Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Thinking and Writing


Writing isn't what you do after you have an idea. It's how you develop an inkling into an insight.  Turning thoughts into words sharpens reasoning. What's fuzzy in your head becomes clearer on the page.  "I'm not a writer" shouldn't stop you from writing. Writing is a tool for thinking.  
- Courtesy Adam Grant on Substack

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Thursday, 29 August 2024

Note-taking and Reflections - What is the difference?

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Reflection Sunday The 3rd November 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. MGI Book II Wheels of Learning Keep on Turning

Come on along:
Learn to recognize your state of mind. Know it by the feeling you are in.
When you focus attention, you will be aware of changes in your feelings.
This means you are naturally listening to your guide inside.
Helpful insights improve your feelings and natural motivation.

2. What do you think? Let’s talk about it…
“Sometimes it was only their thoughts that were making them unhappy and if they could understand…it would help make them feel well.” (Dear Liza)
How is this story like something you know?
Think of a time that you noticed your wheels of learning really turning.

3. Twinkle knows…
Sometimes it is only your thoughts that make you unhappy.
My guide inside helps me decide!
It is best to let the mind clear when you are confused.
Happiness is inside every one of us and keeps popping up.
Trust common sense.
Learning is easier when you feel joy in life.
     …Now you know, too!

4. Learn Power Words.

Make a story using these powerful words
confused-not clear
decision-a choice
grateful-feeling thanks
ignore-do nothing

5. Review Points of MGI Book II.
Explain how much you have discovered about yourself!
Your guide inside is always present. (aka, wisdom, intuition)
Thought is a gift and we have the choice of which thoughts to act on.
Insights help us know ourselves and understand our world.
Understanding thought and using insights makes life fun.   

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum that aligns with our work at My Good School and helps us focus on life skills.

From My Name Is Cinnamon-

1. What was your takeaway from today's session?
2. Is it good to hide from everyone to gain attention?
3. How will you help your friend who feels insecure?
4. Explain the aftermath of criticism.
5 Which was the best birthday gift you have received so far?
6. Which cuisine you would love to eat and why?
7. What will you do to help your parents if they are having a financial crisis?. 

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to -

Key Takeaways

  • Cinnamon struggles with his identity as an adopted child when faced with not getting a new bike due to financial constraints.
  • The importance of critical thinking and examining one's thoughts objectively was highlighted.
  • Friends play a crucial role in providing honest feedback and support during challenging times.
  • Gratitude and reflection were emphasized as tools for personal growth and perspective.


Story Discussion: Cinnamon's Bike Request

  • Cinnamon misinterpreted his parents' response to his bike request, assuming he would get it despite financial constraints.
  • The story explores the impact of assumptions and communication gaps between children and parents.
  • Participants discussed the importance of clear communication and managing expectations.

Adoption and Identity

  • Cinnamon's struggle with his adopted status intensified when he couldn't get the bike he wanted.
  • The story highlights how external factors (like not getting a desired item) can trigger deeper identity issues.
  • Participants explored Cinnamon's emotional journey and the importance of addressing adoption-related feelings openly.

Financial Literacy and Empathy

  • The story introduces concepts of financial constraints and cost-cutting measures within families.
  • Participants discussed the importance of children understanding family financial situations.
  • Empathy towards parents' financial decisions was highlighted as a key learning point.

Friendship and Peer Influence

  • The role of friends like Pally (offering honest feedback) and Sundar (negative influence) was analysed.
  • Participants discussed the importance of choosing friends wisely and handling negative peer interactions.

Emotional Regulation and Critical Thinking

  • Cinnamon's spiral into negative thoughts was examined as a cautionary tale.
  • The importance of stepping back and examining thoughts objectively was emphasised.
  • Gratitude was suggested as a tool for maintaining perspective during challenging times.

Next Steps

  • Participants are encouraged to write reflections on the story and share them.
  • Students should prepare for the upcoming retreat, which promises fun activities and surprises.
  • Continue reading the next chapters of "My Name is Cinnamon" for further discussion.
  • Apply lessons learned about critical thinking and gratitude in daily life.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Trust keeps the world going - Rishona Chopra

What keeps the world going? Love, friendship, humanity, happiness? I believe its trust that keeps this world going. This trust isn't trusting someone with your secrets or your belongings. It isn't restricted to our trust in a bank to keep our money. It isn't our trust to share something with someone but rather our trust in life. Like how a bird waits for the day of its flight, simply trusting that there will be a tomorrow. Like how we plan our life, our schedules, our meetings because we simply trust that we'll be healthy and happy tomorrow. 

