Showing posts with label students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label students. Show all posts

Thursday 5 September 2024

Happy Teacher's Day 2024

On Teacher's Day, Tanmay Gupta, a seventh-grader from Sunbeam Suncity School, and Naitik, a seventh-grade student at the same school, both express their gratitude to their teachers. They believe that teachers play a crucial role in shaping their lives and want to genuinely thank them for their patience and the knowledge they have shared. They also acknowledge their teachers' countless hours in helping them grow. They urge everyone to take a moment to remember their teachers' impact and express gratitude by genuinely thanking them. 

Yashraj, the Head Boy of the High School at Gyanshree Noida, is an intern at My Good School.


Friday 3 November 2023

Learning Forward with Dr Niti Rana

Coming Soon Learning Forward Podcast
with Dr Niti Rana, in conversation with Anvesha and Rishona

Dr Niti Rana is the founder of Rakshya Nepal, an organisation established in 2008 to address the issue of school bullying. Through her work, Dr Rana has significantly contributed to raising awareness about and combating school bullying in Nepal. Her organisation, Rakshya Nepal, works towards creating safe and inclusive learning environments for students by implementing anti-bullying programs and providing support to victims of bullying. Dr. Niti Rana's dedication and efforts have positively impacted the lives of many students in Nepal.

Read more in the book School Bullying: Peer Victimisation and How to Deal with It.

Saturday 17 June 2023

My visit to - Tenzin Jambey

After visiting the website, I found that the focus on the development of the thinking abilities of the students is the priority of My Good School, and it also focuses on the improvement of reading, writing and speaking skills of children. 

My Good School gives us a platform for sound learning, and its teaching is among the top schools. Instead, it teaches many life lessons and excellent morals, which would be helpful to till our last breath. 

On the website there is a picture of a book named My Good School which is a great book written by Sandeep Sir the book tells about the ways of making a good school better, a place where everyone can enjoy the teachings and learning. 

I think My Good School is teaching us many many lessons and gives messages that would prove productive in our future.
Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children’s Village India

Saturday 20 May 2023

My Graduation Day Experience - Tenzin Jambey

Middle School Khremeteng Tawang is located in a lovely place in Tawng district in Arunachal Pradesh, and it was a government school still; I never felt it like some people say about government schools. My old school was one-tenth of my Ann Mary School at Dehradun.

Middle School Khremeteng is a small school with a playing ground in the middle; during assembly hours, the rising sun scene used to be much like Paradise. The total strength of the students there was less than 100, and here in one class, students exceeded more than 100. I was so attached to my school, the teachers, friends, seniors, peon aunty and other staff. My love for my old school can not be expressed in words, people love thinking of the future, but it makes me feel good when I think of my past time. The school here at Dehradun is different from my old school in the way of teaching, the school environment, people's way of speaking, rules and regulations, and almost everything else. After seeing this week's reflection topic, the happy memories of my childhood in my old school flashed back. The name of my school is Govt. 

I hated the word Sunday and holiday then, but now I wait for Sunday; it proves everything changes with time. The starting time of school was 8:30, but I would reach at 7:00 and wait for everyone to come; it used to be fun spending time alone at school in the winter morning, and the cold breeze would make my body shiver. I would often take a page from my notebook and make an aeroplane out of it and watch it flying into the air; I still remember my math teacher, Rai sir, who would pull my ears till they turned red in colour for taring pages he would tell me the value of paper. Yes, it was a valuable lesson for me. 

The total strength of students at my new school is 1000+, and it is difficult to know and make everyone my friend, but I still remember the names and qualities of each student of my old school. Sometimes I feel like hugging my childhood friends and shedding happy tears. It was them who made my childhood days Wonderland. I will never forget the games we used to play marbles, matchbox cards, coins, 7 stamps, gilli danda, chor police, cock fight, hopscotch, hoop rolling and many more. At that time, we knew very little about mobile games and entertainment. We would entertain ourselves by saying filmy dialogues. It was a government school, as I said, that's why we used to get lunch meals on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and eat food with friends on the same plate friends in the same plate with raw chilli and chips packet was what I enjoyment really meant for me. 
Every teachers and peon aunty had a great love for us, and I loved the way they used to love and care for us. During those time, time really flew like a kite in the sky, and I didn't even realise that I had reached class 5 after the finals were over; one of my teachers told us that we needed to give a test and the students who will pass in an exam would be taken for a trip to Shillong, but this wasn't the actual case it was actually the selection test, the selection of students for Pestalozzi. After one month or two, I got a message that I got selected and had to say goodbye to my friends. 

