Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual awakening. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Gautam Buddha’s Journey - Aradhy Mohan Jalan

Gautama Buddha's journey from prince to spiritual teacher is a profound tale of enlightenment and compassion. Born as Siddhartha Gautama around 563 BCE in Lumbini (present-day Nepal), he was destined for greatness. Despite his privileged upbringing, Siddhartha became aware of human suffering and sought a path to alleviate it.

At the age of 29, he renounced his royal comforts, leaving behind his palace and family, including his wife and newborn son. He embarked on a quest for truth, guided by a deep inner calling to understand the nature of existence, suffering, and the way to liberation.

For six years, Siddhartha wandered through forests and engaged in rigorous ascetic practices with various teachers. Despite his severe discipline, he did not find the answers he sought. Realizing the futility of extreme austerity, he decided to meditate under a bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.

On the full moon night of Vesakha, at the age of 35, Siddhartha attained enlightenment. Sitting in deep meditation, he achieved profound insights into the nature of suffering (dukkha), its causes (craving and ignorance), and the path to its cessation (the Eightfold Path). Thus, he became the Buddha, the "Awakened One."

For the next 45 years, Buddha travelled across northern India, teaching the Dharma (the path to liberation) to all who would listen—kings, nobles, merchants, and the marginalized. He founded the Sangha, a community of monks and nuns who dedicated themselves to the practice and dissemination of his teachings.

Buddha's teachings emphasized the Four Noble Truths—suffering exists, suffering arises from attachment to desires, suffering ceases when attachment to desires ceases, and the Eightfold Path leads to the cessation of suffering.

Gautama Buddha's journey from prince to enlightened teacher continues to inspire millions worldwide, transcending time and culture with its message of compassion, mindfulness, and the pursuit of inner peace.

Aradhya Mohan Jalan 
Sunbeam School, Lahartara 

Friday, 18 August 2023

Essence of Life - Reveda Bhatt

Picture Courtesy:

Meditation and its Importance. 

What is it, firstly? 

Meditation is when giving up everything you have in the outside world for a while; you close your outer eye and open your inner eye - one which is unseen.

Most of you would be thinking - what is an inner eye? Or you would not believe me saying. But it is there! Just because it is unseen, it does not mean it is non-existent since all the best of the world lies unseen. 

What role does it play in one’s life?

Primarily, it gives you time and strength to calm down. When seen closely, it makes you realise that all the energy lies within you. As a matter of fact, I’m sure we all know what a chakra is. A layer of energy! But did you know? There are 114 chakras in your body if seen inwards (Outwards-7).

To know yourself, when you meditate, your inner eye looks for the keys to these chakras, opening them; one by one. At the point at which all is down to zero, you lie low while your soul’s ability lies high. Now that is spiritual awakening. 

When you achieve control over your breath, you become InvictusAll the energy lies within you. All you need to do is channelise it in the right direction with meditation; for you to be infinite. 

That’s when I say, “To thine, own self be true.”

Reveda Bhatt
The Aryan School