It's this blind trust in life that keeps us going. We never think of how we may not give our exam tomorrow because the sun may never rise, the world may end, we may not be alive. Why don't we question this? Because we trust that life will go on the way it always goes. The sun not setting isn't impossible - it's simply our trust in the sun - to always rise. 

This trust is something which is so natural and so important that we never realize that its trust that keeps the world going. And it cant be lost because if this trust is lost, we shall spend our lives worrying about god knows what. And worry never did anyone any good. While this trust is so vital, its as vital to know that it is trust in the end that keeps us going because it teaches us one of the most important lessons of life - To live in the present and to focus on NOW, not THEN. 

It's no good planning our life ahead because what about what life has planned for us? This doesn't mean you cant be more organised of course but all it means is that we musn't let the future overpower the present. Because the power to be in the present is the greatest of all because it lets us live life and if in this life, we don't live to the fullest, then what are we doing?

Rishona Chopra
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School 

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Reflections - Sunday School 1st September 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What were the words discussed today and how do they reverberate with you? 

3. I used to believe, that I am. 

4. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, the work we do at My Good School and helps us focus on Life-skills.

-From My Name Is Cinnamon-     

1. Don't you think math was invented to torture us?

2. What are UAO (Unattractive Academic Objects) according to you?

3. What are nicknames you use for someone and why?

4. Did you read any detective novels or know some famous detectives?  

5. Solve the following problem,' said Kadubole. 'Shashat has Rs 400. He spends 3/4 on sardines and 1/4 on prawns. 1 kg of prawns cost Rs 150 and 1 kg of sardines cost Rs 50. How many kgs of prawns and sardines does he buy? 

6. Does Cinnamon's life anecdotes resonate with you and how?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     


You can email your reflections to

We will read Chapter 28 - Burnout, from The Hidden Life Of Trees, next week.

Monday, 27 May 2024

True Happiness is living in the present - Rishona Chopra

We spend our time, thinking relentlessly, 
Thinking about possibilities endlessly. 
What is to come? What had happened? 
These questions cloud us day and night. 
Thinking about the future and the past, 
All about what has passed. 
In this vast world, we forget,
That we haven't touched the present yet.
All forgotten about who we are,
We start thinking of the far.
Yes, we must learn from the past, 
But not live in what has passed. 
A wise person is content with their lot, 
Not wishing for what they have not. 
Being lost in hopes and fears, 
Doing the same for years and years. 
True happiness isn't in these wishes and wants, 
Not in these useless thoughts. 
Never do we enjoy what we have,
With the future, we always began.
It's to live in the present that is the true art, 
It's what really pleases the heart. 

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VIII
Gyanshree School 

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

The Seer and the Seen - Rishona Chopra

Photo by
The question about who we really are often bugs me. Who are we? Are we the mind? The body? Or are we the soul? 

There is a simple philosophy to finding this out. "The Seer Is Not The Seen". If I am seeing a plant, that means I am not the plant. So I, the seer, am not the plant (the seen). Now, I can see my body, that also means that we are NOT our body. We know our feelings and thoughts so in a way we can see our thoughts. But if we can see our thoughts that means we are not our thoughts so if we are not the body and not the mind, who are we? 

We are the conscious; our soul. But is my soul different from yours? No, we are all the same conscious and have the same guiding lights within us. We are only so different in our thoughts and body but we are all the same. 

The "God" we look for in temples and photos is within us. Our conscious and guiding light is God. Going by the definition, God is the creator and the light within us, in fact, the creator is the very reason for our existence. God is not living on Jupiter and noting our deeds in his long register. It's a power within us and that's what makes humans so special. We have the power to choose and to create. 

Let us take the example of two pots kept in a room. In that room air flows. Both pots also enclose air in them. But can we see that the air in one pot is different from the other? No, not at all. The air in both of them is just the same. Can we also say that the air enclosed within the pot is the "pot's air" alone? The same air is enclosed in the room too. 

