Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Sharpening The Saw - Nishan Karki

Sunday reading with Jugjiv Sir

"We must never be too busy to take time to sharpen the saw." - Stephen Richards Covey.

Sharpening the saw means making the best use of your greatest asset, i.e. you. It means sharpening your mind physically, socially, mentally and spiritually. Sharpening the saw and sharpening yourself are the same thing. It helps to keep yourself in the best place and fresh to do your work most effectively. If you sharpen yourself, you can bring change in yourself and your habits.

You can sharpen the saw through the following :

* Positiveness on yourself

* Meditation

* Be resilient

* Read, write and learn new things

* Take care of your mind, body and spirit

* Listen to your heart and mind

* Create balance

Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village India 

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Teamwork - Bhumika Nimbark

Teamwork is an activity in which many people work together to achieve a goal. The most important person in a team is the leader. The leader is the one who brings the idea of team spirit among his teammates so that they work properly in a cooperative manner. If the leader doesn't complete his duties, then his team can never achieve success. I learned the value of teamwork when my teacher told me to prepare a play on Human Rights within a week for an upcoming occasion. I was given a team of 20 students, and only a few of them were cooperative. I was apprehensive about how we will do it, but then, as a responsible leader, I prepared the dialogues for my team, and I was very strict towards them so that the task could be completed on time. In 6 days, my team was ready with their dialogues, their pretty props, the different scenes, and on the last day, we performed our play in front of the whole school. By that day, I learned the importance of teamwork and leadership in a team.

Bhumika Nimbark
Class X
The Fabindia School 

Good Schools Of India