Showing posts with label studying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label studying. Show all posts

Monday, 26 June 2023

A cause that matters to me - Aria Gupta

Future. People say this word a lot of times nowadays. Everyone wants a promising future. It’s not like some students will come to their parents and say, “ Mom, Dad, I wanna be a failure”. But is it pulling an all-nighter every day just to study for some exam? Is it really worth studying seven hours a day and burning yourself out? Is it worth avoiding all sorts of fun just to prepare for the future?. I personally love having fun. I cannot imagine how a person survives without it. Fun is essential in life.

But why have fun when you can spend that time studying?

I’m not saying don’t study; it is beneficial. But fun makes you love life, and when you love life, it can motivate you to keep going even in the worst possible situation.

To sum it up, preparing for the future is good, but don’t burn yourself out. Have fun too.

Aria Gupta

Grade VI - A

Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Reflection topic – I am responsible for … Annaya Raj Gurung

 Reading with Jugjiv Sir

There are a lot of things I am responsible for like studying well, doing my homework on time, eating healthy, being nice and kind to the people around me. As the class monitor, I am responsible for minding the class when the teacher is not there, taking the copies down to the staffroom, bringing them back up and distributing the copies. My other responsibilities are to make my bed once I get up, wash my plate after I eat and help with the household chores. 

The most important responsibility I have is of myself, I am responsible for my thoughts and actions, I am responsible for the way I communicate and behave, I am responsible for my mistakes and to make sure I don’t repeat them and I am responsible for my well-being and happiness.


~Annaya Raj Gurung~

Grade IV 

Tashi Namgyal Academy, Gangtok

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Totto-chan: The Little Girl At The Window - Rishona Chopra

Totto-chan, you're great, 
You're someone with who I can relate,
You are kind,
You help the blind.
You are sweet,
You acted like you were meat!
You have amazing skills,
You bravely climb hills.
You wanted to be a ticket seller,
But you could even be a storyteller!
You want to be a spy and a musician,
You truly have a great ambition.
You're talkative and have so much to tell,
You're a great rebel.
I wish I were a bit more like you!
And that's true!
The school you go in,
It's so great, Where can I begin?
A unique school it is,
A bright shine it has,
No rules for studying or going in the pool,
It was truly so cool!
The headmaster was a musician,
And he had great ambitions!
He wanted students to learn with passion and fun,
He let the play in the gardens and run!
I wish I too went to this school,
There truly would be no strict rules!
They let students learn at their pace,
So that they learnt with grace.
They visited a hot spring at such a young age,
It kept them so engaged.
It is such a unique place,
It was something to embrace!
It was such a wonderful journey to be with you,
At first, you were new,
And  now everybody knows about you,
I wish I could be more like you!
Your school inspired me to embrace mine,
You are truly so kind!
I feel I could read about you again and again,
It'll remind me of the days when I was ten.
I love you, my friend,
Our friendship has no end!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School