Similarly, consciousness is one, but we assume each has a different soul by looking at different thoughts and looks. But the soul in each is the same and one. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII 
Gyanshree School

Saturday, 26 August 2023

There are many dimensions to every person - Tenzin Jambey

Picture Courtesy:

"We people don't look at the things how they are but we look at them how we think". An object or a thing stays how they are! But people look at them from a different perspective. 

Once, a teacher asked two students while showing a picture of a mountain - "What do you see?" The first one said, "It's just a mountain." The other one said, "It's not only a mountain but also a home for the birds that sing and the animals that spend their time playing around." The teacher was surprised to hear about the two different thoughts. 

We humans have the same physical attributes. We all have two hands, two legs, one heart, etc. But the brain, being one, has a different way of functioning. And everyone on this earth has a different mentality. The good thing is that everyone has special knowledge, which will make the future a better place. 

If we look from a positive side, we will see that having diverse dimensions in every person has resulted in the working of our society. Neither every person wants to become a doctor, nor every person wants to become a pilot. 

Therefore, our dimensions have led to the development of our economy and society. Our different thoughts and views are different from each other but not separate. They are inter-connected with each other. 

Finally, it is always a great experience to listen to the other people. And it also helps us to understand the working system differently. We all get different knowledge from different fields of science, art, music, politics, etc.. Interacting with the new people with new thoughts is always a wonderful experience.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Does believing help escape the person out of negativism? - Tenzin Norsang

Picture Courtesy:

A wise man once said, and he said it so well - 
“Believing in one’s self is the essential key and necessity if one wants to achieve and acquire higher and greater goals in one’s life.”

The person who believes in himself has the ability and the capability to conquer anything. Robin Sharma said, and I quote - 
“Your mind is a good servant but a tyrannical leader.” 

A person who has faith in himself is one who has mastered the art of controlling his mind. He who believes in himself - has been bestowed with the power that has the intensity to change the world.

What are negative thoughts?
Negative thoughts are thoughts which are pessimistic and demotivating in nature. Such thoughts create a feeling of unrest and doubt in oneself. 

When do such thoughts pop up in our minds?
Such thoughts cloud our minds during the disturbing and dark times in our lives. During such a phase in our life, we doubt our abilities, skills and capabilities, but most of all, we mistrust ourselves, which creates a hindrance that obstructs and blocks our way from achieving our goals. 

In this life course, if someone wants to overcome such thoughts, he should have faith and believe in himself. Many people in today's world are facing and going through tough times. 

When someone's life is shadowed by darkness, he has two choices. Either he could be the one who curses the darkness. Or he could be the one who lights a candle amidst the darkness. Here, 'lighting the candle amidst the dark' - is symbolic of self-belief and driving out all your negative thoughts and emotions from your mind and body. 

Thus, Believing in oneself means self-assurance and motivating oneself throughout difficult times. 

Self-belief transforms a person into being willing, pressure-resilient, confident, peaceful, and the master of one’s mind. He demonstrates the “Never give up” attitude till the end, whatever the unfolded result is. 

Believing in oneself automatically leads to the expulsion of negative thoughts and assists him in escaping out of it.

Tenzin Norsang
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Does believing help escape the person out of negativism? - Tenzin Nyesel

Picture Courtesy:

Does believing in one help escape the person out of their negative thoughts?

I believe that. 

Sometimes trusting or having faith in one helps to come out of that difficult situation in our mind. It might even free your mind when you have someone beside you to give you that positive vibe. 

I have been through this situation many times - where you feel that you don't have self-love, self-confidence and self-respect towards yourself. 

But having someone with whom you can share all your innermost fears and ideas can heal those negative thoughts. It frees you from thoughts which have been bugging you in daily life. 

Tenzin Nyesel
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

Monday, 21 August 2023

Why Does My Voice Matter? - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Picture Courtesy:

My voice matters because 'I matter'. 

I want my voice to matter to all. My voice is purely the interpretation of my thoughts. And it resonates with my soul's reflection on what my body and my mind are going through. It fabricates all of my emotions, opinions, beliefs and desires. It unfolds one by one like the onion peels layer by layer, taking physical form, and I turn my thoughts into reality. 

