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Showing posts with label sorror. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Reflection Sunday The 3rd November 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. MGI Book II Wheels of Learning Keep on Turning

Come on along:
Learn to recognize your state of mind. Know it by the feeling you are in.
When you focus attention, you will be aware of changes in your feelings.
This means you are naturally listening to your guide inside.
Helpful insights improve your feelings and natural motivation.

2. What do you think? Let’s talk about it…
“Sometimes it was only their thoughts that were making them unhappy and if they could understand…it would help make them feel well.” (Dear Liza)
How is this story like something you know?
Think of a time that you noticed your wheels of learning really turning.

3. Twinkle knows…
Sometimes it is only your thoughts that make you unhappy.
My guide inside helps me decide!
It is best to let the mind clear when you are confused.
Happiness is inside every one of us and keeps popping up.
Trust common sense.
Learning is easier when you feel joy in life.
     …Now you know, too!

4. Learn Power Words.

Make a story using these powerful words
confused-not clear
decision-a choice
grateful-feeling thanks
ignore-do nothing

5. Review Points of MGI Book II.
Explain how much you have discovered about yourself!
Your guide inside is always present. (aka, wisdom, intuition)
Thought is a gift and we have the choice of which thoughts to act on.
Insights help us know ourselves and understand our world.
Understanding thought and using insights makes life fun.   

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum that aligns with our work at My Good School and helps us focus on life skills.

From My Name Is Cinnamon-

1. What was your takeaway from today's session?
2. Is it good to hide from everyone to gain attention?
3. How will you help your friend who feels insecure?
4. Explain the aftermath of criticism.
5 Which was the best birthday gift you have received so far?
6. Which cuisine you would love to eat and why?
7. What will you do to help your parents if they are having a financial crisis?. 

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to -

Key Takeaways

  • Cinnamon struggles with his identity as an adopted child when faced with not getting a new bike due to financial constraints.
  • The importance of critical thinking and examining one's thoughts objectively was highlighted.
  • Friends play a crucial role in providing honest feedback and support during challenging times.
  • Gratitude and reflection were emphasized as tools for personal growth and perspective.


Story Discussion: Cinnamon's Bike Request

  • Cinnamon misinterpreted his parents' response to his bike request, assuming he would get it despite financial constraints.
  • The story explores the impact of assumptions and communication gaps between children and parents.
  • Participants discussed the importance of clear communication and managing expectations.

Adoption and Identity

  • Cinnamon's struggle with his adopted status intensified when he couldn't get the bike he wanted.
  • The story highlights how external factors (like not getting a desired item) can trigger deeper identity issues.
  • Participants explored Cinnamon's emotional journey and the importance of addressing adoption-related feelings openly.

Financial Literacy and Empathy

  • The story introduces concepts of financial constraints and cost-cutting measures within families.
  • Participants discussed the importance of children understanding family financial situations.
  • Empathy towards parents' financial decisions was highlighted as a key learning point.

Friendship and Peer Influence

  • The role of friends like Pally (offering honest feedback) and Sundar (negative influence) was analysed.
  • Participants discussed the importance of choosing friends wisely and handling negative peer interactions.

Emotional Regulation and Critical Thinking

  • Cinnamon's spiral into negative thoughts was examined as a cautionary tale.
  • The importance of stepping back and examining thoughts objectively was emphasised.
  • Gratitude was suggested as a tool for maintaining perspective during challenging times.

Next Steps

  • Participants are encouraged to write reflections on the story and share them.
  • Students should prepare for the upcoming retreat, which promises fun activities and surprises.
  • Continue reading the next chapters of "My Name is Cinnamon" for further discussion.
  • Apply lessons learned about critical thinking and gratitude in daily life.

Good Schools Of India