Showing posts with label struggles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label struggles. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Reflections - Sunday School 1st September 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What were the words discussed today and how do they reverberate with you? 

3. I used to believe, that I am. 

4. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, the work we do at My Good School and helps us focus on Life-skills.

-From My Name Is Cinnamon-     

1. Don't you think math was invented to torture us?

2. What are UAO (Unattractive Academic Objects) according to you?

3. What are nicknames you use for someone and why?

4. Did you read any detective novels or know some famous detectives?  

5. Solve the following problem,' said Kadubole. 'Shashat has Rs 400. He spends 3/4 on sardines and 1/4 on prawns. 1 kg of prawns cost Rs 150 and 1 kg of sardines cost Rs 50. How many kgs of prawns and sardines does he buy? 

6. Does Cinnamon's life anecdotes resonate with you and how?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     


You can email your reflections to

We will read Chapter 28 - Burnout, from The Hidden Life Of Trees, next week.

Good Schools Of India