My voice raises my apprehensions. And sometimes, it unravels my reality. It often unleashes the truth of my core. It lets me stand tall with my head held high.

My voice has been raised on innumerable instances - whenever my existence was questioned; whenever my presence was neglected; whenever my efforts were made meaningless; whenever my credibility was shaken. 

It is not that I raise my voice only if I am overlooked. I am also vocal when it comes to my loved ones' well-being. I also voice it whenever it is a matter of my faith. When it comes to my nation, I never lose the opportunity to take a stand and vote my opinion. That is my karma.

So, it matters how I use my voice.

Do I use my voice to manipulate others?

Or Do I use it to spread negativity and cuss at them, or do I use my voice to show gratitude, express love and use words of kindness and comfort for others?

That is what matters. 

No matter what you say or how you use your voice, it does make a difference. 

If you choose to be flippant and hurtful, it shall harm the people around you for the time being, but ultimately it shall come back to you since then, no one shall want to be friends with you and will start eviting you. Thus, your voice will eventually lose all its meaning, and at last, it will not matter anymore.

However, if you use your voice otherwise, then it shall be reciprocated with pleasure, and you will receive more happiness since now you have learned how to appreciate the things that you have.
When you learn to love yourself, you will start feeling confident. And also deflect people with remorse in their voices. In return for all the good that we do, we receive good, too. 

We should learn to trust that our voices matter because then we can present ourselves and our ideas in the most captivatingly confident manner.

As citizens of this world, we should keep exploring ourselves and honing our skills. We avoid questioning each of our beliefs. We work and focus on embarking on and strengthening the flourishing ones and eliminating the detrimental and deteriorating ones. 

Voicing our thoughts in an upright manner brings a difference in our life. It sharpens the outlook of a wider diaspora commendably. That is how the changes brought in mundane tasks and procedures. That is how the laws are made. That is how the amendments are brought into reality, bringing brimming smiles to the downtrodden section of society. 

Each voice does matter as it facilitates the formation of a powerful road map and vital development of one's nation and ensures accomplishment. Let us have some faith in our worth and keep believing that we all are worthy by simply existing and being ourselves. 

In the end, I would conclude with a famous quote from Steve Jobs that says - 
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.
That is all which matters. As human beings, our voices deserve a hearing. Since we are always looking forward to improved facilities and lifestyles for humans living on this planet, and in this process, we can only achieve the best with communication and collaboration whilst having mutual respect.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Class- 9 || Ahlcon Public School

Monday, 24 July 2023

"APPRECIATION" - Geetankshi Tamta

Small word, huh? Sure is, but it holds a tremendous meaning.

Appreciation- A feeling or expression of admiration or gratitude. 

Is that it? I don't think so. 

We often describe 'appreciation' as a core value. When in reality, it's a habit.

Yup! You read it right. Appreciation is not a value. It's a habit which you have to practice daily. 

Now You must be wondering why you should practice appreciation? Shouldn't it come from the heart?

Well, yes, my wonderful readers, you are right. It should come from the heart. But for that too, you must be conscious enough to realize the good things happening around you. In a world full of negativity, consciously and willingly choosing to look at the bright side of everything is what makes appreciation a habit.  

To appreciate something, you should take the time and patience to realize its value, whether it's an opportunity, a thing, or even a person. You can't appreciate a three-course meal you get each day unless you stop complaining about the taste of the food or about how much you hate potatoes. And take time to realize how blessed you are to receive that meal. You won't be able to appreciate your friend's efforts if you won't stop complaining about their bad jokes or loud laugh. Take time and appreciate them for their companionship and support. Instead of being upset with your mother for not buying you that colour box, try appreciating her for her kindness and love for you.

The world can be a whole different place if everyone starts appreciating each other for all the good things they do instead of complaining about their faults; we have to be conscious of actions to make appreciation a habit.

And as Mahatma Gandhi said- 

Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny. 

So, let's start it today. From now on, each day take a few minutes from your day to sit alone. And with a deep breath, think of all the amazing things and people you can appreciate in your life. Trust me. It will make a huge difference [in a wonderful way]. 

P.S.- It is my first-ever blog.

Written by-

Geetankshi Tamta

(Brand, PR & Marketing Agent at My Good School)