Showing posts with label talking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talking. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Advice From An Owl - Rishona Chopra

Hello, my dear friends! I am an owl. Through all these years, I have been sitting right outside your window, looking and observing you. My family is out there, hearing each of your foolish conversations and looking out for those creative inventions of yours. Speaking of inventions, I must say, your inventions clearly show your witty evil brain. First, it was those nets and then it was those obnoxious guns. Why, do you have nothing better to do than to kill us?

Moving on, as I told you I have noticed you and I believe it's time I give you some inputs. First off, you humans speak too much. It is much better to listen trust me. Wherever you go, you keep talking; half of it is absolute nonsense. And even if you talk, you forget to hear. Many of you just hear the other person and don't really listen. You just stay quiet waiting for your turn to talk and running through your mind what you're going to say. My! That is quite disrespectful, isn't it! 

Second of all, you have made your life quite difficult. All you do is practically sleep all day. Nothing like what we do! You have robots doing your work, the autocorrect correcting your spellings and online dictionaries to tell you the meaning. And don't even get me started on your means of entertainment. Our owl community presents an entire dance for entertainment and all you do is just turn on your television and watch some overly dramatic shows on it. How many of you, go to watch classical dances for entertainment or have a cosy family night playing charades and cards? 

Television is quite fascinating, I must say. I also watch it from your balcony when the curtains are open but it's important to spend time with your family doing something fun together. 

Last but not least, you should always be prepared. Most of you are not prepared for change. Here's one owl rule you must know - Always be alert for your predator. And your predator is almighty change. It is something some of you never adapt to but remember change in constant and if there is no change life would be rather dull and boring!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Talking With Your Hands - Rishona Chopra

The deaf and dumb use sign language to communicate; that is, they communicate through their actions- through their hands. Sign language is a beautiful language; I think schools should start educating students, or better, students learn it themselves! You can just learn the basics like - thank you, how are you? Sorry, please, my name is and so on. To say my name is.. - "my "in American Sign Language (ASL), form a flat hand and touch your chest twice. To perform the sign "name ", stick out your index and middle finger of both hands.

Once, I went to a bookstore and saw one of their workers was speaking in sign language, I couldn't understand it, but it was great to see that he was communicating with someone who could say but knew sign language too. Just because one might not be able to speak, they still need someone to share their feelings with, just like we do.

Never let a thought shrivel and die
For want of a way to say it
For English is a wonderful game
And all of you can play it
All you do is match the words
To the brightest thoughts in your head
So that they come out clear and true
And handsomely groomed and fed-
For many of the loveliest things
Have never yet been said
Words are the food and dress of thought
They give it its body and swing
And everyone's longing today to hear
Some fresh and beautiful things:
But only words can free a thought
From its prison behind your eyes
Maybe your mind is holding now
A marvellous new surprise 
- Mary O' Nell

This poem is called "The Wonderful Words" by Mary O' Nell and tells about how we need a way to express ourselves because our mind holds a marvellous new surprise. For those who can't speak or hear, sign language enables them to see these great surprises their mind holds!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

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