It is essential that we each appreciate the current moment and even list things we are thankful for. Of course, you could question why but the fact remains that most of us have this tendency to take our loved ones, including our current circumstances, for granted. The one lesson that none of us ever seem to learn until too late is that nothing is permanent in life. Our loved ones, from our parents, grandparents, teachers, and siblings, will not always be around to help us out in our time of need.
This is why it is essential to appreciate all the big and small things in our lives; after all, showing our appreciation to the ones we love only validates that emotion and should help strengthen it further. It is the little things that matter a lot, so you just need to take a moment to sit down, do some introspection, write a list of all the things you are thankful for and start showing your appreciation for the same. Moreover, appreciating the finer things in your life should serve to highlight the fact that you are indeed lucky in more ways than one. You could tell your mother how lucky you are that she is still around and tell her that you love her. That should definitely make her day.
Appreciation is all about appreciating the people around you, and your very act of expressing affection should serve to validate your relationship and take it to a whole new level.
Doing so should start a cascading motion as you become more of an optimist. When expressing your appreciation to your loved one, keep it short and natural; all that your loved one wants to hear is what you feel deep in your heart. The value of direct appreciative action can go a long way in cementing any relationship, even one that is fraught with all the usual fights and hostilities. Just remember to keep the message direct, to the point; no one wants to hear a long-winded appreciation message so keep it short. And even get them a few things just to show your appreciation, and remember that all they want to know is what is deep inside your heart.
Khush Rajpurohit
Class XII
The Fabindia School