectively, with Wednesday as a weekly off.

You can email your reflections to or post them as comments below!

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Fun in the Office - Snoopy

Hi! It's me, Snoopy! Today we are going to Mr Bobo's office and have some fun! He sits comfortably on his chair, drinking cold coffee and working on his laptop. Just waiting for the right moment, and yes, he got up. Now I just have to throw his cold coffee in the washroom, so he has to clean it, and I can make my move!

Alright, I need to wear my glasses and be all set. I am making a presentation. (After a lot of hard work and perseverance). To be honest, I have no idea what I have made. Oh no! Mr Bobo's boss is here. (I jump out of the chair and hide).

The boss looks at what I have made, and here comes trouble. Mr Bobo's here!
"Mr Bobo, this is what you have made.."
" Oh no! sir, this is.." replies Mr Bobo.
" Say no more; this presentation is probably the best to present to our clients. Well Done!".
" Oh yes, of course, thank you". Mr Bobo got the shock of his life.

So you see, Snoppy is a genius. I knew what I was making. I am so bright!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 21 March 2022

Autobiography of an Autobiography - Rishona Chopra

Hello! I am an autobiography. People write in me when they feel like expressing their life to someone else, but I am unique. That is because the most valuable, intelligent, famous, and minor things I write in me. My author is Rishona Chopra, who is very kind for letting several people write in her book. Like my friend, fan, curtain, wardrobe, coin and several other people like that. 

I am the main lead here since I am who you are reading and seeing, and I am talking to you. So that's me, an autobiography and here is an autobiography of an autobiography!

Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Friendship - Archita Saxena

Friendship is the basic essence of our lives. Friends make our lives better and more magical. I have many friends, but my best friend is my mother.

My mom is kind, cheerful, bright and very creative. She is always there for me, no matter whatever mistake I make. She cooks my favourite food. Once she cooked an egg, put the bread on it and again egg on top of the bread which made it so tasty that I ate entirely even though I had never consumed eggs. She helps me even if she is busy. Every day, she multitasks, like cooking, helping my sister and me, and finishing daily chores simultaneously. I am always surprised how she does that! She prepares food every day and never stops working till all of her work finishes. She is my best friend as I can share anything with her, and she always helps me without me doing something for her because a friend helps their friend without that person doing something for them.

My mom is smart because she helps me in maths and her answer is always correct. She is cheerful by her supportive spirit. She is kind and never stops helping me until I can do any difficult thing. She never stops believing and caring. She is my hero. I am ending my words with this beautiful quote by Bill Watterson: “Things are not too scary when you get a friend.”

Archita Saxena
Grade III
Gyanshree School