Showing posts with label teamwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teamwork. Show all posts

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Real World Learning - Anvesha Rana


Real-World Learning and Reel World Learning are the sides of the same coin. Real Learning is necessary, but Reel Learning is what seems necessary. We cannot be aware of our education unless and until we are put in a situation to test our learning. Exams are the only way to test understanding these days, but there are numerous other ways to check our education. School Trips are an excellent way to assess students' global perspectives and core values.

Gathering in one place and deciding what to bring. The memories of dancing on the bus, eating on one plate and being friends with teachers are the recreations of my school trip. Schools trips may be educational, but they truly make learning fun!

Some trips are just unforgettable because they are lived full-heartedly with the best ones, and the best thing is that while coming back from these trips, we have an extra-large suitcase full of all the memories in our Hearts.

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 24 March 2022

The Annual Day at School - Anvesha Rana

The Annual Day at School is an occasion where we ignite the concealed explorer inside each child. Be it the sports day, the investiture ceremony or the theatrical performances. All these functions at school initiate children to think beyond the blue. Studies are not the only thing we go to school for; school is about friends, teachers, skills, sports, services and most importantly, Fun! 

If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. If we all love to go to school, then we will indulge in all the activities there, and by doing that only, we will be able to experience The School of Life. 

Annual Days have always been special to me. The teamwork by everyone to put up the show is evident in the performances, the zeal with which everyone performs is irreplaceable, and the sense of belonging to the school lasts forever. Annual Days are an excellent way to create mutual trust between the students. All the kids strengthen their bond and spark respect for their school by performing together. Annual Days should celebrate the community and promote the diverse cultures in the particular region.

The Annual Day should be one such day when the entire school comes together for a single cause. It should celebrate each student's creativity, uniqueness, interest, skills, and values as part of this colossal organization. A school without students is like memory without a picture. Students make up the school. Thus, it is vital that the students are happy. 

Anvesha Rana.
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Teamwork - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane

Once upon a time, three girls lived, named Kareena, Rina and Katrina. Kareena and Katrina would always fight. They would talk to each other only after solving their problems.

One day their sister Rina got kidnapped by a thief! It was upon them to save her; they searched and searched; after 4 to 5 hours, they found her in a dungeon, tied up with a granny knot to a pole, a tape piece on the mouth, hands, and legs tied tightly with rope. They both fought to open the granny knot; each one of them tried to open the knot but could not open it. So, they finally worked together. The knot was opened. They did the same with the other 2 knots. 

That’s how they found out the importance of teamwork. This shows that teamwork leads to better outcomes.

Name: Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Co-operation - Aanya Kumar

You must have heard the word “cooperation. What is cooperation? It is nothing but considering and accommodating the ideas of others, rather than only ours and respecting the same too. Cooperation is working with others and working as a team.

Here is a story on the importance of cooperation

One day an average businessman named Harish was heading towards his office. Hardly after one hour after he reached, his manager called him. He said, “Harish, there is a significant group project that I am making you in charge of. I hope there will be no problems. But if there is, please contact me.” Harish was a kind man and loved working in teams. But the thought of being the senior-most made him bossy and mean. His voice tone became demanding, and slowly his team members stopped liking him. He chose his best team member and made him do all the work. Not one was allowed to help him. There was no teamwork.

Harish proudly started presenting the work and told them it had been done by the best team member only. This statement astonished the manager. He talked to Harish in person. “Harish! I said it was a group project! This is what you call a group project?” But Harish had another perspective… “But sir… you wanted it to be the best, and that is the reason I did this.” “No, Harish! It was still a group project. Redo the project… and this time as a team!” This scolding taught Harish a lesson; he understood the work and effort of a single person could be further improved if they were performed in a group. This time, he encouraged every member for teamwork, respected their inputs, and reworked the entire project. Everybody gave their best and the presentation turned out impressive. All team members were remarked splendidly.

We all should learn this virtue of cooperation. It is essential to be a successful person.

Name- Aanya Kumar

Grade- V

School- Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India