On the last day, they all hugged me with all their power and strength as nobody knew whether we would meet again or not, and yes, it did happen; I still didn't get to contact my few friends. 

Their last word was, " Jambey make a cut in my hand, and it would serve as a friendship mark", and I told them ", it's not always necessary to let the world know how much you love somebody " I told them I would miss them and promised to never forget them.

This is the story of my graduation day experience at my old school. On the last day of school, all these memories kept distributing me till late at night; even now, when I see the word friends, their faces come back to my mind.

Tenzin Jambey, Pestalozzi Children's Villiage India

Friday 5 May 2023

Small things are big things - Tenzin Jambey

The tallest building in the world is made up of small pieces of bricks. Who said that small things don't make a difference? Yes, it does for me. It does make a difference. 

People become greedy and avaricious when it comes to achieving something; because of greed, we try to gain it at one grab; we think of something big and put all our efforts and hard work at once, but, at last, we are unable to get it. We fail to achieve it because we think a miracle will happen when we put all our energy at once, but it still needs to happen. 

Many students have a habit of studying at the last moment; they think that they would really work hard at the last moment and achieve to get good marks, but only those students who study from the very first day succeed in getting good marks. I genuinely agree that "little progress each day adds up to a big result," as I have experienced it. 

Even little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

Sunday 2 April 2023

Tolerance @ My Good School

My Good School Show Season 9 and Episode 14

Tolerance is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature. Tolerance stands tall to the open testimony that change is the only constant. Like Bruce Lee said, "Be water, my friend" we are all confirmed only for change, and change begins with Tolerance.
Join Anvesha and Simar as they explore Tolerance and dive into this beautiful conversation where Shilpika, Yashraj and Rishona express their take on being tolerant.

Anvesha Rana and Simar Kaur - Hosts from Gyanshree School
Rishona Chopra and Yashraj Sharma - Guests from Gyanshree School
Shilpika Pandey - Guest from My Good School
Cover art by Arav Agarwal of FIS International School Thane.

Enjoy our shows on
You will love the stories our students, teachers, and passionate educators share.
Please find out more about My Good School at

Thursday 24 November 2022

Respect - Tenzin Jambey

Respect means having inspiration, admiration, and high regard for someone because of their action, work, and achievement. In today's world, if we want to be respected by people, then our actions should awaken a feeling of motivation in them.

Respect is something that needs to be earned, but we should always be first to give respect to others. Then only we will be respected back.

As the world is changing, people's mindsets and ways of thinking are changing and transforming into a devil's mind. Nowadays, if we even respect someone, they don't respect us back. People only respect you for your position. In school, I see "once in a blue moon" students giving respect to the workers like sweepers, carpenters, guards, gatekeepers, etc.

In school, I have seen some students who don't even respect their teachers, who are like gods to us and always try to teach us good things. I have also noticed during assembly that the seniors don't listen to what the Principal sir is saying; they all seem lost in their own world.

Some people find it very difficult to learn and adopt good things, but they find it exciting and joyful to know the bad words, cursing words, wrong languages, and bad qualities.

We might think that the person who is beautiful and handsome or very attractive and good-looking is the one who is always respected, but, actually, only they are respected who work day and night to be a good person and always have a pure heart.

As students, we should always try to be calm children in the class. Although we are good students, our actions might be disrespectful to the teachers, which we don't get to know.

In today's world, even if we do our best to be respected by the people, it really doesn't matter to them. They only appreciate you if you have a  position. Millions of people say, "there should be equality, " but they don't do it. We should always respect someone not for their job but by thinking they are also human beings.

Tenzin Jambey

Shelja Thakur
Pestalozzi World Local Alumni Coordinator and Senior Student Liaison Officer

Wednesday 28 September 2022

My Good School Song

 My Good School song is here...

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The lyrics

My Good School is one year old this week!

In September 2021, Dr Ashok Pandey gave the whole program a fillip with the My Good School Dil Se show. After that, there was no looking back - Ahlcon Public School, Billabong Thane, Gyanshree Noida, The Doon Girls' School and The Fabindia School - as we found good schools to help spread the joy of learning. Today 435 individuals, teachers and students are part of the My Good School, and we promise they love it!

Joy Of Learning Program, Well-being Program, Happy Teachers, Slooh and Sportify all added values to the school curriculum of the partner schools.

To commemorate our first birthday, we will release the My Good School song soon; the lyrics are beautiful; wait for the release...on all podcast channels worldwide.