Showing posts with label spy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spy. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 August 2022

"I want to be a spy" - Rishona Chopra

Our passion comes from within; it doesn't matter if we are not good at it. As long as we are interested in it, it's perfect for us. Being a spy is formidable, but as long as it is your passion, you'll be able to master it quickly.

For Tai -chan, I think he doesn't understand respecting one's imagination but is more serious and practical. I think Totto-chan is perfect to be a spy; I hope she becomes a spy when she grows up!

Reading Totto-chan, even I want to become a spy, but my true passion is to become a doctor!

Totto-chan the girl who wants to become a spy,
Even rejected, she won't cry,
She's finding a passion,
I am sure she has one,
She can be whatever she wants,
She could even own restaurants!
I am sure she could be a spy,
At least she could try,
Looking at her, 
I, too, want to be a spy!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Totto-chan - Anvesha Rana


She wanted to be a spy, 

Then a ticket seller, 

After that a street musician 

And finally a ballerina. 

Her vision might wander, 

But her values never dander, 

Her life is simply yet happy, 

Then why don’t we be a little

more like her ?

She treats others with love, 

She learns all with joy, 

She yearns to find more

And ask why. 

The Farming teacher likes her, 

For she does everything with care, 

Her passion is appreciated and 

Her energy is contagious.

She might be naughty, 

But her character is good, 

She helps everyone 

And asks for nothing in return. 

So, Totto-chan, 

You are a really good girl, 

You know. 

Anvesha Rana,

Grade 10-B,

Gyanshree School.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

The Railroad Station - Rishona Chopra

The best thing in children is probably their innocence and curiosity to explore. Their cute naughtiness can be annoying but is done so innocently!

In this chapter, Totto - Chan and her mother are going to a new school. Getting off the train at the Jiyugoaka Station, Totto-Chan was fascinated by the ticket collector's tickets. She wanted to be a ticket seller but at the same time a spy too!

Isn't it wonderful to see that children can be so imaginative and excited!

For me going to a new school is the worst thing! You have to make new friends, but for Totto-Chan, it is slightly different. She is a jolly person seeing the world with eyes filled with love and innocence! This chapter indirectly tells about her personality. 

How fun it would be to be a ticket seller who is really a spy?

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Friday, 10 December 2021

Courage - Avni Karmarkar


What does the word courage exactly mean? It means the ability to do something that frightens something or someone.

I am Avni Karmarkar going to tell you a story of a woman named “Virginia Hall.”

Once upon a time, there was a woman with a wooden leg. Her name was Virginia, and she called her leg Cuthbert. Though she walked with a limp, Virginia was amazingly determined. When the second world war broke out, she joined the British Special Forces and set off across the English Channel to help the France Resistance fight the Nazis.

Virginia was a master of disguise. One time, she pretended to be an elderly milkmaid. She dyed her hair grey, put on a long skirt, and shuffled along so that nobody could see she had a limp. She sent out secret radio messages telling the Allies about German troop movements. It was hazardous, and Virginia knew that she would be tortured and killed if she were discovered. But she carried on regardless.

As she was known, the limping lady was considered the most dangerous of all Allied spies. Nazi secret police put wanted posters all over France, but Virginia always stayed one step ahead of them.

Once, she almost died crossing the Pyrenees Mountains on foot in the middle of Winter. She Radioed a message to London: “Having trouble with Cuthbert.” They did not realize she was talking about her leg. “If Cuthbert is giving you difficulty,” they replied, “Have him eliminated!”

By the end of the war, The Limping Lady’s team was destroyed four bridges, derailed several freight trains, blown up a railway line, cut down telephone wires, and captured hundreds of enemy soldiers. Virginia was declared America’s most outstanding female spy and received a medal for her bravery.

Name: Avni Karmarkar

Grade: 5C

Billabong High International School, Thane

Good Schools Of India