Showing posts with label special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2022

What makes me think who I am - Tenzing Dhekyong N

I belong to Pestalozzi, which makes me feel proud; whenever I go to school, the teachers treat me as a special one because Pestalozzian children do excel in their academics and as well as in the field of sports. I am very grateful to be a Pestalozzian because Pestalozzi has taught me to be independent and mature enough to judge right or wrong and the innovative ideas that make me feel who I am. Expressing my gratitude towards someone makes me think about who I actually am. 

Tenzing Dhekyong N

Sunday, 6 November 2022

To smile every day - Rishona Chopra

I feel happy today,
An aim to smile every day.
It's a unique ray of hope,
That gives me a new scope.
To do something good,
I misunderstood,
The word happiness.
I thought there was a reason for this smile.
But all this while.
I was wrong to think,
That happiness could shrink.
It was something even more special,
That came from within and was sentimental.
I couldn't possibly want something more,
 But to be happier than before.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Ce que l'indépendance signifie pour moi - Rishona Chopra


Language: French 

L'indépendance n'est pas le droit de faire ce que l'on veut mais le droit de faire ce qui est juste. L'indépendance est l'essence de la liberté, le sentiment que nous ne sommes gouvernés par personne d'autre mais que nous avons la possibilité, tout comme les autres, d'explorer et d'apprendre. L'indépendance est un droit qui est beru fondamental et notre besoin mais de nos jours ce besoin est devenu un désir. Beaucoup de gens n'ont pas l'indépendance nécessaire pour prendre leurs décisions dans la vie, faire ce qu'ils veulent, étudier et ne pas vivre sous la domination de quelqu'un. Alors ne prenons pas notre indépendance pour acquise car c'est quelque chose de spécial.


Independence is not the right to do as we wish but the right to do what is right. Independence is the essence of freedom, the feeling that we are not ruled by anyone but have the opportunity, just like others, to explore and learn. Independence is a fundamental right and our need, but nowadays, this need has become a want. Many people don't have the independence to make their decisions in life, do what they want, study and not live under the rule of somebody. So let's not take our independence for granted because it is unique.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 5 February 2022

My Imaginary Friend - Arav Agarwal

It is said, “A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul and strengthens the imagination.

An imaginary friend is an invisible friend we like to play with and who keeps us in the company. Having an imaginary friend enhances our creativity as we think of an imaginary friend.

My imaginary friend is my imaginary cricket bat. I talk to it, share my countless stories of success and failures with it and hold it tight when I need strength. It supports me in my matches and tells me to give my best. It also gives me hope in my sad times and builds my confidence. The best thing about my imaginary friend is that it listens patiently to all my sharing’s and is available whenever I need to talk. My imaginary friend is very special to me and is my best companion. If you have an imaginary friend, do share it with us.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane